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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. RickH at Buckeye performance sells the GW vents with a template and instructions if needed. Also the CV vents sit just above the dash and would definitely interfere with his windshield bag.
  2. Just so you know it might not take that long to get your windshield. Beer 30 ordered his Clearview last Wednesday and was told Friday I believe that it had shipped. So now might be the time to try and get one.
  3. Yeah it's cool watching the ground zip by. You should try it at 500mph just above the tree tops. Nothing but a Pucker factor of 20+. LOL
  4. The brewery moved, the restaurant is still there.
  5. No actually it's a sheepskin thong!!!
  6. I would pull the plug wires and confirm if in fact it was running down on cylinders. Could also be debris in the carbs. How much gas was in the tank when you parked it? Were the nights cool? If the tank is not full and the nights get cool condensation can form inside the tank and then get sucked into the carbs. I have actually had this happen on a motorcycle. Not my RSV but one I had many years ago.
  7. Why the GC on Hwy 17? Wouldn't the new one on 24 be closer? Just a thought. I don't know how you could get to the one on 17 from your house in 15 min unless maybe Muffin Man was leading.:rotf:
  8. This is nothing new, it's been going on for years now.
  9. Just wondering if anyone took into consideration that it's following a Holiday weekend in the US? Travel will be horrendous at best getting there. IMO.
  10. As someone who has visited Mexico several times and had the privilege to look down the barrel of a Federalies pistol on one time and spending 4 days in a 6X8 jail with 4 other guys the next time, I wouldn't recommend it. They can and will make up stuff to have you arrested. The time I got face to face with the pistol was because a merchant was accusing an American tourist of stealing a briefcase when I saw him walk into the market carrying it. When the "Police" were trying to arrest the American I tried to inform them that he did not steal it only to be told to mind my own business or I would be right beside him in the jail all the while looking down the barrel of a pistol. I went to the consulate and told them and they didn't seem to concerned. They said it happens all the time and would get to it when they had a chance. Not very reassuring to say the least. BTW both incidents were in separate border towns. The only way to really visit Mexico is to fly well past the border deep into Mexico where they are set up better for tourists. I wouldn't recommend driving anything except a tank into Mexico.
  11. Ok first off, Why would you release both hands from the handle bars? Now on to your problems and the fix. What you are describing is usually caused by one of several conditions. The shock air pressure being one but not high on the list of probable causes. Tire cupping can cause this along with improper air pressure, you should be able to run your hand around the tire and feel if it is cupping. What is more than likely your problem is the steering bearing is loose and needs to be tightened. It is not really hard to do as long as you have the proper equipment. Follow this link and it will tell you what to do: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=511 And oh yeah, "DON'T TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF THE HANDLEBARS" This is not a bicycle when you drop one of these people get hurt.
  12. Ok first off I agree, you need to down shift. Second, after reading this post I now know why there is such a difference in peoples gas mileage. My bike runs just fine in 5th at 45mph and above, if I start up hill I will down shift if it feels like it's bogging down.
  13. I had the same thing happen one time and it has never happened again. I too believe that the rubber got hard and once that gas hit it the thing swelled back up to stop the leak.
  14. IC is hot all the time. When you transmit on CB it will mute the radio audio as well as mute the radio audio when you receive on the CB. So all three can be on and in use at the same time. The CB will always over ride the radio. This was one thing I didn't know when I first got my 99 way back when. I didn't have a HS for the longest time and was not aware the CB was on and thought I was having problems with the radio. Once I actually got the book out and read a little I felt as dumb as I do telling everyone about it right now.
  15. It's not too difficult, just remember there is a snap ring that needs to come off before you can pull the splines. Look here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13263
  16. On a lot of the 2gens the joint where the front and rear exhaust meet did not get a complete weld and it is covered under warranty.
  17. Do you by chance have a trailer hitch on it? If so is the stinger in? It could be rattling. I had that happen to me and it sounded just like what you described. Now I know nothing about the 1st Gens but that's my experience with a rattle.
  18. Yeah I saw your Meet and Eat. I have to wait and see how much of my money Brandy spends at the Emerald Isle Rally. I will give it a try that's for sure. I'm always up for eating. As you can tell I haven't missed too many meals.
  19. Looks like Brandy and I will make the ride after all. It will be awesome if they really get that big of a turn out. Gene don't forget the big Emerald Isle Bike Rally next weekend.
  20. My rear tire has 11,000 miles on it and still looks great.
  21. Well I imagine you would do it by the service manual, unless you notice they are damaged. I have changed many a tire and never felt the need to change the bearings. Just pack them with some quality high temp bearing grease and continue on. Well that's what I do, others may have a different opinion.
  22. Well as luck would have it I'm at work and they don't allow access to geocities, so I will have to wait until after work to check out the link. I did get to the NC PGR site and saw a small blurb on it. Mainly giving the date, times and route.
  23. Gene, you stated that it is passing by your house on 172, I take it they are going to be able to travel through Camp Lejeune? From the best of my knowledge the gates are still closed to public traffic. I wonder if they are aware of that fact? I am going to say this event for me is a definite MAYBE!! My wifes sister is getting married on Cape Cod that day. She still hasn't decided if we are attending yet or not. If I am in town I will be there.
  24. IMO it should be broken down into several smaller groups instead of one large one. Either way you should have a bike riding drag that has a CB so he can tell you when everyone is caught up. If you are leading out, stay 5-10 MPH under the posted speed limit until you receive the call from the drag rider that everyone has caught up. Then you can resume a safe speed. Make sure you tell everyone to keep staggered spacing and go over hand signals so everyone is aware in case you need to get everyone single file or point out a road hazard. Explain your intentions to go under the speed limit until everyone is caught up and for them to NOT speed to catch up. Big groups tend to yo yo back and forth and those in the back will have to speed up to catch up and that is where the danger comes in. They can and sometimes do run into the back of other riders who speed up only to have to slow down quickly. Good Luck
  25. I don't really care which dates to be honest I would rather have it in September or October when it's cooler. But the plans are for both the wife and me to attend.
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