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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. Instead of wasting your money just do one of two things. If you stop close enough to get your kickstand down onto one of the buried wires just drop your kickstand. Most times that will trigger the light. The other method and I have used this many times is to hit the "Kill" switch and restart the bike. The inductance caused by the starter kicking over can trigger the light. I have used both methods with success. Here in NC we now have the red light law, but I still kill the engine and restart. I would say that 7 out of 10 times it works for me. It depends on where you stop in the wire trap. If I know I am the only one stopping at the light I try and center the bike with the engine just behind the far end of the loop where both sides meet. That seems to be the best place for me.
  2. I bought mine as a factory rebuild off of ebay and have had no problems, I paid $100.00 or close to it. I bought my Zumo from PCNation. Here is a link to their GXM-30 for $194.00 http://www.pcnation.com/web/details.asp?item=6G0645
  3. Looks like Kabin 5 will be available soon. Sorry to miss this one.
  4. Does it do it just through the Zumo? If so try reseating it. If that fixes it, put some dielectric grease on the pins. Mine would make popping/static sound some times.
  5. Glad to hear you got it fixed. It's the simple things that can be so darn hard to fix. At least you were honest enough to admit it. I'm betting most of us wouldn't and would have said it was FM (Freaking Magic) BTW the Zumo 550 doesn't have a FM output, it's output is the cord you plugged into the aux connector. Some GPS's and XM/Sirius radios have built in FM transmitters built in to allow you to broadcast over a free FM channel on your radio.
  6. No, LED's will be fine. I have the passing lights as well as 150 High intensity LED's with no problems. I also run heated gloves, grips, and socks during the winter. If you are concerned about drawing too much power you can always pull the fuse for the carb heaters. I haven't heard of anybody really needing them. I ride in 12 degree weather with no ill effects. By pulling that fuse you get 60Watts/5amps back. To be honest you could probably cover the entire bike with LED's and not tax the charging system. There are plenty of bikes out there with LED's as well as passing lights that run heated clothing too.
  7. I have the iPhone 3G and the Zumo 550. No problems pairing them, but you will need the Buddy Rich cable to talk over the phone through your microphone. Without it you can only hear them. Unless you buy a bluetooth headset for your helmet. With the new OS and also the new iPhone 3Gs you get stereo bluetooth. I live in a pretty rural area and have no trouble with reception. In fact I road into work this morning (which by the way is 50 miles) on my bike listening to XMRadio over my iPhone and never lost the signal. Maybe in mountainous terrain problems might arise, but here in the flatlands, I have yet to find a place where I don't have signal. Next weekend I plan on being in Asheville and will see how it works out there. It's nice and there is also an app that allows me to connect to my home PC and listen to my music library over the phone. This allows me to take the mp3's off my phone if I need more space.
  8. Ok, so the MP3 has no audio out. Can you hear the voice prompts for directions?
  9. Big time shot in the dark, but I had almost the same thing happen to me while riding but it started up after a few minutes. Then a week or so later my bike wouldn't start at work. Everything looked good, had lights and everything you describe except I don't recall the fuel gage thing. Thankfully Beer30 was able to come pick the bike up with his trailer and hauled me home. Long story short the battery had a short in it. With no load on the battery read 12.4VDC turned the key on and the voltage dropped, hit the starter and it went to 0vdc and stayed until the switch was turned off again. Taking muffinmans advise I jumped the bike from our car. Bike started right up. Replaced the battery haven't had a problem since. Not saying that is your problem, but it is a place to look before you get too deep into it.
  10. Bikes can be fixed. The fact that no one is seriously hurt is great news.
  11. We appreciate the offer George, but if I am not mistaken you guys are going up on the weekend? We plan on leaving the 11th which is Tuesday. We wouldn't want to inconvenience you guys, ya'll being Newlyweds and all!! :rotfl:
  12. Funny stuff, to answer your question. I highly doubt you will do any damage to the engine. What ignited was the raw gas in the exhaust pipes. That can happen on a rapid decell if you still have the AIS. Once we were riding to a meet and eat and Krome Rose was following me on her Volusia. We got behind a combine on a two lane road with a lot of on coming traffic. Well I finally had a chance to pass with enough room for KR to go with and forgot I was in 1st gear. (combines travel very slow) Well I romped on it really hard and just as I was even with the door on the combine my bike hit the rev limiter and backfired, it sounded like a stick of dynomite detonated under me. Well I kept waiting for KR, and waiting, and waiting. Finally she passed the combine, when we stopped at a red light she was laughing so hard. She said that when I pulled out, so did she but the backfire scared the old man driving the combine so bad that he jumped out of his seat and the cigar in his mouth went flying. She started laughing so hard she couldn't pass the guy. It took her a couple minutes to collect herself and then had to deal with traffic to pass the old codger. I can only hope that I didn't take too many years off his life.
  13. YUP!!! You got that right!. I was just looking at the path for going to Vogal and it takes us right through Asheville. There has got to be a different way. Oh well, I guess we will plan on staying at a hotel on the way. I'm not in for 10-12 hour days on a bike.
  14. New Bern huh? Then you know right were we live. As for Wilbur's, OMG yes. I have eaten there only once, and it was gooooooodd. If you like Carolina BBQ, they had great fries too, seasoned with onion powder. Man, now I'm hungry. It's almost impossible to get in there because it's always packed. Been living in this area for 27 years and have passed it hundreds of times, but only once have I eaten there.
  15. I know you said it was there when the clutch was in or out, but is it less when the clutch is in? If so, that is normal from what I can tell, both of my RSV's did that. Scared me to death the first time I noticed it, but hey I have 98,000 miles on mine and it's still running strong.
  16. Several things can cause that feeling. Low tire pressure, cupped tires, and steering head bearings being loose. My money is on the steering head bearings. Usually they need an initial tightening between 10,000 and 15,000 miles. If the bike wants to follow the cracks in the highway (giving you that floating feeling) then they need to be tightened. Here is the tech article. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=511 Not hard to do at all. If you go to the dealer it will cost you since it is not covered by the warranty. If they go by the book, you will pay dearly for the work because it requires taking the front fairing completely off, electrical and all. Our way is much simpler and takes about 10 minutes.
  17. Havelock basically on the coast. In essence we have to travel the width of the state. Considering we have to go North to go West.
  18. I'm thinking he bumped his head in that accident a little harder than we thought.
  19. So far we are still on for the trip. German food sounds good to us Mini. We will be heading towards Asheville on the 9th. I think we are in either Kabin 5 or 6. Hopefully we can get in before 6. Just depends on how early of a start we get. Last time it took us 9 1/2 hours to get there but only a little over 8 to get back. Must be because we were going down hill on the return trip.
  20. Looks great and I can see where that contraption on the front forks would make turning much easier. Hope to see some pics of you riding it soon.
  21. I hate to burst bubbles but. http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/sharkslove.asp
  22. One word------Xanax Good luck.
  23. MCAS Cherry Point/Havelock
  24. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  25. Happy Fathers Day to everyone!!
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