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Everything posted by daved148

  1. Usual get up a 5am not by choice body just wakes up, 2hrs watering plants maybe go out in the kayak for a while, wait for VR member to show up to go for a ride but nobody shows up do a little work around the place and enjoy it ,not like when I was working
  2. When I first pick up my bike in march 2012 brand new I was riding it home from the dealer and came back some pretty dusty roads so when I got home I put it in my shed put a block of wood under the stand so my bike would be straight up and started to clean it I seam to push a little to hard on the tank and over she went had to holler for my son to help me pick it up. twenty minutes later I was backing out of the shed turning a little which I always did with my 1100 and down I go again this time my wife came out with my son only to tell me the bike was to big for me. Well I was beginning to think so a couple of other times I was riding turning a corner at a walking speed and just about lost it now two years later I know how to handle it and I love it.
  3. Well my friends were telling me for years about riding down in the states but I always stayed in canada. At the last minute a friend called me up and said a group of six were going to ride the blueridge parkway and ask me to come along. We would ride and do the dragon and go to maggie vally see the wheels of time and the come back by the highway should take about a week. Took 219 down through NY,PA,MA,WV,V and NC The country was so beautiful we ended up staying with the group for the full two weeks did the dragon and the parkway was a great trip met a lot of nice people could not beleave you had such nice roads my next trip is going to be longer and I will see more of the country. We had three goldwings three harleys and I guess they wanted to and some class along so they invited me Yamaha venture.
  4. Well I got my bike back and the breaks works great the way It should have I know now I should have forced the the problem from the beginning and they would have fixed it. The dealer said it was probaly my driving habits i've been driving over thirty years and never had a problem like this. I think one pad was missing from the start.. A lot of my friend drive harleys and it is hard for me to tease them now. I guess that will teach me for teasing them.
  5. Thanks alot guys you all put my faith back into yamaha I had a hard time making up my mine between the ultra classic or the ventura thought I made a big mistake now I have to take back all the bad things I was thinking about the dealer lucky I was just thinking them.
  6. Has anyone heard of a brake going at 17000 km I brought a 2012 ventura heard a noise in the rear brake took it back to the dealer told me the brakes has to be broken in I never heard of that before but the bike had two services done 1 at 1000 the break in time $350 and the other at 7000 again 350 and now the noise had gotten worst so I took it back One pad was completly gone no sign of it and the other one was one half left the front are good I bought a 2000 vstar in 2000 went 75000 and use two sets of pads on it. They say I need a rotar and pads 500 find it hard to beleave.
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