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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. This IS SaltyDawg and we appreciate all the well wishes. It has been and still is a trying experience, but we shall persevere to overcome all obstacles. Even nails to the Forehead!! Man that hurt!!! Brandy has been wonderful and has made a store to be proud of. I don't think anyone has ever been inside a pet store quite like hers. It has a very home like feeling with plants, pictures, dining room table and chairs,curio cabinets, and rocking chairs to sit in. People are invited to hold the animals and to sit and take a picture with them. The dog room, while it does have cages for the puppies; we have made it to where they can roam freely and play with each other instead of being alone in the cages. Everyone who has come in loves the store and they are starting to see repeat customers and that is the key to success along with Brandy having a wonderful personality. We know that there will be hard times and we have come through a few of those already but lucky for us the Summer season is upon us and a lot of the tourists and Snow Birds are coming back. I think this Summer will be great and hopefully they can make enough to get them through the Winter. We do regret that opening this store will put our traveling to meet and eats and other club events on hold for the foreseeable future. Hopefully it won't be a long time. Thanks Again,
  2. My new store, Premiere Pets, that is. I just paid the 1st month's lease and utilities without using my (er, Wayne's $)! http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz162/SunnyblueVR/feeling%20happy/dancing-is.gif Now to work on filling the rest of the shelves! Brandy Krome Rose
  3. Yes by his own words he said he was coming around the curve saw them waving looked back up and didn't have time to stop. If you were driving the Dragon and coming around the curve and saw someone on the side of the road was yelling and waving their arms at you where would you look? Your first reaction would be to look at them, that may have been all the time needed to cause you to not stop in time and thus you are starring in the video. In case some folks have forgotten the Dragon is 11 miles with 318 curves or so the legend is told. That leaves little room to react to bad things in the road, especially when someone is trying to wave you down. I'm not trying to cause problems I just want to get across that not every cage driver is an idiot. Accidents happen, that's why they are called accidents. Heck that guy might have been a local scouting the Dragon to see if it's clear of sand and leaves so he could come back with his Venture or Gold Wing. Who's to say?
  4. Man I wish I had your eyesight because I see nothing in his hands until he is being interviewed. I find it hard to believe he would still have a cell phone in his considering the impact. I also noticed he got his dog out of the car too but not until later.
  5. For the low rumble sound I like the Bubs. The Barons 4-2-4 sound awesome but are too loud for my liking. Now those Wild Pigs, those have peaked my interest. Although I have not heard a RoadHouse in person, I really liked the sound. That sound comes with a hefty price tag.
  6. I am glad the police officer survived but I honestly doubt that person was texting given the video was from 2005 and it wasn't as prevalent then as it is today. I agree with you though, it's crazy how many people are on cell phones, texting, on laptops, and even reading a paper while driving. I did a quick survey on the way home from work one day. I ride 50 miles from work to home and I made it a point to look into every vehicle I could to see what they were doing. 7 out of 10 were on the cell phone in some form or another. Either texting, dialing, or talking. Heck I even passed a state trooper who was typing on his cruisers laptop computer going 60Mph down the road. Scary stuff.
  7. Once again assumptions are being made. I didn't see anything in that video that showed proof positive that the police officer had his lights on. In fact quite the contrary. One would think that if in fact the lights on the police cruiser were on that you would see them reflected in the drivers glasses. I didn't. In fact I am guilty of making assumptions too. I am assuming that there is a police cruiser there and it wasn't a police officer on his way to or from work in his personal car. I'm just saying there are a lot of facts we don't know and to make some of the comments that are on this thread about a person no one knows, well to me it's a disappointment. I was raised to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.
  8. It's great to know that there are so many GREAT drivers in this thread. Not a single one could have the same thing or something similar happen to them. Not a single person from this thread was there; it just happened to get caught on camera and you see the results. Then people ASSUME that he was a bad driver and a potential Motorcycle Rider Killer. Like I said, I'm just glad there are so many great attentive drivers on this board. I wonder if a Scoot coming around that corner under the same circumstances could have avoided the rock slide. I'm betting the outcome would have been a lot worse.
  9. If I might add my .2 cents worth. I suggest fleece lined chaps from http://www.coloradochaps.com/motorcycle_chaps.html They are custom made and kept my legs WARM in 14 degree weather. With the shin guards in my legs were actually warm to the touch after riding 50 miles in 14 degree temps. No kidding.
  10. Now that's funny. I don't care who you are that was funny!!!
  11. They look great. Still haven't installed mine yet. Looking forward to it real soon.
  12. So sorry to hear of Bills untimely departure from this world. Our prayers are with him and his family.
  13. Very Nice. When do they go on sale?
  14. I see you have a 99 like mine. I had CC problems awhile back and if you follow this thread you will see what I found and how I fixed it. Not saying that is the problem but it is an easy check to see. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=38349
  15. It could be frozen, get a hair dryer and see if you can heat it up. Mine does it every now and then and I have to turn the key around and it usually works. If you think it's iced up and may have the problem again maybe try this. http://www.brucemedical.com/nn729.html never tried it, but have thought about it before. Personally I would avoid spraying anything into the ignition switch. Electrical circuits and liquid don't mix. But hey that's just my feelings. I know many people have sprayed WD40 into them before. I have put bypass switches on for that occasion when I can't get the key to turn, or the dreaded ignition switch failure occurs.
  16. Avatar has stunning visual effects. I found myself paying more attention to the 3D stuff(which BTW is everything). This isn't your ordinary run of the mill 3D movie where only parts are 3D and they jump out at you. This movie is entirely 3D from the opening credits through to the closing credits. It's like looking into a window. I get motion sickness very easily if I am not in control. I can't ride in a car, I have to drive it. The only part in the movie that bothered me was when stuff would come from behind you and move out onto the screen. I found it hard to focus on those images. When the heavy action scenes were on screen everything was happening so fast you really don't notice the 3D effect as much. I never did get sick, and I was very worried about that, I get sick playing first person shooter games on the computer. As for the plot..... Was there a plot? I was so amazed at the visuals, it was hard to follow the story sometimes. To be honest this was Ferngully on acid. Same storyline for the most part, just AWESOME special effects. So for story line, I give it a B- and Visual effects AAAA++++++ all the way. I will see it again at the theater to see all the stuff I missed. Until 3D TV comes out(which is later this year) you won't be able to see it 3D anywhere but the theater or IMAX. No IMAX around here or I would go there. I suggest sitting near the back of the theater if you are prone to motion sickness, that way you can still see people in front of you. Kind of like if you are on a boat and get seasick, watch the horizon and it helps settle it down. If you want to go and enjoy the 3D aspect sit about 8-12 rows back in the middle to get the whole effect.
  17. I'm in that same boat. The wife hasn't complained yet and every now and then I get some encouragement from hearing her say "That was good". I play for me and me alone. I couldn't find a chord if you had 3 people in front of me wanting to hear me play. Too much pressure. LOL
  18. I haven't read all of the advice so I may be repeating what has already been said. First of all take the guitar to a reputable music store and have it set up for you. Tell them you are a beginner and want an easy action. They will know what strings to put on and how to set it up properly. With it properly set up you will find that you won't have to push the strings so hard to make a clear note. Taking pressure off the sore fingertips. As for the sore fingers, well it usually takes about 3 weeks of sheer pain before you suddenly realize you are able to practice longer and longer. My advice is to practice no more than 30-45 minutes a day until that time. Any more just plain hurts and really will do nothing more than discourage you from wanting to pick it up again. The best advice I can give you is if you really want to play the guitar, NEVER and I mean NEVER go more than a week off from practice or you will lose the callouses and have to start over again. If you feel that the steel strings are hurting too much, you can have them put nylon on until you develop the callouses. I have 4 acoustic electric, one acoustic, and one electric guitar. My favorite one is the last one I bought and it's a classical guitar and I kicked myself in the butt for not getting it first. Believe it or not they are MUCH easier to learn on than a steel string. They are smaller, the neck is wider so the strings are farther apart and they only have nylon stings. My playing got better faster when I bought it and I found myself playing every day. There are TONS of good videos on Youtube that can teach you songs. I suggest as a great free site to learn music theory as well as how to play. http://www.justinguitar.com/
  19. Same place they get Virgin Wool. From Ugly Sheep!!!!!:rotfl::rotfl:
  20. U can also just switch out the tumblers from the old switch to the new and use the same key.
  21. Problem with the battery operated socks is that they don't have many wires for heating so they don't cover much more than your toes. At least that has been my experience. I like them. I paid that much for my cruiser works boots and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. These would be great for winter riding.
  22. I am assuming that there is absolutely no possible way that DRY leaves can be blown out of a ditch and into a road. Especially with cars passing by. I think this is a case of over reacting to a situation that may or may not have been intentional.
  23. Sorry we missed it. Welcome back Jeff. I assume it's for the Holidays? Enjoy DQ while you can. Edit: Guess I missed Mini's previous Post. Sorry or I would have made the trip since it's just up the road. Feel real bad about that. Wish I had known.
  24. Same thing works great. I have it in the same place. I'm pretty sure it's a 4 inch extension on mine.
  25. They are not steel belted radial. They are Kevlar reinforced radial. I spoke with a rep at bike week. They also had a cutaway to show it better. I questioned him alot because of no one having good info on how they are made.
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