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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. Ok mini you need to be more specific when you say brave man.:rotf: Glad everybody made it home safe, hopefully I will be able to attend next year.
  2. Glad to hear your spirits are still up. Stand fast and beat this thing. Keeping you in our prayers.
  3. Sounds like an interesting trip home. Glad everyone made it safe. As for the bike having problems, well those were built into it, got to make him work for it.:rotf: If anybody deserves it, Jeff does. Helping that lady at the gas station just proves what a great and deserving person he is.
  4. Congrats Jeff, you deserve it. I'm just super surprised that this group was able to pull it off without you knowing. Cudo's go out to all involved, lots of hard work and dedication. What a great bunch of people. Let me know when you have her in Havelock so I can get a look at her. Congrats again.
  5. It's obvious that they are having WAY too much fun to let us in on it.
  6. Maybe a little more information would be of help. I live in NC and have no idea what you are talking about.
  7. Thanks for the info everybody. I just got confirmation of my classes for the end of July, will be up for a week from July 27th through Aug 2nd. Looking forward to getting in some riding with you all. Woooo Hooo then hopefully I get to see some if not all of you again the following week at the Asheville get together. Ahhh a week of school and enjoying the VA countryside, two days work and another 5 days in the mountains of NC. Life just doesn't get much better than that. As the time gets closer I will make contact with everyone. Thanks again.
  8. Like everyone else has said 60 in 5th is low speed for hard throttle twist. If it accelerates fine through the other gears then I wouldn't worry about it just drop to 4th or even 3rd and hit it. It's possible that your plugs need to be changed also.
  9. Looks like a glorified Segway.
  10. I am scheduled to go to Reston, Va for a week at the end of July. Question I have for you folks up that way is. Is there any good riding to be done up in that area? I'm sure there is, but it would be nice to know from those who live in the area, or those who have traveled it. It's been over 10 years since I have been in that area, back then it was some beautiful country, but A LOT of building going on. Thanks.
  11. What the 5 to 4 converter does is puts the brake signal on the same wire as the turn signals. It's a small unit that can fit behind the license plate and be taken out along with the wiring harness when not needed, leaving a small 5 wire plug neatly tucked behind the license plate. Takes about 10 minutes to install and are usually pretty easy to find at Walmart.
  12. It's much easier to split the faring and do it that way. Very small hands are required to do it any other way. My suggestion is to go with the Sylvania Silverstar H4 ST. It's far superior to the OEM bulb. Just don't touch the bulb. If you are going with OEM bulb, you really need to consider the Silverstar. You won't regret it.
  13. You can buy the Hoppy 5 to 4 converter from Walmart for about 12 bucks. The modulite in my opinion is a bit overboard.
  14. I can vouch for Alaskaleather they are great and well worth the money. I have had one for 7 years now and it's still in great shape.
  15. Keep the faith brother. Prayers are pouring in.
  16. It is possible to trip the light by hitting the kill switch and then restarting your scoot. This forms an electromagnetic field which can trip the sensor. I have done it several times with a high rate of success.
  17. Those are definite possibilities. Check your battery connections also and the ground where the horn is mounted.
  18. I have ordered several things from cyclegadgets they are a first class outfit.
  19. Just click on your name on this post and then select find all posts by Run N Bare. Or you could just go here. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=23069
  20. I agree about rewiring them and get them off the main circuit. As for the short I'm willing to bet that the short is on one of the running lights in the passing lamp. Where the wires come out of the running lights and into the light bar is VERY SHARP and can short out there.
  21. That's really great of you to do that. Gene, Thank you for your fathers service to this great country. Semper Fi.
  22. I know who's it is, but I'm not gonna tell.
  23. LOL sorry I am lesdixic it's the Ignition Switch. For some reason kill just came out.
  24. Kill Switch. Check and see if RickH can get it for you at http://www.buckeyeperformance.com In the mean time you can do the bypass as Freebird suggested.
  25. Is that you or your scoot?
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