Hello all, I have a quick question on my front brakes.
I am new to my 2007 Midnight Venture, I have owned it for a few months or so. I upgraded from an 1100 Silverado. I am a Dodge Technician so I do have a mechanical background.
I have noticed, 3 or 4 times, when coming to a stop with the front brakes applied, just before it comes to a complete stop it will pull slightly, has happened to the right and to the left, it is not always to the same side. My first thought is it is like only one caliper was grabbing.
BUT.. plenty of bikes out there only have one caliper so that really doesn't make sense....
Both front calipers are free and grab the rotor when the lever is pulled. Pads are good. Fluid level is correct and clear in color.
Steering head was properly tightened when I purchased the bike when I did the 1" lowereing of the front in the triple tree, and yes everything in the triple tree is tight and measurements are still the same. Nothing has moved.
I do not have the required pump to adjust the front shock pressure and have never adjusted it, but I have put 3000-4000 miles on the bike since I bought it and I have only just noticed this so I can't see that being the issue...
I have experimented with it a little and at speed it does not show any signs of strange or odd braking.
This forum and its members comprise a GREAT wealth of knowledge so I figured I would see if anyone has any other idea.
And yup, it's my first post.