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Everything posted by creole

  1. Yes that's what I'm looking for. I need the front and back both. Would be happy to pay for them as we'll as shipping if anyone knows what their worth.
  2. I'm looking for both the intercom connector headset clips on the Gen 2 Ventures. The PO removed both the front and rear for some reason. I'd like to put them back. I went to a dealership today to ask about them, but they couldn't come up with it on the schematics. I thought I'd seen them online somewhere and now can't find them again. Anybody ever replace these? Thanks, Creole
  3. I usually don't care for the "updated" versions because they either don't show respect, sincerity, or even know the words for crying out loud.......That being said.........I think these guys did an awesome job. Made me proud to be an American and I think they did it with Honor, and respect to their own flair. Each generation changes tradition a bit which gives tradition "life" in it's own sense. This type of "Creativity" may help restore something I think that the younger crowd is missing ( I may be getting a bit older too) by watching my own kids and the school system, and politics and etc....... is a loss for National pride in who we are, where we come from, where we want to go as AMERICANS, not Latin Americans, Spanish Americans, African Americans, Anglo - Saxin Americans or whatever......AMERICANS .....PERIOD. We as a people are losing that pride and desire to make our own destiny, so many have given so much, and we just keep letting it slide. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE SERVED OUR COUNTRY IN ANY FORM.....If you serve the people, you serve the Country......THANK YOU. :Step off soap box :Exit Stage Left Creole
  4. People around here put their old cowboy boots upside down on wooden fence posts out of town..... Suppose helmets would look cool for that too?
  5. Look at boats.net. Order for a 2011 not 2001, the price is about $100.00 less. If memory serves me I think they have it listed for about $500. I was getting ready to do this exact same thing a couple of weeks ago, but one of the members on this site who had his bike Triked offered to sell me his used shock. Creole
  6. "Now where's that pesky emergency brake release.....?"
  7. attachment didn't work with Tapatalk?
  8. Took the rear wheel off my 99 Monday to have the tire changed then put on the " new to me " shock from Hart. Thanks to him for making me an awesome deal on a leftover part. As an after thought, decided to have the wheel bearings changed while it was apart (70k miles) so waiting on the local Kawasaki shop to change the tire and put in the bearings for me. Found none of this to be as big a job as anticipated and looking forward to getting it back together. By the way , I'm sending my old shock to Easy Rider. We'd had a conversation about an attempt at rebuilding one of these. I had intended to do this myself, but have too many projects right now....but will supply a Guinnea pig!! Creole [ATTACH]74759[/ATTACH]
  9. I have a friend who really likes that look .... in the HD version ..... of course. I'm sorry I don't see it in the HD or Yamaha. I know to each their own, but can you say uuuuuggggggllllllyyyyyy ? I have to say it here, cause I can't say it to him. Don't want to hurt anybody's feelings, but I just can't see it. I too don't understand what the craze is to copy HD. I think they've come a long way in the looks and reliability department but most of it is nothing but status symbol type thinking to a lot of folks. But then again new truck body styles don't appeal to me either when they get changed.
  10. Looks Good on YOU! Think you need it...... insert subliminal message here------buy the bike-----buy the bike-----buy the bike---- LOL
  11. Not sure about the J&M but assume it's a directional mic, like the IMC. Should have a painted dot on the mic that is intended to face the mouth.....is it backwards? If you are already familiar with this, sorry. Creole
  12. I worried about the whine also, before I bought our venture. I also worried it would be clumsy putting around town, especially considering we came from a smaller framed vulcan 88, not to mention the smaller displacement engine on the venture compared to the vulcan. I really liked the vulcan, my wife.....not so much (not comfortable). I was willing to try a bigger bike and put up with this whine thingy and a clumsy heavy bike in town so we could take trips if she were more comfortable. Anyway.........I don't miss the Vulcan at all. The venture is not awkward at all around town. I don't even find the slow speed parking lot problems others speak about, heavier yes, awkward.....not even close, the smaller v-4 mops the floor with the vulcan 1500 v-twin (kind of knew that already from owning a v-65 Magna)........OH and that whine, maybe mine is one of the quiet ones, I don't even notice it much anymore. I remember hearing it when I first got the bike, but honestly can't remember the last time I heard it, and I was on it yesterday. Think of it like the turbo whine on a diesel. That sure doesn't keep people from buying them. You won't be disappointed with the performance, or the comfort, or the agility (for a big bike) with this one. Can't really say about the whine, again maybe mine's not that loud, but I rarely even hear it anymore.
  13. We have the IMC half helmet / helmet less headsets. We like them pretty well, but our group unanimously agrees, that after a day of riding with glasses (helmet or no helmet) they tend to make our heads sore, just above the ears. Not unbearable just ready to get them off at the end of the day. I don't know if the J&M are any better or not. Not to hyjack or change the subject, but I have been working on a different solution to the headset topic for a bit. My group has asked if I could build something different and more comfortable. Initial testing is working very well at this point and I believe I'm on to something. I was actually thinking about posting a thread of my own (and still will later) to see if anyone's interested in a different option.....just not quite ready yet. Creole
  14. Well.......got it yet? Been following this but got no idea what it might be .....
  16. Hmmmmmm.....seems to me, the taboo topic of guns always get the bad rap. We discuss opinions on all sorts of things, the most common being motorcycles of course. Sadly enough people also get hurt with them. Should they also be taboo for the sake of the general public safety? I cant help but wonder when our politically correct, you're ok I'm ok, anything that makes you feel good society is going to put the blame where it belongs ...... with the individual using or rather "mis-using " an inanimate object. Oh by the way, I agree with the majority, get your hands on different calibers and sizes and choose one that fits the bill. Personally I carry any one of three - .380 , .40. Or. 38 special depending on the need for concealment, knocking around the farm or traveling down the highway.
  17. That always makes me dizzy warching when they get to the top. I work with a couple of guys that used to ddo that, but not that high. I'm not afraid of heights per say, but got no interest in coin that myself. Lol
  18. We use ours on trips, when the bike, bags and trunk are all packed, the helmets are either on our heads while moving, or locked on the bike when parked.
  19. I agree that pictures, should be representative of the item as much as possible, but I personally would not purchase on pictures alone without going to "put my eyes" on the item. Pictures never give all the detail and can be quite deceiving all on their own without any body having a diabolical plot to fool a buyer. My opinion is that the photo's give a buyer an idea it your item is what they are looking for. Case in point is the boat we have for sale on this site right now. The boat has been in storage all winter, and we really don't have any pictures of the boat itself, just us playing at the lake. A buyer contacted me the other day because he found it on CL but was literally a 1000 miles away. He used to have a boat like ours and really liked it but wanted another one setup a little different. And was looking for that all important right color the family wanted this time. We agreed to pull the boat out of storage, and snap some pictures, un-winterize it, fire it up and send some video with sound......anyway, by the time we were done, the sun and shadows were not helping me provide the pictures I would like to have had. Bad weather was expected the next day and the boat had to be put back into storage, winterized and all. For the time being I have some pictures to show but agree they could be better. And in my case the pictures , don't come close to doing the boat justice, but you get the idea. What irks us more than anything, is people don't seem to bother to clean their stuff up when they try to sell it. I guess yo get to pay for dirt too! LOL Creole
  20. I believe that was it. So any good?
  21. Midnight, I found a yamaha boat site on the Internet ( don't have the link right now, found it at work) that also lists other yamaha parts that was the same price as your link, but haven't actually tried to order it yet.
  22. Thanks for the info. Not planning to use the local dealership anyway (90 miles away). Going to order online, since there all the same. I think I can get it to my door for about $500. I'll let ya know
  23. I still haven't done anything with this rear shock business yet. Truthfully I'm waiting on Bonus money, then will order the rear shock and get started on a few things. I have noticed something peculiar though. In pricing rear shocks online, when I put the year in as 1999 (which it is) the part costs almost $100 more than when I put the year in as 2011 (found this by accident one day). The part numbers are very similar and have replaced the part number on 1999 year number as follows. 1999 4XY-22210-00-00 (Old Number) 99999-03500-00 2011 4XY-22210-10-00 I thought these were all the same through the years 99-current, and when I call the stealership, there significantly higher than purchase online. If these are all the same I'll order the cheapest year model Creole
  24. Freebird, Sent payment via paypal this morning for 2 patches. Thanks, Creole
  25. aaaahhhhhh, Yep that looks like the thingabob right there. And Squidly, It did look like someone snipped the nipple off, because it's still in the end of the hoses with the clamps around them, but it makes me wonder if they plugged the manifold nipples these hoses belong on, when they removed them. At any rate, if these were removed intentionally, and it doesn't hurt anything if they're off, then I'll quit worrying about it. Really appreciate the help folks
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