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Howard B

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Everything posted by Howard B

  1. Drat, I was afraid of that!!! Sometimes there is an area set back from the front of the building where employees take smoke breaks or lunch. I have been known to use the same area for parking and no one has said anything yet. I have seen a very few times an area marked as motorcycles only with smaller sites. Well, at least I have my answer. Thanks
  2. Since this was part of the original post, I have to ask. Is parking in the yellow striped area of parking lots legal for motorcycles? Is it a jurisdictional thing. Is it up to the shoppimg center owners? Just a question that needs an answer.
  3. could it be that shorter, wider windshields are made for shorter, wider riders? just a thought.
  4. I had a friend years ago who was a police officer in so. California. One night while on patrol he discovered a young couple talking while parked on the side of a very lonely road. He left them alone and left the area. Several hours later he returned to the area and saw the car still parked. He quietly stopped and discovered them sleeping after their "party". Her slacks were draped over the steering wheel where she had obviously put them before they started "partying". He very carefully reached into the open window and removed the slacks, then slowly drove away. Some officers do have a sense of humor!
  5. Best breakfast stop was "The Burnt Bun" in Bullhead city, Arizona. Biscuits and gravy served on a platter holding at least a dozen biscuits and what seemed to be a quart of gravy. Price? $1.65 Sadly, they sold the place and the new owners didn't last.
  6. First sign of spring in Gordonville, Texas? An inch of snow!
  7. I realize most riders wouldn't be concerned about it, but what kind of mileage would he (or she) get with a rig like that? Maybe 15 mpg? 26400 yards per gallon? this may sound blasphemous but wouldn't it be easier to drive a truck?
  8. yard
  9. All days are good for snuggling. When you get old you take advantage of every opportunity!
  10. I realize this is a little out of the area for you, but the bike rental agency in Jackson, wy. rents harleys, hondas and bmw's. I believe they were the Eagle rider group. You might try calling their corporate headquarters for a location convenient for you.
  11. When you get to Wyoming, don't forget to go through the GRAND TETONS. Beautiful ride from Jackson to Montana. Especially Bear Tooth Pass. You'll love it.
  12. Not the Venture, my vulcan in typical Wyoming weather.
  13. Nice rig! If anyone looks for a motorhome for its mileage, they are looking in the wrong direction. Mine is a bus comversion, a used Greyhound, converted to a 1 bedroom mobile house. Mileage? 9200 yards to the gallon. You have to be willing to spend a large amount of money to fill a large fuel tank. But its worth it. We love the life style.
  14. djh3 mentioned tires and their cost, they can be quite spendy. Mine are 12.00 22.5 and there are 8 of them. The good part is they last much longer than motorcycle tires. How about oil changes? My engine is a Detroit 8v71. To change the oil it requires 7 gallons.
  15. After living full time in a motorhome for almost 20 years, i think i can give some advice. If you have never used a motorhome before, RENT one for a couple weeks.If it doesn't feel right for you, try a different style. Are you keeping your stick house? If not, where will you store what you are not taking with you? If you are keeping your house, who will watch it or live in it to keep it up? If you are a typical man you will miss one room the most. Your garage! I pull our jeep behind the power lift for the bike. That puts us about 62 feet long. Will you join a camping organization? Something like Thousand Trails, Naco, SKP's or any number of established groups. Some are better than others. Are you carrying your tools? I finally left the table saw, band saw, and miter saw at my wifes mothers. they can weigh quite a bit when you add all them up. Medical care? We have found some excellent emergency rooms, as well as some Doctors that need a different occupation. Jackson, Wy. has what has to be the best hospital we have found. Mail? You will need a good mail forwarder or a family member you can trust. When you call for your mail make sure the town your'e in only has 1 post office. Some post offices require you to file a form to collect your mail as general delivery even if you are only there a short time. I hope this helps you, if you have any questions feel free to call me.
  16. eater
  17. Howard B.... First name and last initial. Yes i know , no imagination. Now back to Christmas cookie baking.
  18. Since the seat cover is simply a slip cover with the original seat under it, i would imagine the comfort would be similar. The original seat is in perfect shape and when i get really embarrassed about the condition of the velour i will simply remove it. I do however like the brown color better than the black oem seat
  19. I have a Hartco velour seat and it dries fairly quick. However, Hartco says do not leave it in direct sunlight too long. Sun light eats up the velour. It did mine. They also want $189.00 for a replacement slip cover.
  20. Well, I pulled the rubber seal out reversed it and re-installed it. Now I am simply waiting for some rain. Supposed to get some tonight so it won't be too long. Hoping it works.
  21. Thanks for the tips , now I have something to do today. Didn't know about the rubber seal. I'll let you know what I find.
  22. I have not seen any threads on this so I will ask. I have an 88 yvr that has water leaking into the trunk every time it rains. I cannot find where it is coming in. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so , how do I stop it? Thanks so much for any and all help I can get on this problem.
  23. Perhaps a better response could be obtained if they offered new VENTURES!
  24. The dumbest one I've had, wouldn't you rather drive a car?
  25. Perhaps its time to trade to something newer! Works for me.
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