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About Riderinthesnow

  • Birthday 04/14/1947

Personal Information

  • Name
    Alain Seguier


  • Location
    Lorette, Canada


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  • Home Country


  • Interests
    travel, model boat building, painting
  • Bike Year and Model
    2001 star venture,09 St 1300,08 suzuki Burgman
  1. I'm planning to be there this year.
  2. The low oil pressure reading is normal. That is why Yamaha installs a oil level gauge and not a pressure gauge. All my Venture were the same, so was my Virago. They all lived to be very high mileage bikes.
  3. Please instruct how to have sex while riding. I would take a chance!
  4. I tried removing the fairing, but was unable to remove the headlight pod. I did'n want to unscrew the adjuster knob all the way.
  5. Has anyone figured out an easy way to replace headlight bulb? My hand must be too fat.
  6. I've been camping for years and never had any troubles. I often leave my riding coat and bke boots under my bike cover and go hiking. If you park and cover your bike in a well attended parking lot, you should have no problems.
  7. Hey Miles: Wait for the 3 flags rally, You'll meet Canadian bandidos. They mostly run motels and hotels. Glad you made it home OK.
  8. Before I retired, I rode my bike to work in winter as long as the highway was dry. I had no problem with the cold down to -15 to -18 C ( about 0 F). I got caught at work quite a few times, when it started snowing during the day. I rode slowly home in the snow. I was surprised how well the tires performed in the snow. Avoided using the brakes, or leaning in the turns, as much as possible.
  9. Don and I made back to Winnipeg this morning. Very boring ride through the prairies. We'll see you at the finish in the Peg next year,
  10. Yamaha figures: If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
  11. I had success with the " Plug and Go" kit. I've repaired several flats this way. I always leave the plug in until the tire is worned down. One word of advise if you decide to use that kit, carry a little can of WD40 and spray the mushroom plug before inserting it in the gun. It makes it a lot easier to insert into the hole.
  12. I spend all my winters in Mexico. I'm sitting under the palapas having a cold one and trembling in my boots... I mean in my flip-flops. Hasta luego!
  13. 9.9 pesos \litre in Mazatlan, Mexico (about $0.75 CAD/litre)
  14. I've installed one on my ST. It works fine. My camera has 170degrees field, but if I changed it I would go with a narrower field (110o) to get a longer depht of field.
  15. Bernice and I are planning to be there. I just hope it is a little warmer than last year!
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