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Everything posted by SilvrT

  1. I change my oil once a season in the scoot. As far as oil getting "black", crap, it gets black shortly after you change the oil... the color of the oil doesn't have any thing to do with its viscosity level and it's when the viscosity of the oil breaks down when it's going to cause problems. Today's oils are designed to maintain their viscosity much longer than years ago (when it was recommended to change at 3000 miles). My personal feeling is that if anyone is changing their oil every 3000 miles under normal operation, then hey, it's your money to waste but I'm not going to waste mine.
  2. LOL, it would seem to me that shifting from 4th to 5th at 31mph would cause the engine to lug severely which would IMO, cause more damage than do good. Drive it normally but don't keep it at a set rpm for extended periods.....and you may want to look at this... http://motorcycleinfo.calsci.com/Consumables.html and this... http://www.mototuneusa.com/break_in_secrets.htm
  3. Well, you're in the right place as "confused" is a prerequisite to be here
  4. :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
  5. how's this for smart alec remark.... change it at 4000 and again at 8000 and then you're adhering to both versions of the manual. :sign20:
  6. Further to my above comments... and I'm just rambling again coz I have nothing else to do .... Suppose you own a Heating business and you're a dealer for a specific brand of home heaters. You install a number of these heaters but over the years, they've constantly caused problems between you, your customer, and the manufacturer. The problem is an incessantly noisy fan. The manufacturer has provided very little support other than a special lube and a balancer but even with that, in most cases it doesn't fix the problem completely. Over the years you've lost many customers over this and have spent hours upon hours trying to rectify the problem to the customer's satisfaction to the point that it has cost you a lot in lost income. Unfortunately though, you're stuck to using this brand of heater. Finally you give up and instead of trying to fix a problem that isn't fixable, you begin telling your customers "hmmm yeah... it's a bit noisy but there's nothing wrong with it... that's how they sound... you'll have to get used to it". And you go on your merry way to the next customer having spent little or no time dealing with this problem. Even though the customer doesn't like it, he accepts it -OR- he gets tired of it and starts looking for ways to fix it himself -OR- he gets on the blower with the manufacturer who then gets in touch with you and gets you to install the special lube and balancer. The odds are that out of all the customers you "put off", 1 in 10 will do this. so that's 9 that you didn't have to spend any time with trying to fix an unfixable problem. OK...enuf rambling... LOL
  7. Just a comment about this... these 2nd gen's are now what...8 years since the first one? ... One would think that since this problem has been popping up, here and there, over the years, as often as it appears to have been, that MOST dealers would be AWARE of it and have had at least SOME experience with it. I mean, even if only selling 2 or 3 RSV's a year (and they must have sold equal as many RSTD's), surely the odds are that they (the dealer) would have come across this clutch whine issue at least ONCE in those 8 years. Further, if they haven't (or say they haven't as in playing dumb), surely in communications with other dealers (which they all do at one time or another) they would have heard about it. Additionally, by playing dumb about an issue that they know cannot be 100% rectified...maybe even not 50% rectified in all cases...by playing dumb they "pass the buck" because the customer (us) get's PO'd and goes elsewhere or we just accept what we been told and either ride it or sell it or try and fix it ourselves. These dealers talk and when such an issue comes up, they jointly and secretly agree to "play dumb". They're probably complaining to each other and Yamaha about how much of a hassle this "clutch whine" is and since Yamaha isn't stepping up to the table, the dealers play dumb with the customer, or in some way, put us off. Sorry, I'm rambling here but there's probably some truth in this somewhere?
  8. without a "no wobble" choice, then all the ones that didn't choose anything are the one's without the wobble..... :think: (hmmmm ... wonder how many there are?????)
  9. Kit... I'm at work... I have a boring job...well, the job itself isn't boring ...it's just that I don't generally have a lot to do. I run a computer network for a small inbound call operator company. Everything is running smoothly and about all I generally have to do is some daily monitoring which doesn't take very long. It's one of those kind of positions where they don't really need a full-time person on-site but their bound by their contract to have one. So, I lucked out... great way to spend the last few years working before retirement. N-E-Wayz, it gives me a lot of time to razz people in here LOL
  10. duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... do ya gotsta put em back on? gawd...I'm peein myself laffin here!
  11. Good instructions... what about the DOT labels? Also, use a tac cloth right after wiping with acetone to get rid of any dust particles.
  12. The drain plug is underneath the water pump on the bottom of the pump housing.
  13. 2 speed whitewalls I used to work in a fishing camp when I was in my teens and in my greens... they sent me to the "stores" to get a long wait for one of the guides. The stores keeper said "wait here...I'll go get it"... so I waited and waited and waited.... Man did I get heckled over that one!
  14. I'll be even more impressed if he has a computer an knows how to use it!
  15. I got a quote of $700 if I prepped all the parts so that all they had to do was shoot the base / clear.
  16. Looking again... yes, the red lettering with the black shadowing is hard to look at. Try IMPACT font with no shadowing. Or maybe some other font such as THIS or THIS or THIS
  17. IMHO, insurance companies are gonna try and get away with as little expense as possible towards a claim coz they will never make any money otherwise. It's always all about the "bottom line". Having said that, they will make a ridiculously low offer if they decide to write it off which most likely they will because the cost of the repairs will probably be more than their determined write off value. DON'T ACCEPT IT! Do everything you can to get them to either fix it or pay more for writing it off. I'd also go see a doctor coz you must have gotten some kinda hurt and get a lawyer who will work for you without a retainer. SUE the crap outta the other guy's insurance co.
  18. On my '85 I had similar noise...seemed to be coming from the water pump yet I replaced the pump and no change. On my '87 I get a noise at idle when the clutch is pulled in but as soon as I let the clutch out, the noise disappears. Funny thing about that tho, it doesn't always do it. Frankly, I learned to live with the noises these 2 scoots make coz nothing seems to fail on them. Guess it's kinda like the old Triumphs and BSA's... they rattled like crazy as if the engine was going to blow apart yet nothing happened...that's the way they were....ya gotta live with it (in most cases).
  19. Well, it appears to be pretty well laid out to me. Simple, clean, effective... IMHO, that's what makes a good website.
  20. Can't asnwer that Q but I never had any wobble or weaving or shaking issues on my '85 either. My '87 has a problem but it only seems now to be when riding single at higher speeds.... 160km/hr & up. Riding double is not problem. When riding single and I'm into the wobble, if going straight I just hold my knees out and it stabilizes it. Won't mess with the wobble in a turn so don't take it that fast. I suspect there's some geometry difference between 83-85 & 86 up as it appears most pre-86's don't have any wobble issues.
  21. 'nuther thought... the past 3 bikes I've owned all had in excess of 100,000 Km's on them during the time I rode them. My '85 had over 160k...that's 100,000 miles! ...when I sold it. Let's face it, most cars/trucks with that kind of mileage require as many repairs and maintenance as out scoots do.
  22. Condor, I totally understand what you're saying and for some people, that's ok. Personally, I like "tinkering" but I can honestly say that both my '85 and this one ('87) for the most part, required not much more than normal servicing. For the most part, I could hop on them and ride anywhere. That being said, one would think that a newer scoot, say around 2003 would require less tinkering. It seems to me that many of us who ride are a) overly fussy & b) perfectionists. Seems to me that in some cases, we "dream up" things to tinker with and we don't necessarilly follow the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" philosophy. Bikes are not like cars. We ride them during the "season" and in the off-season, we tinker with them. Cars, on the other hand, are in many cases, just transportation from point A to B. I've also read all the stuff about the various problems with the 2nd gens but that hasn't put me off enough to not consider one to replace my '87. In fact, a 2nd gen is on the top of the list. Just like 1st gen's, there are as many 2nd gens that are problem free as there are those with various "issues". My goal when I go searching is to find one of the "problem free" ones. Regardless of my opinion, you gotta do what feels right for you.
  23. Just wanted to add my 3 cents... I hear so often in here about someone's displeasure with a dealer. I've experienced it myself. What I've chosen to do is either do the repair myself or take it to a non-dealer bike repair shop. Might be hard to find one that has a mechanic that knows Yamaha Ventures but I found one and it was sure worth it coz they really want your business. Of course, if it's warranty related, then one has no choice.
  24. ANGLE grinder ... and it's a good idea to NEVER go ANAL with one!
  25. Yep, and our government keeps letting them in (the nuts)... GeorgeS is a bit more "diplomatic" (rich folks from foreign countries) Most of them speak Mandarin, Cantonese, or some other such language.
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