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Everything posted by SilvrT

  1. Glad to hear you're on the mend and your lady is so supportive. Funny the conditions some of us are in when we pop the question. For me, it was my birthday and I was suffering a terrible hangover from the party the night before....my lips were quivvering, my voice was shaky, the words didn't come out right...... but it worked! Congrats to ya and a speedy trip to that dance floor!
  2. uhhhhhh... red is usually positive...black is usually negative.... isn't it?
  3. hey... I value my life!!! ain't no way I'm gonna tell her she's a "bag of wheat" .... (not out loud at least) :rotf::rotf:
  4. hey duke... that depended on which province ya were in... BC had lots of them but you wouldn't see them in Alberta... was a bad omen or something to them LOL I still have some of the old 1 & 2 dollar bills somewhere...maybe some day they will be worth something LOL
  5. I do or have done that as well... I prefer the looney and twooney coins for this reason because it makes it so easy to "save up" a "good chunk of change". We generally let it build until holiday time, then sit down and roll it all up and take it to the bank to exchange for bills or just deposit it. A bit off topic all of this is but ..... We live in a house that has a 1 bdrm suite in the basement. The heat & light (utilities) are shared...we pay 2/3 and the tenant down there pays 1/3. I get the bill, divvy it up and he pays me cash... I stick that into a cash box and save it up also for holidays. Between that and the coins, it really adds up!
  6. now don't you be puttin down our currency ... I'm proud to associated with "Looney Twooneys" :sign20:
  7. Here's one that "escapes" me! Years ago, change was pennies, nickels, dimes, and the odd 50 cent piece and sometimes if you were lucky, a "silver dollar". That was all considered "coins". Everything from a dollar up was a bill. Then they came out with the Loonie which replaced the $1 bill. Now we have the Twoney wich replaces the $2 bill. From my perspective, it's all "COINs".... as a guy, I put my coin in my pocket and my bills in my wallet. OK, so the thing I don't "get" is why, when a clerk is handing your change back to you, do they include the Looneys and Twooneys with the bills and hand it back separately from the rest of the change.... or, and this is another one that frustrates me to no end... they place the bills in your hand first and then plunk the change on top....and if ya aren't paying attention, the danged changes slides right off!! ..... now, if they were to count the change out backwards (like it was done in the "old" days), the coins would go into your hand first and then the bills and at that time you could easilly switch hands for them to put the bills into, slip the change into your pocket and be ready to put the bills into your wallet. Kindof a small thing I guess but it is just one of those "things" that add a level of frustration.
  8. good one!
  9. Interestingly enuf, I actually knew most of that....for some reason, when I was in school learning geography, they taught us more about the USA and the rest of the world than they did about Canada. PLUS, all them western movies I've watched have been a major factor in broadening my knowledge of such topics!!
  10. Which directly translates to "THE MEXICAN UNITED STATES" .... hhmmmmmmmm isn't Texas included in that? check this out... http://www2.worldlingo.com/en/products_services/worldlingo_translator.html
  11. I emailed the government...here's their response. Mr. xxxxx, Identification requirements, for domestic US flights, may vary from airline to airline. Therefore, please contact an airline of your choice to determine exact identification requirements for flifhts within the United States. Regards, Emergency services Division / Direction des services d'urgence (CNE/KK) Consular Affairs Bureau / Direction générale des Affaires consulaires Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade / Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce International 125 prom. Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0G2 Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada Tel 1 800.387.3124 or/ou 613.996.8885 Fax 613.943.1054 Email/Courrrier sos@international.gc.ca
  12. I'm starting this thread because the other one is getting so long and because I have a specific question. We know 2 things are true... 1. If we fly to the US, we need a passport. 2. If we drive to the US we DO NOT need a passport. So, IF we drive to the US, can we then hop a plane (in the US) and fly to somewhere else WITHIN the US without a passport? Has anyone done this?
  13. I bought a pair for my '85 back around 2000...seems to me I recall paying around $400.
  14. WE have become the adults our parents warned us about!
  15. Jeff... nothing... but nothing will cause you or anyone else to stop smoking if ya don't put your mind to it. At least that's my feeling and for me, it's working but keeping focused mentally is not always an easy task. It's like you have to have this other "little voice" inside your brain telling you stuff (LOL... skitso's have that all the time). When you get the urge to have a smoke, somehow the voice tells ya... "NO". The pills are only there to assist and cut down on the number of occurences of the need for the little voice LOL gawd... I think I'm going crazy...gimme a smoke!! NO!
  16. yes, it does have side effects, that being one of them but not everyone experiences the same side effects or to the same degree. I rarely feel sick to my stomach unless I've eaten a lot of spicey stuff. One of the other side effects is dreams... normally I don't dream...or at least I don't remember them. Since taking Champix (funny that it's spelled differently in Canada), I've been dreaming like crazy...most are quite vivid. That doesn't bother me. Too bad you had to pay so much. I have a prescription plan through my wife's medical insurance. It costs me only $19 per package of 2 weeks supply.
  17. I would wait to see what improvements/changes there are. Chances are there will still be some new 2008's available when the 2009 comes out (assuming 2009 will see a 3rd gen)
  18. Kewl... that's great hank... I thought about a pipe...even smoked one many years ago (was more of a novelty) but I've just come to the point where I don't even like the taste of tobacco anymore....even those flavoured cigarillos. ummmmm...what kind of pipe tobakky ya usin?
  19. If neither is a problem, then I challenge you to leave it.
  20. Funny... I recall saying those exact words..."I'll never quit..." Yes, please... do tell how good they are!
  21. Interestingly enuf, Webster's is from the USA... Webster's Dictionary is the common title given to English language dictionaries in the United States, derived from American lexicographer Noah Webster. Wikipedia... American may mean: A person or attribute of the United States of America A person or attribute of the Americas, the lands and regions of the two continents of the Western Hemisphere A person or attribute of the indigenous peoples of the Americas
  22. Kewl... I went there and "did my thing". I'm just going into my 5th week as a non-smoker! It's great!
  23. "public" ..... what is the meaning of that word when it is associated to urinating? Are you in "public" if you're standing in a back alley and no one else is around? Are you in "public" if you're standing on the side of a highway in the middle of the desert and you can see 10 miles in any direction that there is no one else around? If you are, then why is standing at urinals next to 4 other guys in a men's room not considered public?
  24. This may be a convoluted idea but it's coming from my brain so that should be enuf explanation LOL. It's my feeling that the reason the Microsoft OS is so prone to viruse's, spyware, etc, etc is because the whole bunch of them are in cahoots with each other. Microsoft, the anti-virus program companies, the developers of viruses & spyware, the developers of spyware removers, the developers of Windows "cleanup" utilities, etc, etc. They are all "connected" because they have found a way to get rich off us unsuspecting consumers. As far as I'm concerned, the whole bunch of them are the biggest organized "crime" syndicate there is and they are all ripping us off and doing it legally! Am I the only one who thinks this way?
  25. Yes, sorry to be hijacking the thread -but- One might say I'm the exception to the rule but I don't think so. I've had my PC for 6 yrs. I've only upgraded 2 things... the hard drive (coz I needed more room) and the video card (coz I needed more power for certain games). Other than that, it's still rippin along, is still quite fast, and I have no plans to replace it. I chose an AMD processor instead of Intel and I am very pleased. As for the cost, the original unit (excluding monitor, keyboard, mouse) was $1074 including Windows XP pro. Some might think that a bit expensive but I had it custom built and chose a very high-end motherboard. Working with PC's all the time, I have seen many, many systems still in use after 5 or 6 yrs and many of those have not had any upgrades. There's nothing wrong with PC's per se`... where the big problem is, is with Microsoft's operating system. One thing I have noticed though and that is that Windows XP has outlasted all other Microsoft OS's coz it's still available on new PC's and still supported and having had experience with every version including Vista, I would choose XP any day. sorry for rambling....
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