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Everything posted by coop

  1. Hey Jonas, Nice job on the box.... very neat and looks great with the extra lights. We were working on the same thing this weekend but I was going the other way. I put a different laydown, curved license plate holder on the bike and had to cut and solder all of the joints in there to cram everything in even a smaller triangle ) And went with shttp://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a385/bobn/Star/NewLicensePlateHolder.pngmaller lights ) Oh boy...now everyone can see when lI last had my bike inspected 07! Bob
  2. Primer is here and packed... Everyone's orders will ship tomorrow (sat) by usps priority. Thanks for you patience gentlemen. Bob
  3. Primer is here and packed... Everyone's orders will ship tomorrow (sat) by usps priority. Thanks for you patience gentlemen. Bob
  4. Hey hanks Mr. Angel! I appreciate that! Bob
  5. Baylensman.... yours did ship as well on Monday. I do have some orders that have not shipped yet because I'm waiting for the primer prep to come.... it's due in tomorrow. Anyone who ordered carb extenders or neck sets will get a ampule of prep for better adhesion. The lock bezels since they are horizontal and very small don't need it. I'll get the remainder out either tomorrow or Saturday. Thanks for your patience guys Bob
  6. Yes Goose.... you are correct. It's definitely wired correctly. I'm hoping to connect the new tach and have it work perfectly. If not I will cut out a picture of my dog or wife..... probally dog and glue it to the face as a picture frame ) Thanks for taking the time to look at the schematic Bob
  7. great thanks! yes the tape is a pain in the butt. glad you like em bob
  8. Eddie....no worries, I can't remember what I had for dinner last night! lol Thanks Yammer Dan..... Bob
  9. Hey no prob.... thanks for trying to help. Yes instructions call for the green to the neg side and the red to the pos side. When having issues they recommend moving the red from the pos side of the coil to the same switched source that the blue is connected to. Sorry for rackin your brain.... btw your other articles have helped me big time. I think the last one was the vmax rear swap. I'll let you know what happens when the new unit comes. Thanks again Bob
  10. That has me confused.... you mean the + wire don't you? The tach gets it's pulse from the neg side of the coil. You had to have the green on the neg side of the coil or you have have nothing at the tach.
  11. my bull**** buzzer just went off. next in line is the 29.00 12 volt electric supercharger ) coop
  12. Hey There..... no dice I think the tack is defective but you'd think if it didn't work it would be just dead. I double checked all my connections....they are all tight and correct. I double checked the plug I installed so I could still remove my windshield and it is fine as well. I have a new unit coming on my nickel and we'll see what happens. Seems fine between 1000 and 2500 / 3000 rpm after that it's all over the place. This is how I mounted it by the way....
  13. Yes.... I first wired the red from the tach to the positive on the coil. And the green to the neg side of the coil..... with black to ground and the blue to switch 12v The tech told me to only go green to the neg side of the tach....and red / blue together switched. It's late and the kids across the street are sleeping so I can't hammer it but I think its doing the same. So you have a wire to the neg side of the coil or a wire to the pos side of the coil? You didn't state colors up above.... could you clearify? Thanks, Bob
  14. Has any one wired a Barons 3" tach on a Royal? I have the green to the neg side of the coil / harness wire to this side is white Black to battery ground for testing purposes Red & Blue right to the battery + for testing purposes The tach runs smoothly between 1000 and 3000 when you rev over that the tach wants to bounce down. I can't take it past 4000 on the tach.....but the bike sounds fine. Any chance it's because there is no load on the motor? I'm in the garage.... Any ideas? Thanks Bob
  15. Ok Gents, The parts will be shipping in a couple days USPS in Priority Flat Boxes. They are all wrapped up and ready to go. I'm just waiting on the amps of primer to arrive. The bezels won't require primer but it would be best to use the primer on the neck and carb kits. It's merely a surface prep so you get good adhesion on vertical surfaces. It comes in a little pen like applicator and is easy to use. The different kits are wrapped in paper please use a scissor to open the packs not a razor knife. The white plastic protective film is still on and looks ugly ( If I took it off the pieces would get scuffed during shipping.... the mirrored stainless is not as hard as chrome. Leave the protective film on while installing the pieces so they don't get scratched if you drop one. What I did (included directions that go over this) is peel half of the film back then press it back down, then peel the other half back and press it back down... this way once they are on it'll be easy to get the film off. Careful of the edges.... not the edges but the corners cause they are sharp. Thanks....hope you all like them. Bob
  16. I mounted my tach today. It's the barons single pod as shown earlier in this post. I re-routed the wires so they go down the rear mounting stanchion. I simply took the bottom half of the handle bar mount off and mounted the upper pod to the chrome faceplate on my windshield. There's a bit too much shinny going on in the picture to see it clearly....but I like it a lot. Going to pick up a 4 pin plug tomorrow so if I need to remove my windshield for cleaning I can. There's a bracket on the other side of the windshield that is clouding up the picture soon.... I'll be moving that and getting a smaller IPOD shuffle. The yellow tape is just holding on a chrome plug that I used to plug the rear wire hole while the sealant dries. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a385/bobn/DSCF0731.jpg
  17. HuH? You won't answer your phone when your on the bike???? Bob
  18. Thank you Mableline. You have a P/M Bob
  19. Update Jonas, Hazen, Anyone else that is marked paid below... Thank you! NECK KIT Bongobobny = 1 PAID Baylensmen = 1 PAID BIGCAT = 2 PAID Mcclip = 1 PAID Slowroll = 1 PAID Hazenson = 1 PAID CARB EXTENDERS Barrycuda = 1 Balyensmen =1 PAID Mabelline = 1 PAID BIGCAT = 1 PAID Wizzard = 1 PAID Bongobobny = 1 PAID Coffskid = 1 PAID Hazenson = 1 PAID Friesman = 1 PAID LOCK BEZELS EUSA = 2 PAID Mabelline = 1 PAID Baylensmen = 1 PAID Texlen = 1 PAID Keith R =1 PAID BIGCAT = 1 PAID StarFan = 1 PAID Wizzard = 1 PAID Coffskid = 1 PAID Hazenson = 1 PAID Friesman = 1 PAID Tank = 1 PAID Mcclip = 1 PAID Gator = 1 PAID Kantornado = 1 PAID Rick Hayward = 1 PAID Gadawg62 =1 PAID
  20. Update NECK KIT Bongobobny = 1 Baylensmen = 1 PAID BIGCAT = 2 PAID Mcclip = 1 PAID Slowroll = 1 Hazenson = 1 CARB EXTENDERS Barrycuda = 1 Balyensmen =1 PAID Mabelline = 1 BIGCAT = 1 PAID Wizzard = 1 PAID Bongobobny = 1 Coffskid = 1 PAID Hazenson = 1 Friesman = 1 LOCK BEZELS EUSA = 2 PAID Mabelline = 1 Baylensmen = 1 PAID Texlen = 1 PAID Keith R =1 PAID BIGCAT = 1 PAID StarFan = 1 Wizzard = 1 PAID Coffskid = 1 PAID Hazenson = 1 Friesman = 1 Tank = 1 PAID Mcclip = 1 PAID Gator = 1 Kantornado = 1 PAID Rick Hayward = 1 Gadawg62 =1 PAID
  21. wrong picture....
  22. I've kicked this around until dead....I would like to fab a chrome piece to replace the piece that we now have on out tank to hold one or two gauges but don't have a 3 axis cnc..... only a 2. I'm gona keep thinking about it but for now I've orderd a barons white faced 3" tach and I'm going to remove the bottom 1/2 and mill the flat to the proper angle to fit on the chrome piece that wraps my windshield. It'll be dead center and visable thru the windshield aka race car style..... Bobhttp://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a385/bobn/Star/DSCF0727.jpg
  23. Holy Cow.... My men are on a job tonight that's going south and I'm a little pissed cause the communication from the field hasn't been accurate. So I come here to read some stuff and try and chill out a bit. For some reason I've been passing over this post each time I see it, until now. So needless to say I've gone from being mad as hell to crying here.... That was a lot to put out there. I've been in that position myself too many times, all of my own fault I may add. It's tough stuff. I'm not a very religious guy so I'll leave that alone but I feel from the tone of your post and the positive reinforcement from all of your friends here that you guys are going to make this work. I wish you the best of luck, and as light as they are you are in my prayers.... and thoughts. Coop
  24. The 3 Pod pictured is no longer being manufactured..... UTV stopped about a year ago. The single is a Barons BA-7570 Coop
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