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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. Around 800. I have to hand it to those who put in the miles in the 70's though. Man those were some uncomfortable rides then. Hard seats, no creature comfort. Dedication!!!
  2. Another option although not an immediate solution to small ear canal is to get custom made ear plugs. I had a set made at MBBW last year by Big Ear and just love them. They are easy to put in and take out, are comfortable, and really seem to keep you refreshed on long rides like Dave said. Cool thing is you can have a mold made "FREE" and they hold it for 2 years, during that time you have the option of having them make a set of ear plugs that are wired for audio and by purchasing an adapter cable you can still talk on the CB or Bluetooth. These are the same things you see NASCAR and other Motor sports drivers wear. They are a bit pricey but well worth it in my book. In fact I plan on getting the audio plugs real soon. Check out the place, they call me and inform me of where they will be next and what rally's they are attending. Pretty good people. http://www.bigearinc.com/Products/powersports.aspx
  3. Dang Margaret that sucks. Sounds really painful. I hope you get it taken care of without too much more pain. If you need anything let me or Brandy know. Now for the bad part, it could have been as simple as: I have had that happen several times before hunting in South Florida and once up here and yes it is painful and down right irritating once it makes it to your ear drum. Sounds like the Russian army in your head. The remedy has always been simple. What are most bugs attracted to? :lightbulb:Light!!! I held a flashlight to my ear and within 20 minutes it came out every time. To be honest I don't know if it was light or heat, so I don't know how these newfangled LED lights would do. I always used one of those Mag Lights.
  4. The administration decided to take contractor jobs and make them Govt jobs to cut costs.
  5. Lets talk about no self respect!!! Myrtle Beach Bike Week 2008 this thing pulled up and parked right next to my RSV. I had to get it's booster shots when I got home. http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/Myrtle%20Beach%202008/DSCF3592.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/Myrtle%20Beach%202008/DSCF3593.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/Myrtle%20Beach%202008/DSCF3594.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/Myrtle%20Beach%202008/DSCF3596.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/Myrtle%20Beach%202008/DSCF3597.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/Myrtle%20Beach%202008/DSCF3598.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/Myrtle%20Beach%202008/DSCF3599.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/Myrtle%20Beach%202008/DSCF3600.jpg
  6. Ok so did I miss it? What is the address we are supposed to send stuff to as of now?
  7. Something is wrong with the MIC wiring. Either the connector you plug into or where the buddy rich cable is connected. I would split the faring and check take the BR cable out, reconnect the two original cables and check it out. If it's fixed a wire is bad in the BR cable (not knocking the Buddy Rich cable I have had one in for well over a year and it works just fine, but things do break) if it's not fixed then it's a problem with the Venture wiring. Either way if you are going to get a dealer to look at it I would take the Buddy Rich cable out or they just might consider it grounds for voiding the warranty. Not saying they would, but they could make a case for it. Kinda like breaking a seal on an electronic item. Sorry no one has replied to this before now. Usually people respond quicker. I have been out all day and just logged on. Good Luck.
  8. I beg to differ, I have a coil going bad and when it drops out it is very noticeable. Not only with the power drop but also a raw fuel smell. No offense intended. I will say this, I have a buzz at 70 that makes my fingers go numb after an hour or so of riding at that speed. I have had the bike 2.5 years and it has always been there. Someone mentioned the valves and I may just look into adjusting them. Can't afford to have the shop do it though. I have the technical ability it's just getting the time to do it. I have over 102,000 miles on it and it had 40,000 on it when I bought it and I have no idea if the valves were ever adjusted.
  9. Good on ya there ADC. Glad you were there to help out.
  10. Yes, by most state laws. Problem with them being wired like that is if the HL fuse blows you lose "ALL LIGHTS" on the bike except the brake. Not a fun situation to be in at night on a dark road.
  11. Cool. For some reason the iPhone won't work if you have gloves on unless they are very thin.
  12. Everything mentioned so far are all good reasons. I had this happen and it ended up being a short in the right turn signal wire inside of the passing light bar. It was just barely touching causing the impedance to be different but not enough to blow the fuse. So if you have the Yamaha passing light bar on you might also check where the wires exit the bar and enter into the turn signal housing.
  13. I guess not knowing what you were missing allowed you to miss the dropped cylinder. I knew immediatly when I lost #4, I suspected the coil is going bad because it is intermittant. Dug into it and replaced the spark plug first plus did some testing of the coil and everything checked out good on the coil but like I said it's intermittant. So far the bike has been back together for 2 weeks with no miss, could have been a loose connection since that is the coil I connected my mini-tach to over a year ago. So far so good. I don't envy you on replacing any of the other coils, they are located it the most out of the way place they could find. Did you have to pull the rear tire to replace, or were you able to go through the side after taking the passenger foot rest off? Reason I am asking is because I'm debating on replacing all 4 of them in the near future. Got over 100,000 miles on her and if I do have one that's intermittant the others could go at any time too.
  14. I'm gonna have to slaughter a hog to get that picture out of my head!!!
  15. Ahhhhh But the tech section doesn't show the bypass for the coil circuitry and from everything he said this part of the switch is working. If he doesn't get spark then I suggest doing the same thing as described above but do it to the blue/yellow and blue/black wires on the other connector of the ignition switch. Then try and start the bike.
  16. 10 to 1 it's the ignition switch. I had the same exact thing happen to me 4 time so far and every time I cycled the switch off and on several times and it fired up. Not only does the switch have the ACC and Electrical going through it, but it also has the circuit for the coils and that is where mine is failing just the coils circuit, everything else is works when this problem rears it's ugly head. I have since put the bypass switches in for the electrical and coils. I didn't want to get stranded anywhere. For the longest time I carried a switch, wire, and the writeup on how to bypass and finally I just made the install, neat, clean, and simple.
  17. Bumble Bee has this. I'm considering purchasing on myself. http://cyclegadgets.com/Products/RAM/ram.asp?prod=RAM-AB2
  18. I have 150 High intensity LED's on my bike and also run heated gloves, socks, and grips during the winter. If you are concerned about available power pull the fuse for the carb heaters. Haven't known anybody to need them yet. My fuse has been pulled since Dec 2006 and I ride year round in temps down to the low teens.
  19. If it's in the car mount where you are having the problem it's more than likely the miniphono jack receptical is separating from the circuit board. It happened to mine as well as Beer30's.
  20. OUCH!!!
  21. Hey, glad you are doing ok. They keeping you busy over there? Nothing like having nothing to do to drive you insane. I'm pretty sure I know what that lake is!!! It's such a dirty part of the world. Keep your head down buddy and keep us posted. If you or Margaret need anything just let us know. Keep your head down and get your tail back soon.
  22. Actually it should be right at 3.5 liters with the filter changed to bring it center of the sight glass with the bike upright. The book is wrong on that part. You should not have more than middle of the sight glass in order to prevent the oil from being blown out and making a mess of the back of your engine.
  23. I know how you feel, and have felt the same way several times. Heck I managed to get 2 posts deleted one right after the other. The first one was a post I started and when it got deleted I felt the same way as you do now and was not going to post again until a new thread came up asking where that one was. I bit my tongue and didn't respond until it got to 4 pages and then I posted what caused the post to be deleted. Wham Bamm that post got deleted within 3 minutes. Figured I was on a roll and should see how many more I could get removed. Don't worry it will pass and you will be back to posting soon. Don't take it to heart.
  24. Well the reason I sold my first RSV was because I had neck surgery and the Dr told me to never ride again. I had about 40% of the disk removed between the 5th and 6th cervical vertebrae. That lasted 2 years before I was about ready to die from not riding. Helmet weight was a major concern for me too. This helmet just doesn't feel heavy, I can't explain it. I guess it may just be well balanced? Not sure, but I never even notice the weight difference between my shorty and the Zeus. As a side note, I did notice a different feel with the chin bar up while riding. That could be from the wind hitting it and/or a change in balance on my neck. I will have to play with it on the way home today.
  25. Are crossbows legal to hunt with in GA? I know my Father hunts with one in FL, but he had to get a special permit due to having reconstructive shoulder surgery. Didn't know if GA was the same.
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