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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. You know if we were running smoke belching 2 strokes I might worry about it, but one person smoking a pack of cigarettes probably puts more pollutants in the air than one of these scoots with a plugged AIS. But I stated in my post what I thought the problem was and how to fix it. BTW I don't buy into the Global Warming/Carbon Credit garbage going on. This world was here long before we came along and it will be here long after we have turned to dust.
  2. Plugging the AIS doesn't hurt anything and it's a quick fix. More than likely your problem is the bike is running too rich and needs to be leaned out. I suggest colortuning it and then carb syncing for best results. I personally wouldn't have a dealer do this since it is NOT covered by warranty and they WILL hit you for a lot of money. It's not hard to do if you are mechanically inclined, but the equipment needed will run you about $160.00 total. Or you could hook up with a fellow venture rider who already has the stuff at one of the many meet and eats. Takes about an hour to do from start to finish. Maybe a little longer if it's your first time.
  3. I'm going to put my 2 cents in here. I think your problem is your brake pads. If as you say the sound is coming from the right side rear I would be willing to bet your rear pads are worn to the metal or you might have a caliper that is not releasing and therefor the pad is still rubbing the rotor. As for the splines/fingers needing greasing, well that may be, but I have never heard them make a rubbing sound. Clicking yes but rubbing never. Also any sound they make will be heard predominately on the left side of the bike. BTW a 20 Gage shotgun bore brush will clean them out pretty good too. Easy enough to check your brake pads.
  4. With all the states that don't require inspections I can see where MC accidents are on the rise. I am pretty confident that the majority of younger people who ride bikes tend to ignore safety issues with MC's more. Here in NC they are supposed to check the tires, all lights, brakes, db level at the tail pipe, and the odo. Most only check for tire wear, HL and Brake lights. They are also supposed to check if your passing lights go off when the High Beam is turned on. That's why I pull the CB for the passing lights every time I get it inspected.
  5. I can expand on this from my experience. I was told that Progressive was the best MC insurance out there. I went to their web site to to their online comparison and while I was filling out the information I wasn't sure what type coverage was required here so I "STOPPED" filling out the information left the website. Well 3 weeks later I get a letter from the DMV stating that both my MC plates have been revoked and in order to get them reinstated I had to pay $200.00 a piece for the bikes plus new registration fees. Reason the DVM gave me was that my insurance company "PROGRESSIVE" has informed them that I canceled my insurance coverage with them. I ended up taking 2 days off work over a 2 week period to unfarkel this mess. Called Progressive and they said and I quote "It is our policy to report all insurance cancellations to the appropriate authority". I asked them how I could have canceled a policy I never had with them and they had no answer for that one. Not even an apology. Some folks have good luck with them and I would guess it's because of their agent having a conscience. I will not give a company my business that cause that much heartburn and doesn't even apologize for it.
  6. So what Avons did you go with Freebird? BuddyRich, I have over 50,000 miles on Commanders and have never even come close to breaking the rear loose on wet or dry pavement, not sure what might be going on with yours. The only time I have ever had it break loose was crossing a section of road in the rain that had just been paved and the paint was new and the MORONS didn't put any sand on top of the paint before it dried. Nothing but slick rain soaked paint. Plus the oils from the fresh pavement leaching to the surface. All I know is that Avon Venoms didn't feel good to me when I put the bike into a sweeping turn. They felt hard to get the bike into the turn and then all of a sudden the bike snaps farther over and it was an uneasy feeling getting the bike upright again. The contour of the tire is what I didn't like.
  7. SaltyDawg


    Sure wish there was a way to catch this fool. Covering a football field in a little over a second leaves no time to respond to something in the road.
  8. Sweet
  9. That's great let us know how it works out. BTW I forgot to mention that they DID NOT have the RK tied down. It was sitting free on the stand.
  10. I have the sears lift and Carbon_0nes lift frame adapter and they work really well together. While at Myrtle Beach this past week I saw a demonstration, well actually I was the demonstration for the Pit Bull lift and was thoroughly impressed with this thing. I am a BIG guy, upwards of 290 and they had a Road King on this lift, then they had me get on the right side floorboard while the guy doing the demonstration was crawling all over the bike. He got on the left side, went to the back fender and sat on it then moved onto the same side as me right behind me and the jack never once moved or even gave the slightest bit. I was amazed. I's gonna be saving my penny's for one of them things. Oh yeah when I got on the MC and lift the guy used one finger to move the bike, me, and the lift around. http://www.pitbullmotorcyclelifts.com/
  11. Here is the link to the story. Whether it's true or not I leave up to your own thoughts. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,356601,00.html
  12. Saw this picture today online and I honestly don't think it's fake. It is amazing though that it got snapped at such a perfect time. From the story the guy ended up with a fractured pelvis.
  13. I don't know that Rick can get them cheaper, but I do believe that because he is a dealer he can get them quicker. I can't quote his price or whether he can beat the worksperformance price, but as I said I think he can get them to you faster.
  14. The best place to get one from RickH email him at his website www.buckeyeperformance.com he is a member here and will be able to get it for you. He will send you a question sheet that will help them determine how to build the shock. It will be built for you and your bike, taking into consideration your weight, your passengers weight, whether or not you pull a trailer, and what type of driving you do. It takes a month or two depending on the time of year and the workload, but remember it's not on the shelf at this time, it's being built for you. I have had mine on my bike for over a year and couldn't be happier. If you do get the shock, hold it next to the OEM shock you take out and you will know without a shadow of a doubt you made the right decision. Plus the Performance shock can be rebuilt for around a hundred dollars.
  15. Go over some rail road tracks and if you get a po-go effect after then it might be bad, also the bike won't want to take a set in a sweeping corner at speed. It will want to wander around a bit on you. I didn't bother with the Yamaha shock, I went to the Progressive Works shock and have been extremely happy with the performance. Expensive, but well worth it to get a shock BUILT for me, my bike, and my riding style.
  16. It wouldn't by any chance be one like this would it?
  17. Congrats to you all.
  18. He is a member here, check the Texas members and then PM him. Or you can do a search for Zumo and you will find him.
  19. They are really soft metal so if you have a dremel you could cut a slot in it or even cut the head off. Or try and easy out. Then go to a hardware store and buy a replacement with a hex head on it and you won't have anymore problems.
  20. Awwe Man!!! We really enjoyed yesterday too. You guys are great, we had a blast, and I got some really good pics of the rare, mysterious, and seldom photographed Mechanic. She also got a good one of me in that last tent. (I'll leave it to everyone's imagination for now)
  21. I saw it in person yesterday and it is a VERY CLOSE match to OEM color. Sure wish you were mine Mechanic then I would have one too. LOL
  22. When mine went bad it still held air.
  23. Well in less than an hour the better half and I are going to throw a leg over our trusted steeds and mosey on down to Myrtle Beach. I will be pulling the Chuck Wagon and she will be riding drag (no comments Beer30) We are planning on taking a leasure ride down although it will be a challenge for Brandy since the winds here in NC are predicted to be 20 to 25 with gusts up to 40mph. I will have my cell with me for those who are going to be in Myrtle Beach and want to try and get together. My number is in the Members list, just leave a message and I will get back to you. Good Lord willing we will be down there until Sunday and then head back.
  24. Here is a better picture and the article that was with it. As you can see by the 2 pictures there are difference between the two in the same Military Branch. Over the last eight years, the U.S. Marine Corps has converted to the diesel powered M1030M1 (Kawasaki 650cc, KLR650) motorcycles. The KLR650 itself came out in 1991. The marine versions are used for reconnaissance and messenger duty. These diesel powered bikes replaced the less powerful, gasoline powered, Kawasaki 250s. The diesel engines are not as lively as the gasoline ones, but they do supply better mileage (150 kilometers per gallon, and max range of 650 kilometers on a tank of fuel.) The 370 pound bike has held up well in the combat zone, and is easy to transport by aircraft or landing craft. Three years ago, a civilian version became available, costing $19,000, and became quite popular.
  25. Well this is what the Marines are riding now. This picture is stateside training, the ones in Iraq will be uh Tan! Don't discount the picture because of the Uni. Check out his Uni, it's not the digital ones either and this picture was dated March 1, 2008. As you can see this bike is very close to the one in the first post. The different branches will have changes done to suit their needs.
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