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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. No I didn't change the positions, it wasn't much different. I did have to adjust the mirrors, but that was it.
  2. Not at all, you can turn the XM on select the channel then go back to the map display. When phone calls come in you can choose to answer or ignore them. If you answer the phone, the audio from XM and Voice Prompts mutes until you hang up.
  3. Actually it's in the lower right shroud I looked it up last night and it's labeled audio. The backup if I am not mistaken is to retain the memory.
  4. I have a 99 and other than a shorted battery I have never had a problem. If it does have a whine, well then I would just turn the radio up louder. BTW I have never heard "That Bike" whine. You will be very happy with it, of this I am certain. The only scratches on it are on the bottom of the floorboards and that's from getting down in the twisties.
  5. Just be careful not to get them so low that the might hit your legs. I learned the hard way about lowering them. Put GenMar risers on and didn't get the bars back in the proper place, they were lower. Felt ok but the handling was much different, but I kept it that way to see if I could get used to it. Well the result was dropping my bike for the first time and in doing so had the right handlebar end driven deep into my thigh. (Kuryakyn Stiletto) Left a bruise for about a month, not to mention the stiff leg. Also be careful when tightening the bolts, they need to be tight but it's easy to round the holes out also. You might actually need to put risers on or maybe go with the flanders mod. Maybe getting the bars closer to you would be better. What you are describing is what a lot of us have had and going to risers got much better.
  6. The clock, as well as the radio presets, and the trip odometer all require some power to maintain memory. That is the cause of the spark.
  7. Did you try and turn the radio on? When battery power is lost the radio needs to be turned back on. Did you have any indication on the control head? The fuse in the barrel more than likely goes to your passing lights if they are installed on the bike, or some other after market accessory. Those are simple just hold each end push them together and twist counter clockwise and it will separate. Be carefull and not drop the fuse onto the engine or you might lose it. If I am not mistaken the audio fuses are behind the lower right shroud and you need to remove it to get to them. It has 2 screws in the front and one in the back and then where the two shrouds are together it should just be a tab to hold it in. Pull straight out and it should come off. You will see a small black box about the middle with FUSE written on top. It just pops open. I highly doubt you blew the fuse, but anything is possible. Make sure you turn the radio on though. If your battery had a complete discharge, it has been damaged and will leave you stranded. I know from personal experience on that one, it's best to get yourself a new one. You know the saying "Pay me now or Pay me later" Unless you have a MC trailer or know someone who does it could cost you a tow. Hope this info helps you.
  8. I have always filled it up to 1/3 up the threads on the inside with the bike on the side stand.
  9. It's best to take the saddle bag off. It's easier to fill and see the oil. Use good high quality oil. I change the oil every time I put a new rear tire on. That for me is about 20,000 miles. I don't know what the manual calls for, but I have never had a problem. Never had metal in the oil and never had burnt oil.
  10. Glad to hear you are ok, watch out for them low flying horses. That is really weird, just last Friday while riding to work I noticed a horse just grazing beside the road no fence, no halter, no nothing except a half ton of trouble. I too moved into the lane farther away from it. I just didn't have any obstacles in my way. Sorry about the scoot but it can be fixed. Glad it wasn't real bad.
  11. Man that picture of the GW speaks a 1000 words. I couldn't imagine coming around a corner and finding sugar sand or leaves in my track. Pucker factor in the high 90's for sure. I wouldn't even consider taking that bike out when it's wet outside.
  12. I apologize if I misunderstood your post but you have to agree your statement didn't mention sites supporting new ideas. The way I saw it was since people didn't agree with what the thread was about then it should be closed. Again I apologize for not understanding it better. I agree new ideas should be brought forth, that's the only way we can move forward and make things better and safer, but with new ideas there is always the chance of those who see it a different way.
  13. I have run different brands of tires before without any adverse effects. I was told by a MC builder that it's not a good idea to do so. He was pretty adamant about it. Not trying to sell me tires since I was already having two commanders put on. He said each tire brand has different sidewall construction methods and the bike could be unstable in turns because of this. Now keep in mind this guy is a custom builder so his bikes might not be the most stable rides out there. Again I have had different tire brands on my RSV without noticing any problems at all.
  14. So let me get this straight. Because some of us are concerned about the use of a car tire on a MC and we don't support the idea this thread should be shut down? Last time I checked this was a free country and we have the right to express ourselves on this board as long as it's respectful of others. It's good to have an open discussion about something that possibly poses a safety issue. MC tires wear out faster than car tires, we all know that, that doesn't make the car tire a safer choice for a MC. MC tires are designed to be ridden on the side where as car tires are not. MC tires are made of softer rubber to give GRIP on those sides, car tires are not. Just because some have had a good experience with car tires doesn't mean it's safe for all. Driving styles are different, usage is different. I am probably one of the members on this site who goes through tires more than most. I commute every day as well as weekend rides. I put 27,000 miles on my bike this past year. I would love to have a longer lasting tire, but not at the expense of possibly leaving my wife and kid without a husband and father. Bottom line just because someone doesn't agree with your thinking doesn't automatically make them wrong, and should be censored.
  15. BuddyRich has a cable he makes that will integrate it with the audio system on the RSV. Then you can not only listen to the MP3's and voice commands in your headset, you can make phone calls over your blue tooth enabled phone. It plugs in somewhere in the front fairing and has a cable that plugs into the Zumo. There is a post somewhere on this site, search for Zumo and you will find it that shows the installation. Great investment. I am planning on getting a Zumo 550 and cable from BuddyRich when Uncle Sam gives me my money to help stimulate the economy. That way it doesn't hurt the wallet near as much. But to answer your question yes you can just plug it into the aux jack by the cassette player and hear it over the speakers but you will have to select AUX on the control head and then you will not hear anything else except the CB and the Zumo.
  16. To me it's more a matter of common sense prevailing. Looking at the profile of the tire you can see that it is not rounded so rolling into a turn will be a hairy thing. The bike going straight will be riding on a flat contact patch and in the turns it will have to transition to the edge of the tire. An edge by the way that WAS NOT DESIGNED to be ridden on and a MUCH smaller contact patch. I do however agree that if you were to put a Voyager kit, or side car on the bike then this might be a better alternative since turns are different and would handle the extra weight better.
  17. You will need to buy the GXM-30 antenna/reciever to get XM and of course the subscription. You can get them on Ebay for around $150.00 and up. You will also need a SD Card for the MP3's. I think you can upload MP3's to the Zumo via usb but there is limited space on the unit, and that will take away from room for updates and poi's
  18. What's the main reason for going to K&N filters? To add the chrome covers? Because I have heard very little good about putting them on the RSV. Poor performance, bad gas mileage. Personally I don't care for them.
  19. There are two Zumos the 450 and 550 the difference is the 550 has a SD card slot, has voice directions, MP3 player, and blue tooth for your phone so it costs anywhere from $120 to $400.00 more depending on where you purchase it. If you go with the 550 Buddyrich makes a cable for about $30.00 that will allow you to integrate it with your helmet headset and audio system to allow you to hear the voice commands, mp3 player, and talk over the phone. You can also purchase an XM Radio/antenna for $150.00-$250.00 and get XM radio and weather/traffic reports with the proper subscriptions. If I am not mistaken the IWAY uses a hard drive and they can be damaged by the rough vibrations associated with a MC. Solid State is the way to go for MC's Hard Drive is fine for cars.
  20. Never tried these but I have heard they are really great. http://www.therohostore.com/Departments/Comfort-Products/AIRHAWK-Motorcycle-Seat-Cushions.aspx?gclid=CMD-tMGosJICFQQBswodX0fVRQ I have used the gel pads before and they do work good for awhile, but they tend to retain heat/cold for a LOOOONNNNGGG time. Part of Monkey Butt is your back side sweating.
  21. I am looking into getting this one. For the trunk. I have the T-Bag back rest and it is really nice and holds a lot of stuff. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=42&Category_ID=3&manufacturer_ID=16&product_ID=11775
  22. Yeah you have to watch out for the curve and it does limit the placement of the clamps. Glad you got the right size.
  23. 99 Silver 67,000 miles nothing other than the battery shorting out.
  24. The guards are 1 inch I would close the highway peg clamps and measure them to make sure they are actually the right size. I got a set a barons risers for my wifes mc that had one side 7/8th and the other one 1". You don't want them to be exactly 1" because then they won't tighten down enough to keep from moving. They should be about 1/16 of an inch smaller than the bars.
  25. Well I bought a Drag Specialties High Performance battery and installed it. Everything checked out good. Sasha is purring again. Thanks again for everyone's help and suggestions.
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