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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. Ok, to start this off. Those who don't know me should know that I have a rather large mellon on my shoulders. So consiquently it's hard for me to find a helmet to fit properly especially a full face or modular helmet. Every one I tried on would push back on my chin uncomfortably so I have worn a 1/2 or 3/4 for the past 6 years. After going over the 100,000 mile milestone on my RSV I got to thinking just how lucky I have been not to have been in a major MC accident or a minor one for that matter. The wife has been talking lately about going to a half helmet because of the heat or at least a 3/4 and I am somewhat ok with the 3/4, I am adamatly against her wearing a 1/2. Being the hypocrite that I am I used the excuse of my abnormally large "MELLON" as the excuse for my choice in helmet. Putting all that together and I decided to get a Zeus Modular helmet and give it a try. Several years ago I tried on a Zeus XL at Myrtle Beach Bike Week and although it was a bit snug it did have chin room, more so than any other helmet I have ever put on. So after much deliberation I pulled the trigger and ordered a 3XL (told you it was a big mellon) Zeus ZS 508W helmet and here is my take on this $90.00 Modular helmet. The helmet came with two helmet bags and extra hardware. Right out of the box I noticed that it had a pretty good finish on it. The flip mechanism worked easy and I was anxious to pull it over my head. The helmet slipped on like it was made for me, plenty of room inside(in fact I had to wear a schampa head rag to get that perfect fit feel). Now for the real test, closing the chin bar. When I dropped and locked the chin bar I was surprised to find about an inch to and inch and a half distance from the helmet to my chin. So far so good. Next thing I noticed was there was a lot of room around my ears, enough in fact for a headset with room to spare. The helmet feels sturdy as does the locking mechanism. Rode to work this morning and although it took some getting used to I really enjoyed the helmet. Lets get the bad out of the way first off. Over 55MPH I started getting wind noise, it wasn't terrible but it was noticable and coming from around the face shield at the top. I closed all vents to make sure and it made no difference at all. Like I said it wasn't terrible but after things being quite for the low speed it was noticable. I usually wear ear plugs with my half and 3/4 anyway so no big deal for me. That was it for the bad. The Good: No wind buffeting at all. (Most of my helmets have moderate buffeting) Vents seemed to work well, I could feel cool air on top of my head with them open. Chin vent directed air to face shield and kept it realativly fog free. Face shield has several detent and locks securely in each one. Fairly large view port so you don't get that claustraphobic feeling. Plenty of room for sun glasses. No undue pressure on your ears. Easy one handed operation. Optional Dual Lense Face Shield Optional Dual Lense "Electric" Fog Free Face Shield If I were to give it an overall grade I would give it a A-. Here is a link to a review of thier first gen modular.http://www.webbikeworld.com/r2/zeus-helmet/zeus-helmet.htm I just read on their site that the 2009 model is SNELL certified. That's a first for a Modular I do believe. Here a a few pics of my helmet minus the neck roll. I hate those things. http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/c72b7a22.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/7b213680.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/c3bc19e9.jpg
  2. Got the Zeus in today and am very happy with it. It's not a $400.00 helmet but it is nice and comfortable. Probably an inch to an inch and a half between my chin and the chin bar when locked with the neck collar removed. With it on it pushed the helmet back some and thus reduces the distance between the chin bar and my chin. I can put the helmet on with the bar down and locked without any problems at all. Looks pretty good too. I'll be taking it in to work tomorrow so I will get a better feel for it but as of right now I am thoroughly happy with it.
  3. I'm no expert(Although I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night) but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that one doesn't work!!!
  4. Fastest about 80 or a tad faster. Safest: No faster than your guardian angel can fly!!
  5. I can fix it!!! I have this ultimate set of tools. Sorry, just thought to interject a little humor into this thread. I am so glad that they are safe although very sore. Things could have turned out a lot worse. Looks like those to kids are actually proud of what they did. It sucks that your wife and S-I-L are hurting and that punk looks to be alright. Life isn't fair. I hope your wife and S-I-L get better real quick.
  6. U so FUNNY!!! Me Love you Big Time GI!!
  7. Bout time you did the write up on this Beer!!
  8. Before changing the clutch I would look at whether or not you have any play in the clutch lever. I had the same thing happen to me several times and then a couple weeks later the cruise control wouldn't stay engaged. I noticed play in the clutch lever and well just look at this thread and it will explain. Not saying this is your problem but it solved both of mine. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=38349]Cruise Control Not Staying Engaged - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  9. Funny thing, I have been riding MC's for 32 years and never paid no mind to how I entered into a corner. I went to 2 MSF courses in the mid 80's and have over 200,000 miles seat time. On the ride home yesterday I paid particular attention to how I set up and entered corners and I consistently did the SLLR (Slow, Look, Lean, Roll). It felt very uncomfortable pushing on the handlebar. Not a natural manuver or feel for me. I know that the MSF course has changed over the years (decades) and I can't honestly say that they taught us that way but it's the way I have ridden all my life. I do know that they taught us to use the rear brake first and I can tell you I went through a lot of rear brake pads on my first RSV before I retrained myself to use the front brake first. Now I only use the rear brake when needing to stop fast.
  10. Let us know how that works out. I have no idea why they would need to keep your shock. They can't be rebuilt and once he has your shock to make one for you he would have the specs. You also need to see how much it costs to rebuild if it can be rebuilt. How long will it take for them to make you one and get it to you? I have had the Works Performance for almost 3 years and it has been nothing short of outstanding in performance. I have not had to make a single adjustment, just mounted it and everything was within specs right off the bat.
  11. It would seem to me that SLRP could be counterproductive to entering a turn. If you are going to "ROLL" onto the throttle before "Pressing" then why slow down in the first place?
  12. So, is that the "Kitchen Sink" on top?:rotfl::rotfl: I would have soiled my britches if I had seen that thing coming down the highway at me all by it's lonesome!!
  13. They have gaskets? Who knew!!!
  14. I too have a problem with not being able to wear modular or full face helmets. I tried on a Zeus modular a couple years ago and it gave me plenty of room in the front for my chin but was just a tad tight on my big gord. I just ordered a 3X and it should be delivered on Monday. The one I tried on was a XL and normally I take a 3X or larger. I will give my thoughts on it once I get it and try it on. I had a nolan modular 2X and it was very tight and I couldn't close the chin bar and lock it. So I was very surprised the the XL Zeus fit so well in the front. Here is a link to web bike worlds write up. http://www.webbikeworld.com/r2/zeus-helmet/zeus-helmet.htm
  15. Don't you just love 99% of the MC community. Great people we are. I'm glad those folks stopped to help you out and that you guys are safe. Stuff can be replaced, lives can't. To top it all off YOU GOT ONE HECK OF A STORY TO TELL, the rest of your life. That's priceless. Again I am glad everyone is safe and nothing major came of it. Could have come off and went head on into traffic. Somebody was watching out over everyone on that stretch of the highway at that time. Sometimes I wonder if anyone "IS" watching over us and then I hear about things like this happening and get reassured.
  16. The only thing that comes to my mind is jetsons tune: Meet George Jetson!!!! Nice to see the Venture represented!!! NOT!!!!
  17. Depends on whether or not we just had a big meal.
  18. I have seen the GW rack on the RSV, it looks good, but the quality is lacking. It had only been on for a couple of months and I saw pitting on the chrome and rust on some of the weld joints. To me it would be worth getting the Yamaha one. I have had one on my bike for almost 3 years now and it still looks great. Oh yeah Ditto to what Venturekid said about distributing the weight.
  19. Outstanding. You look so happy. Sharp looking trike too. Enjoy!
  20. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. Wayne and Brandy
  21. I'm not even sure what part the deer played in this episode. Sounds to me like a drunk who couldn't determine distance ran into the back of a pickup truck. I highly doubt he just "Jumped" into the back of the truck. Looks like he was ejected and luckily landed in the back of the truck.
  22. I am putting a bid in on it right now. Thanks.
  23. Glad he made it safely. One good thing that will come out of this is that there won't be a darn thing in that city that's not working when he leaves. Especially if he has time on his hands. Jeff doesn't know how to slow down. Tell him to keep safe and we look forward to his return.
  24. It is a shame for any loss of life, woman or man it doesn't make any difference. Lets all remember that age doesn't define who you are or how you ride. I know 50 year olds who ride on the edge every day and I know a 25 year old who rides like he is 90. The reason wrecks are more prevalent is that there are 10 times more bikes on the road than 10 years ago. More riders makes the incidents go up.
  25. It's what I live for!!!:rotfl: Believe me I think there can't be anybody more disappointed than Krome Rose. She was REALLY looking forward to this trip. I just can't swing it with work. If I wasn't the "Big Giant Head" then I would probably be able to get away.
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