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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. I know where it is and if you pay me enough I'll forget it until I need DQ money again. But in answer to the original post, yes I carry a spare key. Not only for my bike, but my wifes too.
  2. Shhhhh! Listen!That sound you hear is the Gene Pool draining.:missingtooth:
  3. Terrible that it happened, evidently he felt something was amiss with the bike and or trailer. It's going to be a long recovery, but thank God he is alive. Can't say enough about PPE. You hope to never have to test it, but if the time comes it can save lives. Prayers Sent!!
  4. Thanks Steve much appreciated.
  5. Does anybody know if the front wheel bearings are a sealed unit or do they need to be packed? Thanks in advance.
  6. Corbin spelled any other way is HARD!!!
  7. To be honest I don't know if your dealer would do it. I have never asked, but you can check with them. If they can do it, I imagine it will cost a good bit of cash. Of course I could be wrong, but just knowing what it takes to get the bike prepped I would think it's something they might not want to do. If you do have it colortuned, make sure you change the plugs. Colortuning isn't hard, you just have to take the tank off and the dog bones to get to the front plugs.
  8. It's from straight cut gears. Some are louder than others. I just turn the radio up. I have had two RSV's and never really noticed it but then again I worked around Jets for 8 years and may have burned that freq out.
  9. I don't think a carb synce will help as much as a colortune will. Your fuel air mixture is off. I would do a carb sync after it's color tuned.
  10. What angle did you set the bars at? If they are too high that might be part of your problem. Without the stops in it's very easy to set the bars higher because if feels better on your shoulders. Just a thought.
  11. Depending on what you are comparing your mileage to your MPG will vary. Example if you use your trip odometer then your numbers are more than likely going to be skewed unless you have the speed-o-healer, then they will be more accurate. If you use a GPS to track mileage then you should be getting an accurate MPG. My trip ODO is off by about 6% meaning when my trip ODO reads 100miles my GPS is at 94miles. Over a tank of fuel that can add up to about 15 miles for me. Before muffinman colortuned my scoot I was getting about 38 to 40 MPG tracked by GPS, now that it is tuned properly I am getting 44 MPG tracked by GPS. Now using my ODO that would be close to 46-47MPG.
  12. Congrats to both of you. I am certified also, it's such a surreal feeling gliding over the deck of a sunken ship. If there is one tip I can give you it's go slow and you will see and enjoy so much more. I have dived the wrecks off North Carolina and gone from end to end and not seen a lot of stuff, but stopped in one area for 10 minutes and saw more sea life than I ever had. As you swim by they scurry away and hide, but if you just hang out they all come out again.
  13. Happy Anniversary you two, and many many more.
  14. It was a really great day, we had a great ride round trip. Got to meet up with friends for some good eats.(still full) Hertford is a really quaint place, I kept looking for Floyd's Barber Shop. Got some good ice cream cones and to top it off Muffinman was able to wash his scoot. The clouds spit at us briefly. So the Muffinman considers it washed. We didn't get as many pics but here is what we do have. In fact we only got 4 Thanks for having us guys. We really enjoyed our time. Krome Rose has been semi-retired for 2 months and we finally got our Saturday ride in, which we have been looking forward to since last year.
  15. Never had a spider on the bike problem, but then again my bike doesn't sit for more then 12 hours.
  16. I didn't have to re-route my throttle cable. I was able to pull a little slack up and the problem was fixed. If you do have to re-route the cable the I will warn you before you open the Throttle cable/Cruise Control junction. Be very careful opening it, and remember how things go back together. If I remember correctly there is a retainer spring that pops out and isn't very intuitive on how it goes back in. I will also warn you that your cruise control most likely won't work the same. You will have to make some adjustments after it is all done to get things back to normal or close to it.
  17. Why would there be? The Clinton's never did one on most of their people. So it looks like your in. I'm still trying to get over the tramp stamp.
  18. Glad you two are ok, bikes can be replaced. Not so sure about exploding deer though.
  19. I guess it would depend on the rider. I have had 2 99's and never had a problem with low speed maneuvering in parking lots. Many do complain about it and there are 2 possible fixes, one being a smaller front tire and the other being the leveling links from www.diamondraccessories.com
  20. LOL I didn't know what he was asking at the time. I spoke with the guy today and he said he would take $400.00 for the complete set of 4. Plus shipping. He also has a lot of other stuff for the RSV including the chrome engine bolt kit, both front brake calipers (not sure about the master cylinder), the front and rear (not sure how to say this) chrome wheel covers? I know they were really hard to come by. I am trying to get him to give me a list of everything. He is willing to come down on prices if one person gets other stuff. Again I am trying to get him to give me a list of stuff and prices. A lot of the chrome stuff is still in the original packaging if I remember correctly. I'm trying to remember what all he had in his trunk, there were several boxes. I got a Wagner grill cover and both original air filters new and the mirrors from him. Oh yeah he has the amber covers for the turn signals.
  21. What a wast of time and money, to indulge ones fantasy.
  22. That's a nice set up, I would consider PM'ing Freebird and seeing if he wants to put it in as a tech article.
  23. Get the front tire off the ground and then center the handle bars. Then push the handle bars to one side and let go, if it hits the stop and bounces back off the stop the steering head bearings are loose. That is how we test the 2nd Gens, I'm assuming it would be the same.
  24. For the price I wouldn't hesitate to purchase it AFTER seeing the records and giving it a shakedown run. I have a 99 with 78,000 miles on it and I bought it without hesitation already having 40,000 miles on it. If there are good maintenance records and it runs good I see nothing wrong with 200,000 miles. With a Venture I am more concerned about LOW mileage than I am about high. Usually a high mileage bike has been maintained very well and been ridden, and that is the key being ridden. An older low mileage Venture would cause me to be a bit hesitant, because a bike not ridden much tends to develop problems. Just my opinion.
  25. I ran mine for a while without the rubber stops in and really didn't like the way the faring bounced around. I was afraid that after awhile cracks would form where the faring mounts to the forks so I flipped the stops over, pulled the handlebars down and wedged the stops between the HB and the faring. It isn't pretty but it stopped that bouncing and I feel better about it. Somebody cut out hockey pucks and used them but I'm not sure who it was.
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