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Everything posted by SilvrT

  1. I concur with the other posts.... get it reupholstered. I had this same problem on my '85 ... absolutely nothing seemed to get rid of this "GOO" ... and it kept getting worse. Seems to me the material the seats are covered with was breaking down. I had my seat and passenger backrest professionally redone for $150 and it was a real good job in 2 tone brown/tan. Really made the scoot look good too.
  2. gotcha... but... wouldn't putting a K&N in be cheaper in the "long run"? How often does one change the stock air filter? I had my '85 for 6 years and now my '87 I've had...this will be the 3rd year. I guess it all depends on the length of time one keeps their scoot ... amount of riding (miles) ... etc, etc
  3. I don't "get it" .... why go to all this trouble .... what's the difference? (or have I missed the point?) I use a K&N in this bike and had one in my '85. All I ever did is clean it occasionally. Since both bikes came with the K&N in them when I bought them, I haven't spent a dime.
  4. How fortunate you are to only be complaining about a wobble when riding with no hands..... geeeesh!!!
  5. OH??? They were on my '85 but sure aren't on my '87
  6. I would (assuming he's gonna sell it for a reasonable price) and there's no "real" shortage of parts, depending on what part you needed of course. The dealers will try and scare ya away coz they don't want to have to work on it.
  7. nope... version 8 is out now http://free.avg.com/ww.download-avg-anti-virus-free-edition
  8. dang.... good thing I haven't started up my new used parts store called "Good Vibrations" yet (someone might think....) .... but that was supposed to be for HD parts .... I never imagined having Yammie parts too!
  9. That SOMETIMES works but if the virus is into any of the files Windows loads or calls when loading (which is often the case) or if it's into any of the application files that you load, rebooting in safe mode and rolling back won't help at all.
  10. There's tax on that????
  11. how DARE YOU put me (a Canadian) in the same group as them!!!
  12. I asked about "take-offs" at one of our Harley dealers... they told me they keep them and sell them as if they were new whenever a bike is in an accident and is being repaired. Definately they wouldn't sell them cheap.
  13. This was mentioned some time ago in a related post by another member... thought I'd reiterate it. Don't rely totally on your tire gauge... try 1 or 2 others .... you may well find that the one you been using is off a little or a lot.
  14. ummmmmmmm.... I'm biting my tongue here... REAL HARD .... :sign20:
  15. That's exactly how I look at it in my shop!
  16. I use the clutch starting, stopping, downshifting, and from 1st to 2nd 100% of the time. I shift without it from 2nd to 3rd to 4th to 5th appx 75% of the time. I've been doing it this way for years and over 5 different scoots. I find shifting without the clutch very easy whether you're cranking it on or just easilly going up thru the gears. It also makes a HUGE difference when having a "drag race" with some other biker especially when they don't shift without the clutch. Never had tranny problems and my clutches last forever ...
  17. hmmmmmm... so, are you saying your virus programs weren't up-to-date or are you saying that even if you have up-to-date virus programs and firewalls, you can still become infected??? (just ribbin ya) I also am a network admin and although I don't manage as many systems as you do, I can say that my shop has not had an infection in the 2 years I've been here (touch on wood). We use Symantec Corporate and we subscribe to Anti-virus & Spyware service thru our firewall supplier.
  18. If I sent everything to "all my friends" that I got telling me to do that, I'd soon not be sending anything coz "all my friends" would be ZERO. Ya might want to check this out.... http://www.hoax-slayer.com/mail-server-report-hoax.shtml
  19. Never lived or been to the east coast; however, I've lived in every province from Ontario to BC at one point or another during my life. BC is my home and all I can say is .... it's the most spectacular with the widest variety of scenery there is IMHO. Happy CANADA DAY! yeeaaahhhhhhhhh it's sunny and warm and I'm gonna go burn up some blacktop! (as soon as Nina gets herself in motion that is LOL)
  20. Before I replaced my Avon Venom X rear tire last summer I had a bad whine on right hand turns...the more I leaned, the louder the whine (and it wasn't Nina LOL) ... put a new tire on (same kind) **poof** whine gone... -BUT- now that I've put a few miles on the new one... whine is back. I know it ain't the bearings or axle or anything else coz I checked all that last year before replacing the tire.
  21. glad to help... as the old saying goes... 4 eyes are better than 2 (or was that 2 heads are better than 1...??) LOL
  22. have you seen this one? http://cgi.ebay.ca/83-93-Yamaha-Venture-XVZ1200-XVZ1300-Chrome-Trunk-Rack_W0QQitemZ170232367169QQihZ007QQcategoryZ35589QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  23. I have never tried the ABS glue method simply because I wouldn't trust it's strength and here's why.... when bonding ABS piping, you're applying the glue to a fairly large, flat area in comparison to a very small area such as in welding a tab back on or welding 2 cracked pieces together...both of which are "butt-joined". Secondly, it takes quite a while for that glue to cure whereas melting it together with a hot iron and applying a 5 minute ABS epoxy takes no time at all. (just my thinking but I'm not suggesting what I haven't tried won't work) 'course, if you're laying a flat piece over top another flat surface, then using ABS glue is the way to go ....
  24. I use a soldering gun with a flat tip. I melt (weld) the pieces together where they are cracked or broken, leaving a bit of a channel or groove which I then fill with ABS 2-part epoxy (the 5 minute kind). Works like a charm! Sometimes I will take a discarded piece of ABS plastic (from wherever) and melt that into the crack or use it as filler if necessary. My trunk and bags were badly cracked when I got my scoot and I fixed them using this method as well as some of the mounting tabs for the fairing, etc.
  25. all I can say is.... K.I.S.S.
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