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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. Yep that's right. It's basically a spark plug with clear acrylic or something of that sort around the core of the plug. You see a nice perfect ring around the core and adjust the mixture until you get a nice Bunsen burner blue at about 1000 rpm.
  2. From everything I have read you can have them go shortest, fastest, and avoid highways and tolls. Also you can use the mapping software that comes with it and map your route and upload it to the Zumo. I have been following this thread and researching the 550. I am going to let Uncle Sam help me stimulate the economy when my money comes in.
  3. Man did Muffin-Man smell good and the madder he got the hotter he got. The hotter he got the better he smelled. Kinda like fresh bread baking in the oven. We learned some lessons last night and Muffin-Man is pretty sure he can get Tim's done in about an hour. It is definitely a two person job, three if Muffin-Man is doing it. The third person is needed to look for spare parts and tools that get thrown around the shop. It was pretty amazing to hear the difference in the scoot after just one cylinder being done. For the most part it's not hard to see the colortune except on the left front cylinder, that was was kinda awkward to see. From what Muffin-Man said he didn't have to turn the mixture screw too much, there is a noticeable change in the color going only 1/4 turn each way. All in all I think it's something that should be done to all the scoots and hopefully this will make a difference in fuel mileage. It sure made the scoot sound good especially with those Barons on it.
  4. Personally I think that is kind of high unless it has a ton of aftermarket stuff on it. I would honestly worry some to see an 01 with only 10,000 miles on it. These bikes are meant to be ridden. Check the blue book on the bike, but I think you can find some better deals out there.
  5. First time I ever used a heel toe shifter was my first test ride on a RSV. It came second nature to me. I am so used to it I don't even lift my foot up much just catch the shifter with the back (not the bottom) of the heel and push it down. Slips right into gear. When I ride my wifes bike with a toe shifter I have to think about shifting, not so with the RSV. Wouldn't have it any other way.
  6. Now that I got your attention let me tell you an amusing little story about what happened today. Ok to set the stage, first off my Son is not the brightest bulb on the tree. In fact his bread has not risen. Well today we ran into Muffin-Man outside the Market entrance of the new super walmart here in town. This was the first time my Son has been to that walmart, he by the way is 19, but not in mind. While talking to MM I told him to go inside and look around, he came back after 10-15 min and when Muffin-Man left we went inside the store. Where he decided to tell me and I quote. "Man he sure smelled good" I'm not kidding folks that's what he said. I asked him to elaborate and he said he smelled like food, I laughed when I realized what he was talking about and told him that it wasn't Muffin-Man, but the exhaust from the Deli inside WM. He wasn't so sure. So when we were leaving the store we could still smell the Deli and I said, "Wow I can still smell Muffin-man and then he realized what the smell was. I couldn't believe he could be so simple and then he said something that made me belly laugh. He said and I quote "I thought that's why you guys called him Muffin-Man!!"
  7. Thx for the pics mini. Don't feel bad I forgot my camera also.
  8. Well there was six minutes of my life i'll never get back. BTW the first one works now.
  9. There is a college football game today? Cause we all know the only college sport worth watching is "FOOTBALL":stirthepot:
  10. Looks great, maybe you could put some LED's inside the ghosts to give them an even more eerie feeling.
  11. Yes but the wire that was shorted was to the turn signals that is on the HL circuit. I had mine wired pretty much the same as you do. Using the aux power through a switch to power the relay, with a fused link directly off the battery. Still not a good thing to lose your HL in a rain storm.
  12. Word of warning, I would fix that wire soon. The first big rain storm U get caught in could short it out and blow your headlight fuse. Been there done that. Big flaw in these Yamaha light bars.
  13. Just let us know where we can send donations when the info becomes available. Great work all. This really is a great family.
  14. Pretty sure that's the only place to get the paint, at least it's the only place I have heard of in the past 8 years.
  15. It is such a shame. At least he suffers no more. We will keep his family in our prayers.
  16. From what I have read the difference in the baskets is the rpm at which the whine is heard. The H basket might be just fine for you. The I basket is the one that puts it in the area where it doesn't bother most people. If it were me and the weather was good for riding I would go ahead with the H basket with them knowing full well you wanted the I basket and if it is not right then you will be bringing it back to get the I basket "WHEN IT GETS IN". No sense leaving it there for them while a part is on order. Just bug the heck out of them every other day. Wayne
  17. Ok so for those of you who prefer the beads. What type of seat do you prefer? Hard or soft?
  18. I have not heard of any engine work being done under warranty, but I'm almost positive that using another kind of oil will not void the warranty. I doubt that anyone would test the oil in the first place.
  19. I use a Fram oil Filter and the Rotella oil. The Rotella is the only oil I have ever used in my RSV's and have never had a problem. I read some time ago that oil designed for diesel engines was good for a wet clutch system and so far I have 67,000 on my engine, 25,000 in the last year alone and no clutch problems.
  20. Thanks for the update. Still keeping him in my prayers.
  21. I saw a group of these guys performing at Myrtle Beach Bike Week in the Spring of 2004. It was amazing what they could do with those bikes. They were doing it again at last Springs rally but we were not able to get there for the show due to other obligations. Pretty awesome to watch.
  22. What do you mean by the top part of the Radio antenna? Here is the best replacement antenna mod. Go down the page some for the 2nd Gen mod. http://bludolphintravel.com/gmg/marshallmod.htm
  23. Ok so I thought Jakezie, Carley, and Amanda were heads and shoulders above the rest and poor David Archuleta just never did find his comfort zone tonight. I love American Idol There I said it, now I feel better. I am no longer a closet Idol fan. WoW I never thought I could feel so liberated. All is right in the world now!!
  24. Prayers from NC.
  25. Wow where to begin. Ok I got to start somewhere so here goes. Riding in heavy base traffic one morning traveling at 55-60Mph while in the right lane of a 4 lane highway with a grass median/ditch, bumper to bumper both lanes. I had a car back out of a fenced parking lot onto the highway right in front of me. Only enough room for a MC in the left lane and I was on a Honda 750 at the time, quickly changed lanes only to hear and feel a loud metallic bang while crossing the dividing line. The bike immediately started fishtailing left and right, I had no idea what was going on, but I knew I was in deep trouble, got the bike under control (Now remember this is rush hour traffic) and into the median/ditch looked down and saw oil everywhere under the bike, immediately gunned the bike out of the ditch and across the oncoming lanes (no traffic) and into a parking lot where I could look at the damage. Long story short when I followed the fishtailing oil trail that was about 100 ft long to it’s origin I found a 12 bolt in the road with a gouged head and oil on the other end. Evidently I hit it just perfect with the front tire and that set the head into the road, as the tire went over it and came off the head the bolt rose up and hit square in the middle of the oil pan knocking a hole the size of a half dollar. When my wife came to pick me up and saw the oil track I laid down, she said she would never question me about my abilities to ride a MC. I have to say all the stars were aligned that morning, because by all rights I should have been seriously injured or killed. Not once but twice this has happened to me while riding home from work. Living on the East Coast of NC there are a lot of boats on trailers going down the highway. Well for some reason people don’t seem the feel the need to secure their equipment. While riding behind a boat being pulled down the highway at 65Mph or so I had the pleasure of watching a boogie board launch itself out of the front of a boat, sail high into the air and come crashing down right behind me, both times all I could do was watch as that thing sailed over my head. Both times it hit so hard the thing busted into pieces. Riding to Myrtle Beach Bike Week last Spring traveling down HWY 17 around Wilmington and in a section where there were 3 lanes heading South. I was in the far right lane and a dump truck was in the far left lane. I watched rock about the size of a ping pong ball fall off the truck and bounce across three lanes of traffic and hit me square in the bottom of my “RIGHT” foot which was on my highway pegs. It hit so hard my foot was numb for about 30 min. You want to talk about messing up your week, try getting a stone bruise on the bottom of your foot on your way to bike week. I limped around for the entire time. This one is a tad long, so I will give the Readers Digest condensed version. While leaving work one Friday in August at 2 PM on a very hot day on my RSV, my friend and I were traveling down one of the base roads that go through the forest. Looking ahead I thought I saw a Humvee coming out of the woods upon further inspection I realized it wasn’t a Humvee, but a BIG BEAR, I mean REALLY BIG. It was apparent that we were on a collision course and it didn’t look as if he was planning on stopping, in fact I don’t think he even saw us, he waited for 3 cars to pass him from the opposite direction and started across the road in front of us. I hit the brakes and he saw me and stopped, when I came to a stop he was literally 1 foot from my left handlebar, I could have reached out and smacked him on the head if I were stupid enough. Still here so we know that didn’t happen. I jammed the gears and took off out of there, looked back passing 80 only to see my buddy still there with the bear and his headlight bouncing up and down. He forgot to down shift and tried to take off in 5th gear with the bear right in front of him. He was on a 96 RS with sampsons on it I think, anyway it was loud enough to scare the bear back off the road. We had a couple beers after that one and it was a LONG time before we went down that road again.
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