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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. Just google clear view and you will find them. You can also put a vent into the stock windshield. I know RickH at http://www.buckeyeperformance.com used to sell the Gold Wing vents along with a template to install them onto the stock WS.
  2. Does Bobbie know?:rotfl:
  3. I know where there is a set of fins for sale if anyone is interested. That way you can get these and have what ever you want done to them. Be it chroming, diamond cutting, or powder coating. They are NOT the blacked out fins.
  4. I am assuming you are talking about the passing lights and if so I am surprised that they are not on a relay already. It's not difficult and most run a fused link directly off the battery or add a terminal/fuse block under the seat and run the main power wire from there. It all depends on how elaborate you want to get. Here is a wiring diagram of the passing light installation. Now understand that this is how it's supposed to be wired, but in doing this you will lose ALL LIGHTS if the headlight fuse blows and that's not fun at night believe me. What I did was ran the wire that it shows going to the headlight and through the switch to the back of the AUX connector in the front fairing. That way as soon as the key is turned to the AUX position the relay is energized and the lights come on. Make sure you go through a switch so you can turn the lamps off if you just want to listen to the radio. Or you can search for and hopefully find a wire that is only hot with the key on. I prefer the Aux connector since I KNOW what is attached to it and have no concerns about loading down the circuit. If you go for an ignition switched wire it is possible to cause damage to that circuit if the relay were to short out. Just my opinion. I hope this helps out.
  5. Something tells me that Tim isn't going to be taking any naps around this group any time soon.
  6. As me and Krome Rose were coming back for the Biltmore I had a big ole bee smack me in my chest then drop down to my nether regions and start walking around on my jibblies, well you can ask Krome Rose about how fast I stopped that bike and bailed off of it to get that bad boy off of me. It had to have been a funny sight to the folks driving behind me. I was doing a jig on the side of the road smacking at my groin. :rotfl:
  7. I don't think we do. They are actually Diamond R Accessories.
  8. Just wanted to get this out to everyone. The 2nd Annual Onslow Vietnam Veterans Memorial Motorcycle Run will be held on Saturday September 27th 2008. Those of you who went on this run last year can attest to the amount of bikes that were in attendance. It was well over 2,000 and hopefully there will be even more this year. You can go to the following link and read up on it. If you decide you want to go there is a registration form you can download and have filled out prior to getting there to make things go quicker. http://www.geocities.com/vietvetmemorial/run It was great last year with all the VentureRiders out there representing our family. Hopefully there will be as many and even more. Look forward to seeing all who can attend.
  9. I'm wondering if he would just sell me the spoiler? I think it would look good on the back of my scoot!!
  10. Man they have some really awesome paint jobs.
  11. When you register the unit you can then check and see if you are eligible for map upgrades. That is if it's not shipped with 2009.
  12. A 2 Gig should be more than enough, you can get about 400 songs on it. Much more and you would get lost trying to find the songs. LOL I rode 9 hours to Asheville and never heard the same song twice. You can also put pictures on it. I use it to look at pics I take with my camera which takes SD cards too.
  13. How about a nice little "WoodStock" on his ankle? :rotfl:
  14. Glad you found the problem.
  15. I have to ask why someone would run the IC at all without a passenger? To me that would be most annoying hearing the wind/engine/everything else noise through the mic. As for the squeal, it has happened only once on the passenger HS and that was because the mic was too close to the one of the ear pieces. This happened while the helmet was off and the boom mic had been tucked inside the helmet. Normally I run it at 14 if I have the wife on, otherwise it's 100% off.
  16. He looks a lot like Harry from Harry and the Henderson's movie fame.
  17. Glad to hear you made it home safe. It was really great to meet you guys. Looking forward to hearing some of the "more to follow" stuff.
  18. When I was in Myrtle Beach there was a vendor there called Big Ear and they made custom ear pieces for you to wear with your helmets, they also sell a connector to go between the helmet cord and bike cord so you can still use the mic to talk over the CB or bluetooth phone while using the ear buds. He took a mold of my ears and they hold it on file for 2 years so I can call them any time and have a set made off the molds. I am seriously considering getting a set. I had them make me a set of ear plugs and they work great and believe it or not I can hear the music through my headset much clearer then without them. I guess getting rid of the wind noise makes a big difference. If I use the plugs on long rides I am much more refreshed when I get where I am going. The only thing I don't like about them is you can't hear the engine, and that takes getting used to. Anyway here is their site. http://www.bigearinc.com/Products/Catalog.aspx
  19. As long as the fuse is before the relay you should have no problems. The main idea is to have the fuse before the first electrical component, in this case it's the relay. Distance from the battery is not a major problem. I have never heard of the closer to the battery the better you are with the fuse. It does not matter where the fuse is in the power circuit as long as it is IN the power circuit. CB radios have them on the power wire, usually within 10 inches of the radio, some radios have the fuse in the radio itself.
  20. Pretty Darn Neat!!!
  21. As far as lifting it goes you can use small 2x4 blocks on it. Just make sure you have a motorcycle lift. The main thing is to keep the jack off the parts of the engine that come below the frame.
  22. Just what do you mean by "A Little Work"? I see nobody mentioned that the women REFUSED to ride down with us and walked to the bottom. That road needed an asphalt highway put on it.
  23. It's a bad chemical I say BAN IT!! Boy am I thirsty.
  24. Is is a consistent ticking? Or intermittent? Reason I ask is I have had a rattle in the front end of my 99 since I got it 20 months ago. I stopped many times and tried to find it. Drove me crazy, it was associated with speed, but was not there all the time I was moving. Never heard it while using a 3/4 helmet, only my half. Anyway as it turns out when muffinman was over last night he was able to help me discover that it was the radiator fan causing the noise. I was pretty sure that it wasn't anything serious since the bike is still running after me putting 37,000 miles on it. It's nice to know what the noise is though.
  25. I keep mine at around 800 to 900.
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