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Everything posted by coop

  1. OK here's the updated list NECK KIT Bongobobny = 1 Baylensmen = 1 BIGCAT = 2 Mcclip = 1 Slowroll = 1 CARB EXTENDERS Barrycuda = 1 Balyensmen =1 Mabelline = 1 BIGCAT = 1 LOCK BEZELS EUSA = 1 Mabelline = 1 Baylensmen = 1 Texlen = 1 Keith R =1 Bob
  2. Yah....no dice Jay it won't fit. Sorry..... Bob
  3. Hey Barry, Yes....I have you on the list for the carb cover extenders. When I get in tonight I will post an updated list with all kits and names. Thanks, Bob
  4. hey balensman, ok sounds great... sorry I missed this post. I don't want to take anyone's loot until I have a solid order. we need 5 more neck cover kits or 10 more carb cover extenders.....or some sort of mix there of. thanks bob
  5. Getting closer guys. If anyone is on the fence we can do this if we can get either 5 more neck kits or 10 more carb cover extenders.....or some sort of mix there of. Bob
  6. hey thanks for those pictures. I'd be interested in trying to mount it flat on the speedometer case. maybe trim up the tach case to remove the bottom side of it's case. template the contour of the top surface of the speedo case and shape the tach case to match. bob
  7. I like that tach Any pic's that show the whole speedometer....I'd like to se better how it looks sitting on there. Bob
  8. That's a tough one... How old is he? Does he live at home? I have one myself. He's a extremely hard worker, very creative, always working till midnight on a side job. Friday rolls around and it's party time. He races enduro's and won't drink if there's an enduro coming up on the weekend....I wish there was an enduro every weekend. I'm very close with him so yelling and ass kicking doesn't fit....besides he's 25 and I'm 58. I find what works best with all my kids is when I tell them that I'm disappointed and that seems to hit home. I've been part of this so I have to take some responsibility in the fact that I always let him drink beer at home....and I don't drink at all. I'd say a good heart to heart first and if that doesn't work maybe setting him up will with a DWI. I dread doing it here because that would mean his job and everything he does and loves. I'm hoping he'll grow out of it like his brother who's 31 did. Just hope both of us don't end up saying I shoulda. Good luck with it.....maybe that talk with an AA sponsor might help as well. Bob
  9. Thank you Big Cat! Bob
  10. Wanted to give the neck dress up kit a bump to try to make the min order. Do I have this listed the proper way? I put it in the classifieds but didn't get any hits. I got more action here. Thanks Bob http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=4938&title=chrome-frame-neck-dress-up-pieces&cat=7
  11. Rutman I need to work up some consistant pricing and have been on my lids all weekend.... smashed up the car last night to boot. Arrrggg, So I have my hands full at the moment. I'll get back to you guys. The shipping might kill this.....especially on the wheels. I'd like to get going on that neck chrome set so I'm gona bump the thread. Thanks for the interest Coop
  12. Cool Beans.....I keep this in mind if we get this going. Bob
  13. Hey Guys.... Ok looks like we have some interest. I'll get some pricing together over the next week or so.....I have a lot of things going on right now. Yes Aluminum parts.....s/s can be done as well. I've attached a piece I made (Radiator Cap Cover) to match my pulley's on my show truck. This was just air craft aluminum.... machine turned / milled....then polished out..... you can see yourself in it. Yammer....that stuff is great for polishing up some old chrome. This involves wet sanding from 400 down to 1000 / 2000 grit and polishing using large bench mounted buffers and different grades of rouge. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a385/bobn/Rear%20Bed%20Build/Engine%20Bay%20Build/2010_1215Breaker0023.jpg
  14. awesome...thank you! bob
  15. OK...I've worked out the pricing on the carb covers & lock bezels. The rear filler I have some mounting block work to do yet. Neck Kit 99.00 Carb Extenders 49.00 Lock Bezels 21.50 Prices are shipped to lower 48. Canada & others I will have to look into. Someone asked about the material I use....sorry couldn't find who. The material is 22 ga mirror finish 304 stainless steel. 22 ga. stainless has a thicknesss of .033. We're up to 6 neck kits at the moment and need 9 more BIGCAT (2) Mcclip Slowroll Bongobobny Baylensman Sorry if I've forgotten anyone Thanks Bob
  16. hey guys, that wheel is polished not chromed.... the black spokes were sanded smooth then the whole wheel polished. That would be an example of the quality of workmanship. no sealing would be done.... you could however clear the part, A little maint is required... just a hand polishing every year or 2. That of course is if the bike is kept in a garage. that wheel was done aprox 5years ago. It's been hand polished twice. I don't have a close up available at the moment but here's a picture of my bike and the wheel hasn't been touched in over a year. Hmmmm really hard to see it....I'll see if I have a recent close up tomorrow Bob
  17. Will do Thank you! Bob
  18. Hey Guys, Putting out a feeler here to see if there is any interest in these polished mirror stainless steel dress up parts I've been making. I have an add running to see if a group sale would work on a frame neck dress up kit here: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=4938&title=chrome-frame-neck-dress-up-pieces&cat=7 So far I have 6 yay's out of the 15 I need to get the neck pieces going. If it works I'll fill the 15 then do another. The details can be found in the above link. I also another thread for some other items that I haven't figured pricing on yet. I will figure the pricing and update over the weekend. That thread can be found here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=84619 Thanks for looking Bob
  19. Hey Guys, Does anyone here provide a polishing service? I wouldn't want to take any ones gig away so I want to ask first. If not I may want to offer the service here. Give me some feedback and if there is some interest I will get some ballpark pricing together over the next week or so. Here's an idea of the quality of work I am talking about. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a385/bobn/CopyofDSC01696.jpg
  20. Lenny, That's a great question.... I designed this for my bike and I don't have a luggage rack. I don't believe the luggage rack would be an issue. Would you be able to shoot me a picture? Thanks, Bob
  21. Howdy, I don't have pricing worked out yet on those two parts..... I might be able to get these figured over the weekend. Give me a few days and I'll get back to you. Thanks Bob
  22. Great! Will Do. Thank you Bob
  23. Isn't my add already posted in the 2nd Gen classifieds? Or are you talking about a different forum?? Coop
  24. Cool Beans....I'll do that this evening. Thanks!
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