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  • Name


  • Location
    Palm Beach Gardens, United States


  • City
    Palm Beach Gardens


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '05 V-Star 1100, '03 Venture
  1. On vacation with the G/F in Colorado and I've been getting some great riding in on my 'new' '03 RSV. We did an overnight from Conifer out west to Glenwood Springs. Awesome ride, but the last 20 miles or so through the canyons is breathtaking. Anywhere west of Denver is just ripe with great rides out here, you just about can't go wrong. I'm planning on riding Independence Pass next month, weather permitting. Short update on the RSV...I've only had her a few months and usually just ride her 4 days a month when I'm out here in CO. I got to know her better this week and liking it more every time out. I switched to Synthetic in the motor and the rear end last month and there was an improvement in the whine. It's still there, but between reducing it some, getting used to it some, and learning to manage it, it's not the annoyance that it was at first. I also did the exhaust mod where you dremel the pipe and push it over to make the exhaust flow through...happy with it. A couple other quick observations on the RSV...I feel it's the best bike in high winds that I've ever had. Short of a typhoon, wind is a non-issue as far as I'm concerned. I also felt it did really well in the rain. I got caught with a shorty helmet on and was able to maintain some decent visibility. Ride on!
  2. Hi Guys, I'm looking for any advice anybody might have about a good shop in the Denver area. I live in Florida but I keep my RSV at the GF's house out there and I don't have any experience with any dealers in the area. I'd like a good shop, preferably a Yamaha dealer, to go over my rear end. I just don't spend enough time out there to do it myself. I don't see any active members listed in the area, but if anyone has any knowledge to share I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  3. There are so many awesome roads up there it's ridiculous. I like the Cherohala Skyway better than Deals Gap myself. Nice higher speed sweepers. Very little traffic, at least last time I was up there. Skyline Parkway heading north from hwy 129 is a nice high speed run too. It's definitely motorcycle heaven up there.
  4. BigBoyinMS, that is great info. Thanks!
  5. Next tourer for me...Victory Cross Country.
  6. I guess this whole topic is more or less beating a dead horse, so I guess I'm just commenting to vent. I'm a new owner of an '03 RSV. Now that I've had a chance to put about 1300 miles on the bike I'll say I love it, but the whine is ridiculous. I wish I had test ridden it more extensively. I'm going to do some of the obvious stuff to try to mitigate it, like switch from dyno-oil to Rotella, and synth in the rear end, in case any of it is from there. I have a lot of respect for the products Yamaha puts out, I've had several, but for this to go on for years without being addressed baffles me. The argument that all bikes have their issues is weak. I've had plenty of bikes, and they all have their strengths and weaknesses, like gas mileage, power, handling, even transmission noise (my Valkyrie). But to me those are more just characteristics, like personalities....IMO this rises to the level of a serious engineering flaw. I think that just the fact that it is so inconsistent between bikes shows that it isn't a design characteristic, but a flaw. OK, I'm done spewing....I'm going to go ride!
  7. Hey guys, Well I picked up an '03 Venture in Reno Thursday and rode it back to Conifer CO to live at my g/f's house. I live in FL but I spend about 4-5 days a month in CO....needed another bike to ride when I'm here. The riding out here is phenominal! The ride 'home' was a beautiful route, took US50/I70 east. It was colder than I bargained for, hit snow twice. 20 degrees warmer would have made it a great ride. This bike loves the open road...nice tall O/D, cruised at 90-95 a bunch and she seems to love it. I was also impressed with her performance in the wind. It was very gusty in the Western Range, but I hardly noticed on the RSV. Impression of the bike so far.... I really like the riding position, more stretched out than alot of similar bikes. More versatile than some as far as foot placement. I like the clutch/trans. I like the wind protection. I'm happy with the handling. It looks great. Power...so so. I tend to compare it to my old Valkerie, another big bike...instant smooth speed. The Valk did drink gas like a fish. Braking...not that impressed, but I'll chalk that up to getting used to a new bike and the sheer size of this baby. So jury is out for now. I'm generally happy with everything...except one thing that I'll be working on. I knew about the whine going in, but it's worse than I anticipated. Due to the temps I wore a full-face helmet, so it didn't seem that bad. I usually wear a shorty, and once I got back to warmer temps and shed the full-face for the shorty it sounded way worse. My Valk had straight gears and a whine too. Synthetic oil made a world of difference on that bike. I'm hoping it'll help with Venture too. I'll be scouring the forum for tips and info. After being out today, I have a feeling this bike is worse than average. It has 65K on it, and I believe it was well maintained. I know it had a new clutch a couple of years ago, I need to dig into the maintenance records and see the details. If there was a factory fix I would think it would have been done at that time. Anyhow, glad to be one of Y'all now! Ride on! Chris
  8. Ok, you guys have convinced me I'll fine. She's 5'6" BTW and we wear shorties. She said she was willing to go to a full face if she had to to be comfy, but it sounds like she's going be very happy. You know how it is guys...if they're not happy they'll make sure WE aren't happy either! Thanks again.
  9. Thanks for the replies so far. I was just reading some posts on the larger F4 windshield, so that looks like a good option if necessary. What did we ever do before forums?!!
  10. Hey all! I'm a prospective Venture owner, I ride a V-Star 1100 now. The favorite big cruiser I've had before was a Valk Tourer....other than crappy gas mileage it was an awesome bike. I've already picked up a lot of good info by lurking but I'm looking for some opinions on wind protection for the rider before I pull the trigger on the Venture I'm looking at...it's a long distance purchase and my g/f won't be able to go for a test ride. My g/f likes to ride (she'd be history if she didn't!) but she's a bit of a wimp when it comes to the wind. I know, irritating, but if I keep her happy she'll ride more and I'll be a happy. She's only ridden my V* and an Ultra Glide that we've rented a few times. She loved the HD, but she says she gets murdered by the wind on the Yamaha....it's a silverado with the stock windshield. I really debated between a Road Star and the Venture...I do love a V-twin. I think I'll be happy with either. I think the Road Star would be very similar to the V-star on wind, although I'm sure I could tweek the windshield adjustment to get it better. However I think I've made up my mind to go with the Venture so we can do more long distance riding. She'll be more comfortable, and I have to admit, that cushy driver seat looks pretty inviting to me too. Finally my question....anyone in a position to offer a comparison between the Ultra and the RSV as far as back-seater wind protection? Any opinions welcome. Thanks, Chris
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