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Everything posted by SilvrT

  1. I called a local dealer asking how one goes about transferring the warranty from the original owner to me. He said you have to do that thru the original selling dealer. Is this true...???
  2. Election??? what election??
  3. maybe someone replaced your rear suspension with the springs from an old stove's oven door... gawd I wish I could figgure out how to stop that thing from squeaking so loud!! (no, we're not gonna stop using the oven) LOL
  4. SilvrT


    you appraoched the stop sign and "accelerated away"??? weren't you supposed to stop? (or am I missing something?) in any event, IMHO, in a group ride, NOBODY accelerates past the rider in front of them.
  5. heh... when I saw the subject of this post, I thought is wuz gonna be about these young kids wearing jeans that are 5 sizes too big, letting them ride 1/2 way down their butt and the bottom of the legs draggin on the ground..
  6. heh... I was there yesterday cheking them out... I'll wait until they're on sale and then grab one!
  7. I've been using it on my scoot windshield for many years as well as on vehicle interiors. Best thing going!
  8. I knew that... wuz razzin ya!
  9. Absolutely! are you gonna post yours?
  10. What... you didn't go out and get all those goodies and paint job the very first day you got your scoot??? I'm soooooooo disapointed! You sayin I'll have MORE now?? OMG!
  11. According to my insurance agent, motorcycles don't require an inspection... ICBC insurance "goes without saying".. but yes, the lift adapter and lift are high on my list... hmmmmm ...I wonder if they come in CHROME!!
  12. yep to those 2 items plus an LED wing for the trunk...then a luggage rack. Those are, to me, the most important... after that... who knows...
  13. Thanks for the info.. as the bike will be sitting in my garage most of the winter, I'll be looking for as many "goodies" as my wallet will allow during that time. Let's see now... what to get first.... awrite..c'mon guys.... help me spend, spend, spend (and then send your donations LOL)
  14. Eight hundred!! wow ... now that's gotta be the reddest red I've ever seen... don't be going near the firehall with it...they'll think it's one of theirs! lol
  15. Brian..heh...you know as well as I do how quick the weather can change out East of here. I lived in Calgary for 8 years...plus 15...20 celcius today.... minus same tomorrow and sometimes it comes without warning. To be honest, I'd love to ride it home...may still yet! I have to wait for all the paperwork to be finalized by mid-week...then we'll see what the weather is gonna do next weekend... yes, I'm a "tuff" guy LOL... and maybe a little reckless even at my age and between me, you, and the gatepost .... I may just chance it! Then again.... I don't know if the "warden" will let me out on "day parole" ifn she figgures I'm gonna do that! LOL
  16. Gawd no...not this time of year...having it shipped via a specialty M/C transport company...it will wind up costing a bit more but the lack of the hassle of trailering it myself is worth it.
  17. Oh yeah....oh yeah... I won't be able to sleep at night thinkin about that!
  18. hehehe... and that was ridin 2 up!! Well now.. maybe I'll just have to keep the "old girl" just for those "special times" LOL she says "HI" backatcha!
  19. The '87 is for sale... asking $4500 and I'm pretty firm on that. I'm in no hurry to sell it so pretty confident I'll get my asking price...eventually!!
  20. Yes... yes..yes... we've made a deal on an '06 RSMV. It's a scoot that is advertised on this site no less to boot! http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1334/cat/4 It's been checked out by a friend of ours who is very meticulous and it's in showroom condition (it should be for only 1300 km's). We got it for $12,900 which I feel is a heck of a deal for this particular bike and for here in Canada...eh!
  21. my last truck was 4wd... this one only 2wd. ya, I don't think the actual "hauling" is any issue... it's getting that monster in and out without any mishaps...
  22. Good idea....but you neglected to mention...have a tow truck standing by to pull ya out of the ditch! LOL
  23. No... I don't like the grey color... I'm looking at an '06 RSMV in Calgary...private deal. Only has 1300 km's on it.
  24. on that note... can I post a pic of what I lust for??? :rotf:
  25. Brian... thanks for the tip on this. BTW, what's happening with your scoot? Are you getting it fixed or what?
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