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Everything posted by Atoolnut

  1. This has a removable section at rear for wheel changing..just have to buy small center jack...bought this from ... http://www.adgforward.com/ they are at bike shows.....$725 +tax CDN...its a direct pro lift ............. http://www.directlift.com/Motorcycle-Lift-ProCycle-DT-P47C15.aspx....... Similar to handy lift but cheaper ..sorry not made in USA. But what is...
  2. Bought this at Toronto Motorcycle Manufacturer show last weekend...Only way to save your back if you have the space..Thinking about recessing it into garage floor later...will have Carbon One Lift Adapter for sale later..maybe..side extensions are 9" catwalk pieces from kijiji (craigslist) for $40...distributor wanted $275 for their ones......little work in shop and more $$ for gas
  3. Finally got these installed along with replaced led marker lights...used 1" mirror mounts and cree led's as above in my previous posts..just need to aim them but they are bright..also twinkie covers installed ....life made easier with new Direct Lift table lift, no more bending
  4. I have mine mounted now but no pics..I used a 1" mirror clamp ( black) around engine guard but behind highway pegs ..should not be damaged if falls over.these throw lots of light but not aimed yet..they are wired through kuryakyn brake reservoir switch which is on its own relay and separate switched power..pics later
  5. I use HD ride planner as well...using garmin 765.. I had same problem ..I found best way was to make each stop a location then when finished change them to waypoints...this stops program from taking different routes other than what you want..this gives 1start. 1 finish point...then import to GPS using HD ride planner method with garmin communicator .then find route in GPS data...seems to work for me
  6. Get a garmin 765t,770.780 mp3 Bluetooth all bells and whistles ..about $40+ ebay
  7. Ram mount with clutch reservoir attachment..keeps it tidy and close to power point or hard wire it
  8. Thanks for all info..starting to put folder together of rides
  9. This was a tragic and unnecessary crash that killed a friend and seriously injured his wife at their retirement residence in the sun....2 lives lost..and Texas justice??? http://www.valleycentral.com/news/story.aspx?id=1004170 Seems once again motorcyclists must pause for the loss of a friend and riding companion..
  10. I am planning to use 2 of these .. http://www.freethrottle.com/en/home/103-2-10w-bullet-led-light.html With these mounts just above or below highway pegs http://www.freethrottle.com/en/home/110-crashbar-mounts-1inch-per-pair.html But got these cheaper ..same ones... http://www.ebay.ca/itm/230980726726?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 Not installed yet..too cold
  11. Reinyrooster..don't have one yet..have this one through member who put me onto it here http://www.etrailer.com/Bike-Accessories/Swagman/S80980.html
  12. Thank you..what size does the clamp fit?? The clamp is adjustable from (I think) 3/4 in (max) to 1/4 inch in diameter. The clamp (strap) portion is just like a wire-tie but it has threads on it. The strap (wire-tie) is inserted into a slot in the clamp housing and lined up with a wing nut that also has threads on it. You turn the wing nut to engage the threads and tighten (or loosen) the clamp. After I tightened the strap on mine, I cut the remaining portion of the (wire-tie) strap off flush with the mount housing. Hope that makes sense..
  13. Do you have a product number or brand..can't find it online at babiesrus..thanks
  14. Thanks started to look at maps and HD ride planner
  15. Thanks Dennis..any ideas are welcome..it's a long cold winter up here ..come on spring!!!
  16. We are in the planning stages for a 10 day trip in Somerset KY.area the first week of August.....Acommodation is booked at Woodson Bend condos..I am looking for ideas on places to ride to..to avoid..to eat at and to avoid..any links to best riding roads would be appreciated..we like to ride 2-300 miles a day if we have to ..last year was the dragon and NC area..will the first week in August be bad for tourism in this area?Thanks for any info
  17. Bought one of the relay bypass...$20 plus shipping .looks like a spring install..simple plug n play
  18. I have the same switch set up...1switch controls His..other passing lamps..3rd will be for led denali style lights on crash bars...I wired switch using a relay so it is only live when bike is on..this has 3 fuses so each is on its own ...I wired from switch using a relay to passing lamps using this forums directions...more redundancy..as for GPS wired live ..wire direct from battery .or tie into cigarette lighter but that is live when accessory is on...by having hid light on switch it only works when switch on .not all the time on acc.. Hope this helps
  19. This happened last year in Ontario http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/05/14/tim-bosma-dead-hamilton-police_n_3272365.html
  20. I have the same kuryakyn switch..I use it to feed passing lamps and my HID..the HID only comes on when I flip the switch not when bike starts..less draw..I wired kurakyn switch using a relay tied into an eastern beaver power block.…then I wired a relay for HID and passing lamps after the switch...maybe a redundant setup but that way no power is on any circuit without being protected by a relay...and no way switch block is live without bike running...did this on my vstar 1100 for 7 years had no problems
  21. Its a commercial but good anyway
  22. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Original-Swat-Classic-9-Tactical-Military-Slip-Resistant-Boots-Side-Zipper-1160/350922313052?rt=nc
  23. No sorry it was a kijiji buy..they had 100 pairs donated for a fund raiser for a christian food bank .....bought 2 pairs ...checked today no sign of them
  24. I bought a pair of original swat boots this season..comfiest boots I've had ...waterproof too..bought in Oshawa $50. Deals can be had this side of border but rare
  25. I have RK on mine ..but decided to try DD'S. Way too loud..tried set of screaming eagle electraglide turnouts ...they are for sale. ..better half liked the RK better...turnouts ..$65 plus shipping from Ontario canada
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