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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. The only thing redesigned on the newer shock is they added a vent hose instead of the holes in the boot. Nothing else has changed and it would seem the "NEW and Improved" shock is still failing.
  2. Do they come in any color but BLACK? Seems to me you would want to steer away from dark colors to stay cool.
  3. Try turning your IC down it's probably at 20 and that's why it's bothering you. I doubt it's the HS. Is there a piece of foam covering the mic? You can turn the IC down to where you are not hearing all that stuff and still have a conversation with the passenger. All of the RSV's will give you that kind of noise if you turn the IC to MAX. At least both of mine did and I had and have the high dollar J & M headsets. If you don't have a passenger then turn the IC down to 0 and the problem is fixed. Since my wife has her own bike, I only use the IC to test my MIC then turn it back down to 0. Wayne
  4. Well I didn't get to the actuator yet. I did look up the procedure in the Clymer book. When I did I saw that the first thing it said to do was "Make sure the lock nut on the throttle cable at the hand grip was tight." Went outside thinking that it is possible that I didn't tighten it down when I finished the grip change and I didn't. Tightened it down and it holds pretty steady now only moving 1 MPH up or down occasionally. I might tear into the actuator and adjust there just to see if I can get it to stay steady. I know going up and down elevations will effect it so I'm going to give it a couple more days and check on flat level roads. Thanks Freebird. Wayne
  5. Thanks Freebird, I will get to that today and get back to you . Thanks again, Wayne
  6. Yeah I put Kuryakyn ISO grips on last weekend and had to go into that throttle junction box. As soon as I opened it that spring did it's thing and sprung out onto the ground. It took me over an hour of serious searching on the net to find a picture of it that showed how it went in. I put it together but my cruise is not operating properly. I set it on straight and level and she drops 2 MPH then accelerates to 3 MPH faster than the set point before slowing down to the set speed only to do it all over again in about 30 seconds. There must be some adjustment I can make to fix it.
  7. It's the second fastest color made that year.
  8. Not only do I love my pillow top my backside is in love with it too.:rotf::rotf:
  9. Those look pretty good. I like the POW/MIA ones for the back of the bags.
  10. Yeah the Mr. Clean works wonders on a bike. I used it on mine last weekend and was really pleased with it. I was afraid at first because the water was spotty all over the bike and really wanted to towel it off so I didn't get the spots. I'm glad I waited for it to dry cause it looked so purdy once it dried in the sun. It made a once 4 hour plus job into a 30 minute job. Plus drying time of course, but that took no energy from me. I don't see how jet dry would do that good of a job myself. The only part of the Mr. Clean system that makes it spot free is the final rinse with deionized demineralized water. That is the key to it there is nothing in the water to leave a spot once evaporated. With jet dry it would allow the water to sheet off but any that stayed behind would evaporate and spot up. Wayne
  11. Yeah What He Said!!
  12. I have the clear view and love it. My friend has the JC Whitney and although it looks good I noticed stress fractures near the bottom withing months of him putting it on. Not sure if that is a common thing with them or not since that is the only one I have seen of that make. I like the clearview it's shaped a little different and when you get above 45Mph the wind sucks the moisture off the shield. Wayne
  13. The intercom is "HOT" all the time. You only have to turn the IC volume up until you hear yourself. If you are not hearing either one then I would have to assume that something is wrong with your MICs. It is possible that there is a problem with the unit, but I have never heard of any IC problems with the RSV. I usually check my MIC to see if it's working by turning the IC up to about 15 then blowing into the mic.
  14. No O'Riellys around here so hopefully AZ will carry it. Thanks
  15. So where can I get me some? My cages headlights are so crazed I'm surprised the light even shines on the road. Wayne
  16. My guess would be that it's never too soon to use Seafoam. Why let the bad stuff build up? I never shut it off. If I did I would never remember to turn it back on and then run out of gas and look stupid on the side of the road trying to figure out why it won't run.:rotf: Saw some on Ebay, try cruisercustumizing also. I weigh 270 and ran 35lbs in the rear shock, it all depends on the feel of the ride for you. Some will run more some less it's a personal thing really. Welcome to the world of the Venture Wayne
  17. Well V7Goose I guess we will have to agree to disagree. You know what you know and I know what I know.
  18. I'm thinking that it won't dissolve at all. I would test it out though just to put my mind at rest. Wayne
  19. I would have to respectfully disagree with your statement. You might want to check where you get your gas and make sure they are not ripping you off. I know for a fact that there is about 1/2 gallon of UNUSABLE gas in the tank, it resides on the right side of the tank. If you look at the backbone of the frame it splits the tank in two with no allowance for all of the fuel on the right side to get back to the left where the petcock is. I have in fact run my RSV on reserve until it quit, not on purpose though and was able to shake enough gas from the right side to the left to get me to a gas station. I speak from personal experience. Wayne
  20. That's what I use and have never had a problem. Wayne
  21. Can't help with the seat too much. You can try corbin or roadsofa. As far as back rests though there are two main ones. www.diamondraccessories.com and www.utpr.com Wayne
  22. Yes Seafoam. I just bought my first can yesterday and put it in my tank. Within 7 miles I could feel the difference in the motor. Best stuff on the market. You can get it at NAPPA for around 8 bucks. Wayne
  23. WalMart carries the Hoppey tail light converter for around 10 bucks. I just replaced the one on my bike because of a short on the trailer took out the left turn circuit on the converter.
  24. Usually the tapping comes from the right side lifters and from what I have heard it's because of the oil draining back down and it takes longer for the oil pump to get oil up to it. My 99 does that on cold mornings, my first RSV did it too. I had 37K miles on the first one and this one had 49k miles. Wayne
  25. I'm thinking that guy may have been talking about the earlier versions. The 2nd Gen has no major problems especially getting wet. Wayne
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