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Everything posted by rymaggs

  1. All I have read somewhere on Ricks posts that people have been asking what the charges are for shipping from Canada to Rick's address in Texas. I inquired at UPS and they said that it was shipping charges plus brokerage fee's of 10 to 20 % of the value of the shipped material (in Canadian that would be $80 to $160 "each way"brokerage fee's ( sorry but couldn't get a straight answer after talking to 9 different people at UPS). To ship using Canada post it was $60 to you but would take about 2 weeks to get there. I am fortunate that I live in a border town and was able to go over the bridge and ship with UPS from the states for $94 dollars return. (if returned to a US address) I would watch out for these brikerage fee's, I have been caught on this before. An alternative is to have Rick (if he will) use US post to return it to you. The post office fee's are included in the shipping costs. UPS and any other couriers do not include these in there pricing until you recieve them or pick them up. Hope this helps Rick
  2. Thanks for all the imput. Not ready for a trike yet but will research for future use.
  3. Hey has anyone got any info on bringing Trikes into Canada from the states??? I was told yseterday that if I was to convert my bike to a Trike or buy a Trike in the USA and tried to register it in Canada they would not allow it. This came from Canadian Customs.
  4. I have moved my bikes over 5 thousand miles with work assignments and have always used nylon slings on the front as an anchor point. These are shown at the following link http://www.tie-down-straps.com/ What I do on the front is loop these on to the handle bars as close to the riser as possible, than I use the tie down ratchest to secure the bike, one on each side. I compress the suspense about 75% of its travel. (it helps to have someone else to hold the bike up) This has never come apart of losened off after all those miles. This also moves the S ring or hook away from the bike and elliminates the possiblity of a scratch / ding. On the back I use one longer tie down strap put over the rear fender as close to the seat area as possible. Again I tighten this just enough that I can't move the bike at all (about 50% of the rear shock travel)
  5. If any of you have leaf blower, try using it to blow your bike dry after you do a normal wash. This leaves a spot free shine and keeps you off your knee's. You can buy items like Air Force Blaster Motorcycle Dryer from most suppliers for just under $200.00. I use a Ridgid shop vaccum I bought at Home Depot. The motor comes off and you can use it as a blower (for leaves etc). This dryes the bike inmmediately and you can ride without getting soaked when done. The only concern I have is around the speakers. SO be carefull if you try this. I'm sure that any type of blower would work. Rick PS - no filter, soap or kit to buy or replace
  6. Had my 03 basket changed out with no cost, Yamaha took care of that. I has eliminated 90% of the churping and I can actually hear the stock muffler noise now. I was told by the dealer in London Ontario (Inglis cycle)that the rep would have to listen to it but after several calls he OK'ed the work without hearing it. The service was excellant there and the bike is now everything that I thought it should be when I purchased it. I suggest everyone out there to get onto Yamaha and have these replaced.
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