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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. I live in Eastern NC and I have ridden my RSV to work everyday this past winter. I rode in temps down to 14 degrees with no carb heaters and never had a single problem. I ride with my High Beam on, passing lights, heated socks, and heated gloves and have no problem what so ever. I have never heard of a carb icing up and can think of no reason that they should be on. You can get a lot of power back by disconnecting them, and it really won't effect your bike at all.
  2. I use the Sylvania Silver Star ST-H4. It's very bright, you can't go wrong for 20 bucks. I haven't tried the Ultra yet so I have nothing I can tell you about it. I have had to replace the Silver Star once in a little over a year. Some folks have had them in for years with no problems.
  3. Very funny Beer, I'll remember that. LOL. You know what they say about big hands and big feet. Yep that's right big gloves and shoes. I looked at the hole it's actually about the size of a ball point pen head. Maybe 2-3mm diameter. Hopefully it can be fixed. Gonna have to sweat it out over the weekend though. Serves me right for mowing my own lawn. Thanks a bunch everybody, it puts my mind at ease. It just sucks because I just dropped a grand on a MC for my son not 30 minutes before that happened. Makes me sick to my stomach. Beer that's a good idea about checking with my homeowners insurance.
  4. Boy oh Boy Friday the 13th has bitten me in the backside once again. It finally cooled off to a chilly 87 degrees this evening and I went out to mow the lawn. Well as I was mowing around our outside house AC unit I hit something and it put a hole in the coil of the unit near the bottom. Do you know that it gets warm in the house when you let all that freon out of the unit? Well trust me on this one it does!!! You can't do anything but laugh at this point. Friday the 13th nothing open on the weekend in this little podunk town. Anyway my question is: Can the coil be welded and the system recharged? Or am I looking at a new outside unit. To make matters worse it went out 2 weeks ago, had the capaciter go on it. The repair cost me only labor since it was still under warranty, but only for 5 more days. Not that this would be a warranty repair anyway. Thanks in advance. Now I'm going to go cry in my grape juice.
  5. There are many members here who use the beads and love them. I have sat on them on a bike once and could tell that I would be hurting in short order. I have always used a sheepskin from Alaska leathers and highly recommend theirs. Main reason is they are top quality and virtually water proof. If they get wet all you have to do is shake it off real hard and they are pretty much dry. Cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Mine is 6 years old and looks as good as new.
  6. Use the trickle charger and charge the battery completely before starting the bike. If you don't you could damage the charging system of the bike and the battery also. The charging system was only designed to replace the energy used to start the bike and then run the lights and other accessories. By jumping a dead battery or charging until you get enough to start the bike and then run the bike you are putting an enormous load on the charging system. By using a higher amp charger on a MC battery you take the chance of overheating the battery and thus damaging it.
  7. SaltyDawg


    If you are just looking for a sun shade take a look at these. I saw them in Myrtle Beach and they were really nice. Not going to protect the bike from rain but they are really lightweight. http://www.jpcycles.com/productgroup.aspx?GID=148578B8-8044-484C-8D43-61EFBB3851D1&search=sun+screen&store=All&page=1
  8. I have no experience with the higher output stator, but there are things you can do to reduce the load right now. Switch all turn signals and the brake lights to LED's and pull the fuse for the carb heaters.
  9. SaltyDawg


    It doesn't make the bike hotter. It keeps the sun off the bike and 90% of the cover isn't touching the bike anyway. Plenty of airflow through it also.
  10. SaltyDawg


    I use this one it's lightweight but pretty sturdy and packs smaller than my frog toggs. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=42&Category_ID=9&manufacturer_ID=16&product_ID=11769
  11. This thread is like a case of hemorrhoids that just won't go away!!! :rotfl::rotfl:
  12. Glad you like it. It's pretty weird talking on the phone while riding down the road. I'm just glad I'm not a hand talker. That would be interesting to see. I thought about the Nolan helmet, but my gourd is just too darn big to fit comfortably. Probably be cheaper in the long run to buy a Zumo 550 and BuddyRich's cable. Then you get the benefits of a really good GPS with a MP3 player and optional XM Radio, and it all sounds great.
  13. Not so sure what you mean by very close to the bar. Is that where it engages the clutch? Or releases? There is no adjustments, but you may need to bleed it.
  14. There is a method to the madness. We don't drill our oil and use up everybody else's and then we have control of all the oil. MwuuHaaaaaaHaaaaa!!!!
  15. Whether the demand for oil goes up or down doesn't necessarily move oil prices, it can have some effect but it's speculation as to how much oil might be left that really drives the price. I haven't seen the video and I may watch it tonight, but I'm not going to let one man's "Theory" convince me one way or another. I would have to see a lot more proof than that.
  16. Guess I'm doing my part since I ride to work and everywhere else. No choice, it's my only means of transportation, Summer, Winter, or Fall doesn't matter.
  17. Good Idea. I used the loop side of a 2 inch wide adhesive velcro tape and ran a strip from front bolt to back. Nice and soft.
  18. I have two mounted on my bike, well actually they are not fuse blocks but terminal blocks. One is located right behind the battery on the right side (sitting on the bike) just below the seat frame. The other is located in the front fairing on the right side below and to the right of the radio. The one under the seat is energized from a 20 amp fused link and the 5 terminals are jumpered together. The one up front has a 20 amp fused link going to one terminal. If I need more power for something else I can jumper it over to other terminals. I purposely kept the other terminals isolated because I am using one for "Splicing" my front LED pods together, and another for a common grounding point. Next time I split the fairing I'm going to run a switched power source to one of the terminals too.
  19. LOL yes Margaret I'm sure. Hey it's not often I find someone who dislikes seafood as much as I do. I don't feel so ashamed anymore.:rotf::rotf: Thanks, we are so glad he got in and he is really doing well. He is taking welding and couldn't be happier. Shhhh don't tell anyone, but we are buying him a 1987 Yamaha Virago XV535 this Friday. He doesn't know it yet, and we are hoping this will make him not feel so isolated from us. It's a decent bike that runs like a scalded ape, no kidding, I took it out for a test ride and well we know how big I am, lets just say I'm sure I was pushing max load on it. Anyway I had it in 5th at 55 and nailed the throttle and it almost threw me off it and she jumped up to 80 in a heartbeat. Brandy has already bought new skull grips and skull levers for it. He likes skulls and this one already has an Iron Cross on the rear fender with a skull coming out of it. We are really stoked, and can't wait to give it to him. I figured that if I had any problems with it Jeff would be available to help me out with it. :rotf:
  20. Congrats Jeff, you truly deserve the SS bike, I only wish that we could have been there to see your expression. Beer30 offered me a ride to Don's, but I had a commitment to my Son on Saturday. He was accepted into that Vocational School and we had to jump on that. When I first joined this site, I kept reading about this guy Muffinman who was riding all over helping other members out. Last year at you M & E I had the pleasure of meeting your and mini and understood what you were about. Since that time I have had the pleasure of meeting you several times and feel that I am a better person for it. Have fun and enjoy that ride. Give me a call when you have it down this way and we can do a DQ run.
  21. Good luck, he doesn't shut the engine off or even get off the bike. Gas and Go!!!
  22. outstanding!!!
  23. Ten Million Comedians out of work and along comes srstewart!!! :rotf:
  24. That's a good place to start, also look at the wires where they come out of the running lights on the light bar. That spot is really sharp and can slice the wire. By turning so sharp you might have pulled the wires tight and sliced it that way.
  25. Is one of them smoking a Cigar?:rotf:
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