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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. Please don't mention the Biltmore in the presence of my wife:no-no-no:. That will be a wasted day for me. :rotf:
  2. Wow I think it's a great idea. I would be up for it. Haven't talked to the better half yet, but I'm sure she will go for it.
  3. Thanks Rick hopefully a favorable report will be given. I'm planning on taking a trip in early Oct, to Sun City Center Fl, then up to North Fl, GA, up to the Dragon and then take the Blue Ridge Parkway to Asheville before cutting back to the coast and home. I don't plan on putting more than 600 miles a day and this will be over the course of a week or so. Hopefully some of the fall foliage will be out, but I kind of think it will be a little too early for that. Wayne
  4. My thoughts exactly. If it has a visor or having the shield up that will cause air to hit it and make her head buffet around. Most complaints I have heard about were folks wearing shorty helmets with visors on them.
  5. Cool. Thanks a bunch. I have the tools, but am not sure I have the knowledge. LOL. If I sent both seats to you how long do you think it would take? I really love the pillow top, but as others have mentioned before the foam compresses after several hours and then it starts to get slightly uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, I can and have done day long rides without getting monkey butt. I guess I'm looking for something in between the pillow and stock 99 seat. It sounds like what you are doing is just that. I can't deal with a hard seat and the PT is very comfortable. I had a Corbin and put several thousand miles on it and it was still like sitting on a cement bench to me.
  6. Is this a do it yourself project or should it be left to the professionals? I like the idea of adding memory foam to the seat for just a little more comfort.
  7. Wonder how they sound. I'm not too keen on the band either, but they won't really be seen. I'm not too fond of turn outs either, but looking at the bolt it looks like they are actually turn down and were rotated to turn outs.
  8. Yamaha gave the previous owner of my 99 a replacement bottom trunk and it was out of warranty. He then proceeded to fix the problem and saved the trunk.
  9. FYI a recall is a required fix and they will fix it regardless of warranty.
  10. Can't help you there but the adapter cables are only 12 bucks and a good SWR meter is 25. It's always a good idea to have both on hand and check the SWR every so often. Adjusting is not hard to do. http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=SIE%2DSWR12 http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=VAN%2DSWR%2D2 Just my 2 cents
  11. I don't know. I would think the gas mileage would go down. If you are turning an average of 500 more RPM I would think it would use more gas to run there. Just my thoughts.
  12. There's a video? All I see is a big white square box and 3 stills at the bottom.
  13. Yes the mileage is also effected . If you look at the miles traveled on your GPS and the miles indicated on your ODO you will find roughly a 10 mile / 16 Kilometer difference between the two after running a full tank.
  14. Do you have a Utopia back rest on it? If so it could be pinching the wires underneath it and causing them to separate at the connectors under the passengers seat. Since it only happens under accelerating conditions you would naturally be pushed back into the backrest. Even if you don't have a back rest I would check the connectors under the passengers seat first. Just my 2 cents worth. Wayne
  15. The flasher has 4 selectable settings via dipp switches 1. 3 short flashes then 1 long one and repeat 2. 3 strobes steady then repeat. (like in the vid) 3. 3 short flashes then steady on. 4. 3 strobes then steady on. The light bar on my RSV is a RadiantZ led strip also. Mine is set up as "ONLY" a brake light. Originally it was a brake/running light but I find it gets much more attention as just a brake light. When it starts strobing all of a sudden out of nowhere, it gets peoples attention. Wayne
  16. At this past weekends Meet and Eat in NC several members inquired about my brake light on the trunk. Here is an movie that shows it but really does not do justice to how bright this setup is. Anyway here are the links to the strobe/flasher and light bar. I was mistaken on the price of the light bar but it's still a great deal for safety sake. Flasher:http://www.customdynamics.com/led_strobe.htm Light Bar:http://www.customdynamics.com/flex_led_array.htm Let me know if the file does not play and I'll try and upload it again. Wayne
  17. http://www.casporttouring.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=Stebel11185&Category_Code=Security
  18. The chrome is "Plastic chrome" and so far I haven't had a problem with it. Not the prettiest thing you ever saw but no need to hide it either. Get Carbon_One's stainless steel bracket and mount it where the original horn is. Wayne
  19. First off if you are interested in the Works Performance contact RichH at www.buckeyeperformance.com and he can order it for you. I have changed to the Works Performance shock and have 9,000 miles on it so far and have NO complaints at all. It is a high quality product built to YOUR specifications. When you order it you give your weight, passengers weight, whether you tow, how much 2 up driving you do, what type of driving you do and how much you tow. Then they make a shock specifically for your bike. To me this shock is heads and shoulders above the stock shock, your first ride will tell you that, not to mention holding it in your hands. It's beefier and looks much better. As far as rebuilding, I am told you have to send it in and they will rebuild it for around $100.00. Sure beats $500.00 for a new OEM that still fails and can't be rebuilt. I changed it myself and it took about 45 minutes if I remember correctly. I suggest taking the rear tire off to gain easier access although it can be done with it on if you have small hands. Changing it is pretty straight forward just 2 bolts one on top and one on the bottom. I suggest putting the top bolt in first because the top of the shock has 2 bushings and if you put the bottom in first chances are pretty good you are going to knock one or both of the bushings out trying to line up the top bolt. The Works Performance shock is more expensive up front, but if you plan on keeping your RSV and riding it a lot then it will pay for itself in the long run. Wayne
  20. Very sorry for your loss. One day you will ride together again. Wayne
  21. There are only two main possibilities then. 1. Your MIC or associated wiring is bad. Is it a boom mic? If so then 2 is more likely the culprit. If it's one of those mics that are installed into the helmet then you might have a wire to the MIC broke I had that happen several times. That's why I switched to the boom mic. 2. A wire is busted in the patch cord.
  22. The red light stays on when the CB is on, what you are looking for is a TX icon that will come up on the screen of the audio head. It will actually be a TX to let you know you are transmitting. Again the red light only means the CB is on. Did you check the mic by turning the IC up? It goes without saying that you have the helmet on when checking the mic.
  23. Ok there are several things that can cause this. All of which have been mentioned here. Easy way to check the MIC is to turn the IC up all the way and talk into it normally. If you hear yourself the MIC and associated wiring are good. If you hold the PTT switch down and the CB audio is NOT muted then the PTT switch contacts are corroded. Sometimes just working the switch will help. If you suspect the PTT switch then try transmitting with the passengers PTT switch and see if the radio will work that way.
  24. It will depend on how you describe the problem to them. If you say I think the carbs need to be synced and while your at it grease the rear splines you are requesting routine maintenance and that is NOT covered under warranty. Same as if you were to get the oil changed or the plugs changed. Now if you went in complaining about a problem it's a different story. I am hearing a grinding/clicking/roaring noise in the rear and it seems to be running really bad then they would have to look at it under warranty. With that being said, you can't go in one day and say I think the carbs need to be synced and while your at it grease the splines and they say it's not covered and then the next day or a few days later say your hearing things. Dealers are not stupid and unless you have done a ton of business with them you are going to get turned away yet again.
  25. Buzzard_NC has a 2003 with the pinhole leak at the y like the others.
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