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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. Glad to hear you are ok and the bike is not damaged. The noise you are talking about is a common noise the RSV makes. Both of mine made the same noise, it's nothing to worry about. I remember a thread last year about it either on this board or the other one, and once everybody started listening for it most heard it. Nothing to be worried about.
  2. Nice addition to the Stable there Beer30.
  3. So what you're saying is that you are abnormal? Guess I'm in the same boat too. Z1R and Zeus are the only helmets that fit me comfortably. I have tried AF, Shoei, and just about every other maker out there without much luck.
  4. I know like hard seats but these guys are a bit on the extreme side. At least they thought of brakes.
  5. Is the motor noise being picked up by the mic? Or is coming over the HS with the IC turned off? Reason I ask is that on my first 99 RSV I had motor noise/interference and when I accelerated it got louder. IC was off. I also had intermittent popping noises in the HS. I was installing a Diamond R backrest and noticed connectors under the seat not fully seated. Pulled them apart, cleaned them and put dialectic grease on them before putting them back together and the noise went away never to return. If you haven't already done so, I suggest putting dialectic grease on EVERY electrical connection on the bike. This might help your problem. Darn sure wouldn't hurt.
  6. I have the Z1R Ace helmet and couldn't be happier with it. I have a HUGE MELLON and it is almost impossible to find a helmet to fit me. Very comfortable helmet for a 3/4 and visibility is amazing. You don't see the sides of the helmet at all, I can't count how many times I have reached up to scratch my nose and hit the face shield, it's optics are that clear. It blocks as much wind as a full face or modular since the shield goes down below your chin. I wear it year round. Couldn't be happier and only paid $80.00 for it.
  7. SaltyDawg

    Car Tire ??

    I agree with what Tartan is saying but let me quantify my earlier statement. Upon further review (meaning I just remembered) the guy who ran the car tire put it on because he did a lot of cross country riding and pulled a popup camper behind the bike. Pulling the camper all the time was wearing his rear tire out a lot faster. That's the reason he went to a car tire. Still don't know what the final results were though. I personally wouldn't chance it. There is a reason there are motorcycle tires.
  8. Hopefully I can get it done before the summer rates kick in.
  9. SaltyDawg

    Car Tire ??

    Don't know why you would want to do it, but I did read about someone doing it about 5 years ago. Wasn't a good experience if I remember correctly. He used to be a winger and had one on his GW, tried it on a RSV, didn't like the handling.
  10. I'm not so sure I want to know what sitting on a wadded up diaper feels like.:rotf::rotf::rotf:
  11. The older style Midnight was more in line with the 99-00 seats and are harder seats. If you like a firm seat they are great for that. If you like a softer seat, the the pillow top is the way to go. Everyone has different likes in a seat. My first 99 had stock seats and I couldn't ride for more than 40 miles without my butt hurting. I got a Corbin and that was even harder, got monkey butt in 25 miles. Now I have pillow top seats and have ridden from Tampa, Fl to the East Coast of North Carolina in a day without a problem.
  12. No Carbon_one is a member of this site. Check the classified area. If he has any they will be available in there. Sorry I wasn't more specific.
  13. Don't forget to get one of Carbon_ones stainless steel brackets for it. Makes mounting much easier.
  14. Besides the tell tale oil around the bottom of the shock the ride will be bouncy if the shock is bad. Going over rail road tracks for instance takes on a whole new meaning. Going into corners the bike will want to not settle in and will wander a bit through the corner, at least that's the way my shock was acting when it was bad.
  15. Not sure if this is the one you are talking about but this is the cheapest I have found these. http://www.casporttouring.com/store/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=Stebel11185&Category_Code=Security
  16. Thank you for all you do. Come home safe.
  17. I have had the chance to own both the Diamond R and Utopia back rests. Both are quality products, the Diamond R installs much easier than the Utopia. The Utopia will require possible drilling out two holes under the seat and can be a pain in the backside to install the first time. Took me 45 minutes to install it where as the Diamond R took all of 10 minutes. So for ease of installation the Diamond R is hands down the easiest. Now for me the Diamond R did not have the adjustments in it to allow me to feel comfortable on the bike, it felt like the backrest was pushing me forward in the seat. I ended up putting my feet on my highway pegs and pushing back until I bent the bracket to allow for a better feel. Never had a problem with it after that. The Utopia had much more adjustability in it and felt better for me and I can adjust it easily while stopped at a traffic signal. There was no adjusting the Diamond R because I had it at it's limits when I bent the bracket farther back to keep from being pushed forward. My choice is the Utopia, but if you are hoping to get it quick Diamond R will get it to you within a week in most cases and the folks at Diamond R are super to work with and have top quality products.
  18. Thanks a ton everybody. Just finished with the bearing change. Once the proper guidance was given to me by you guys it really wasn't all that hard. Only change one side so far, next payday I will do the other one. The one I changed today was the one making the noise, but if one is bad the other isn't far behind. Thanks again, it went without a hitch, bought a 3/4 breaker bar to go with my 3/4 dump truck socket set and just used my fat A-- well you know what, to break the nut free. Wayne
  19. Thanks for the replies everyone. I am going to give it a try, I checked with the auto parts store and it is a sealed bearing and is replaced as a unit pretty much like flb_78 described. Off to get a 3/4" breaker bar and a big pipe. LOL Thanks again, Wayne
  20. I was wondering just how hard it is to replace/repack the front wheel bearings on a front wheel drive car. A 95 Chrysler New Yorker to be exact. I am not mechanically gifted, but I have done a lot of work on my cars in the past 30 years including bearings on rear wheel drive cars. Just wondering if this is something that I could do myself or should I take it to a garage to get it done? Thanks in advance. Wayne
  21. The second one is definitely photo shopped. Not sure about the first one, but it doesn't look like a dolphin to me.
  22. I considered these at one time, but was worried about them hitting in the twisties.
  23. The article did say "Mough drove past the house, turned around and made another pass, and Gear fired the .40-caliber semiautomatic gun two or three times, shooting Mough once in the back, the sheriff said." Now it's possible he ran the bike at the guy and was shot as he passed. If the rider did charge him with the bike, then the bike now becomes a weapon and front or back, left or right the guy has a right to defend himself. Like I said the facts are not in.
  24. Well all the facts are not in, and unfortunately no one will hear the MC rider's side, but it is possible that the guy on the bike ran the bike at the man like he was going to run over him. I have seen that done before. Sounds fishy to me, the girls might have cut him off and/or hit his bike, he followed them home to confront them and was met by a man with a gun coming out to "Protect" his babies from a pervert or something. No telling what the girls may have told their father. Like I said the facts are not in yet. It doesn't excuse the fact the the guy shot him in the back. He could have just fired a warning shot to scare him off.
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