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Howard B

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Everything posted by Howard B

  1. It is the #2 cylinder dropping off. (left front) This morning it sounds and feels like all are firing, but still no tach. I have always understood that running an engine hard will shake or vibrate any gunk loose and clean the engine up a little. Like trying to burn up carbon stuck in the cylinder heads. An old wives tale? If I keep running it, and it is the TCI, what will be the result. Dead engine? Thanks for any all help. It is really appreciated.
  2. I have never heard of Berrymans, so I am assuming it must be some sort of Seafoam type of additive? I have good dose of Seafoam in it already. One thing I forgot to mention is, it is the left front cylinder. I don't know if that would be significant or not. I was told to take it out on the road and just run the beejeesus out of it but there are no high speed highways in the Grand Tetons National Park. I know the chief law enforcement ranger, but I don't want to stretch the relationship. Most of my riding up here is low speed and short distances. This problem just started and it was running good one minute and missing the next. Thanks for all the help. I will look for Berrymans.
  3. My problem is with my 1988 YVR. It starts easily and idles on 3 cylinders. And the tachometer does not work. If I add throttle, when it gets to about 1500 rpm the missing cylinder starts to fire and the tachometer starts working. Everything works as it should until I let off the throttle, then its back to 3 cylinders. What gives? Where should I look, do, pray for? HELP.
  4. that looks like a heart attack in a bun!
  5. That would be the LSR museum. (laurance straehan rockefeller ) He is the one that donated the land and building. 1100 acres and Phelps lake. The museum is free, but parking is limited. He removed all personal buildings and improvements, built the museum then donated everything to the National Park Service. Hope you enjoy it.
  6. In a first gen , the manual specifies 20 lbs max, in each bag and trunk.
  7. After living and working in the Grand Teton National Park I do believe I have seen every bike and biker that is going to Sturgis already. Seems like everyone going gets there by doing Grand Teton and Yellowstone on the way. Early in the morning you can hear whole herds of Harleys going up Hwy 89. Therefore I feel like I have already been there!
  8. When i purchased my 88 yvr i had it shipped it to me. True to form the battery was very dead and they had drained the fuel tank. After adding fuel i jump started the bike from my car. Running! The car is a Jeep Grand Cherokee, if that would make any difference. After starting and letting it warm up a little I drove it home. I have had no problems with the electrical system in any way. After seeing the messages about not jumping from a car I am wondering, did I just get very lucky or is there some other reason for not using a car.
  9. I have a t-shirt with that slogan on it. Black T, white lettering. We went on a cruise to South America and I wore it one day. Some woman tapped me on the shoulder and informed me she was very upset with the slogan and told me I should not wear it again. It got a little gamey with wearing it at least some EVERY DAY.
  10. Does the existing road grime tell us what the truck will usually look like?
  11. You could be right , it's been a few years since we were there.
  12. As far as I am concerned, the entertainment value I get from "listening" to some of our members it is well worth $12. And I think ice cream is a food "group" all by itself!
  13. There is a show in Branson, Mo. where a man ( forgotten his name ) goes on stage and commences to apply make-up and costumes and makes himself "Red Skelton". He knew skelton when he was alive and knows his widow. She gave him permission to create a show mimicking Red Skelton. It is one fantastic show and will have you rolling on the floor laughing. I highly recommend it.
  14. At one time Taurus only made copies of other manufacturers products. All they did was improve on the original designs, and made a better product. Ironically their products cannot be sold in Brazil where they are made.
  15. Apparently I'm not home! I figured it out and NOW i'm home! Put in my summer work residence as well.
  16. I know that I have not been a lifelong rider, But, I do know that nothing is simpler than it seems. Especially with motorcycles!
  17. I don't mean to make anyone angry here, but I looked up what my registration fee's were. For my 88 yvr the fee's were $137.00 in Oregon. But that's for two years! My insurance bill is $200.00, for one year.
  18. Big Tom, If you ever get to Tillamook, Oregon you have got to try some UMPQUA brand Ice cream. They even have a "Lemon Meringue Pie" flavor. It was fantastic. The Tillamook Creamery has a good tour and it drops you off right in the ice cream tasting room!
  19. GPS units are for people that cannot read a map. And, how many guys would throw their gps units away if the sweet little old lady that talks to you sounded just like their wife?
  20. They claim spring is here! Hah, its only in the high 50's here. That is clod for some people. And I am going to ride my 88 yvr to the dentist this morning. You northerners enjoy your "SPRING"
  21. Working in the Grand Tetons every year, we see many, many bikes going north to Sturgis. Early in the morning when the air is still and cool, you hear a roar coming from miles down the highway. Whole herds of Harleys roaring north, and you hear them from miles south of your location until they are miles north of you. However, if you go into the Jackson Airport, there sits the semi that brought many of them this far. Ship it north, pick it up, ride it a little way, then ship it home again. Still fun!
  22. Two things. One, is talking about all our ailments and problems a sign of old age? Two, perhaps if one would ride a Harley the vibration would break up those pesky kidney stones!
  23. I thought of another peeve of mine. If anyone has ever purchased "medications" on the internet then you know what this peeve is about. I am now constantly getting e-mails wanting to sell me viagra, and other "enhancing" drugs. We need a return to sender button on our computers. Maybe you guys with more computer knowledge than I have could look into this. It would truly be a great service to humanity. Please!
  24. Try not to cross at the major cities. Find a small crossing. We came across in Washington state at a town I believe was called Eagle. Two houses, one on the US side, one on the Canadian side. Quite literally NO traffic. NOT Eagle, Chopaka.
  25. My #1 pet peeve has got to be an educated person talking on television and saying "these ones". The proper term is this one or these. Apparently they are no longer teaching English in our schools. I'm done now. Thank you.
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