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Howard B

Expired Membership
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Everything posted by Howard B

  1. They don't say speeding, they could have been parking tickets. And how deep is the layer of asphalt that when it peels up it creats a "crater".
  2. My oldest granddaughter just acquired her first (her word) tattoo! I on the other hand have not found a tattoo that i like enough to carry it around for the rest of my life! Each to his (or her) own.
  3. Me again. It has more horsepower than my jeep. My bus (converted to a motorhome) only has 300hp. It has got to get to a point where you can't use the available horsepower. Then, have you considered insurance costs?
  4. probably inexpensive too! Entry level machine for your teenager.
  5. We see enough of those in the Grand Teton National Park every summer. Those would be fairly small anyway. I have compared bear prints with my own footprint and mine came up way shorter. Almost wore my neck out looking all around me until I got back to the truck.
  6. I joined the navy before i graduated from high school to see the world. I learned later it would be the armpits of the world. I had a good time as an AD. That's a jet engine mechanic for all those not in the know. Do it over again? Air force maybe.
  7. General Motors has already said they will help with all repairs. Gratis. Do you suppose Yamaha would do that?
  8. Hope you enjoyed the cruise!
  9. Cruise to where? inquiring minds want to know.
  10. Will they celebrate cinco de mayo?
  11. The only time it bothered me to turn my head and cough was when SHE told me to!
  12. Well here I sit thinking about riding. I had hernia surgery last thursday and have been told no no no driving. Loaded the bike on the back of the bus last wednesday so thats done. We will leave this area (Menifee, Ca.) on the 7th. Hopefully I will be able to drive by then. If anyone has wanted hernia surgery, my advice would be put it off or do as the Dr. says. Limit activity to watching TV or holding down the couch for a long while. Bruising is spectacular, the wife wanted to take pictures. I said NO.
  13. Well, guess who gets to go home early?
  14. I remember years ago a kit was made for the Triumph Tiger Cub that put a small track on the rear wheel. It had a bogey wheel on a long arm and spring loaded to keep it on the ground. On the front wheel there was a ski mounted either directly on the forks or under the tire, not sure which. Why don't you bikers up there in snow country develop something like that for the venture. That way we wouldn't have to read so many complaints about winter stuff. Surely there are several engineering types here that could come up with something. Let us know. OK just ignore this post. I went site surfing and found just what i was talking about. They are for dirt bikes but could be adapted I suppose. However they are very spendy! $4000
  15. I thought I was getting carried away with firearms, but you got me beat. I have less than 20 total but only 3 are air guns. I would really like to have one of those pricey competition type but I can't justify the money when there are so many bike blingy things out there to buy.
  16. The only time I have ever taken flu shots was in the navy. Mandatory. Then i always came down with the flu. I have also noticed the only people that tell you you can't get flu from the shots are those giving the shots. I quit taking them and haven't had the flu since. Coincidence? Don't know, but I will stick with my plan.
  17. Since a responsible person can have a drink or two without getting high or impaired, I must vote against pot use, since the only reason I have heard of to smoke pot is to get high. Not counting the "medical" reasons.
  18. Just as ECK says, getting old sucks. Turned 70 today. I kind of like the looks of the "new" ctx1300. It is a little different but it is also a little lighter. Seat is a little lower. Should make handling somewhat easier for those of us who are more wiser than younger. Not real wild with the limited color options. Perhaps a nice off white and/or beige, similiar to my 88 yvr.
  19. Howard B

    Wait what?

    the people of California put up with good old "moonbeam" brown many years ago, I cannot for the life of me understand why they voted him back into office. I am certainly glad I left California when I retired.
  20. Howard B


    How do you do a wheelie?
  21. Could it be towed behind a VR?
  22. Enjoy the cruise! They are great. However, the only drawback to Norwegian is , they no longer serve PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES. That alone should be a crime. When I asked about it, they said there are too many people with peanut allergies.
  23. I figured I did not want to sleep in a hole in the ground that I had to dig myself, so I enlisted in the U.S. Navy. May of 1962. Boot camp was done at N.A.S. Los Alamitos in California. All two weeks of it. Warm summer weather and we got a day off in the middle of boot camp. Two years later I was discharged and sent home from the Phillipines. We saw a lot of places from Nevada to the east coast of Africa. Some I would like to see again, some not. Oh, by the way I worked on jet engines from the A-4 Skyhawks. The squadron was VA-192. Mostly good times.
  24. I can't speak for those, but Hartco makes a great seat cover. Mine came with the bike and it looks great. I at first thought it was reupholstered. When i took the seat off for some unknown reason I discovered it was an aftermarket seat cover. Not sure on the price for them but it shouldn't be too far out of line. Take a look, you might like them.
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