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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. I guess that would depend on how many are going to show up. I have no problem with the GC again. There is an IHOP in Jacksonville. Haven't been there but I guess I could give it a try, just to check it out you know.
  2. HUH?..............
  3. My boss called me yesterday from IMS and for the first 30 seconds all I heard were MC's wizzing by the phone. During a lull I was able to understand what he was saying. It would seem that he is there for the weekend. He was watching them get in a few laps at the time. Sounds like he is going to have a great time. He did say it was raining though.
  4. That's pretty good from them. Hope it works out for you.
  5. Great news. Glad to hear he is able to drink and eat some jello. Little things like that can make the spirit stronger. Tell him to keep up the good work.
  6. I'm thinking I filtered some of it through my kidneys.
  7. Ok you have air in the system. Same exact indicators that I had in Asheville. My suggestion is to go to an auto parts store and get a vacuum brake bleeder pump. They run about $30.00. Believe me this is the way you want to go. The second gen takes forever to bleed the clutch, just ask me I'll tell ya. If there is any air in the line it won't build up enough pressure to pump the brake fluid out at any significant pressure and the air will just bubble up the line. We spent about 2 hours bleeding my clutch in Asheville one night without the vaccum brake bleeder. You won't regret getting the pump and it's nice to have for doing the brakes too. If you have to do it by the old method then once you get the air out you still haven't gotten it all out, you will want to tie the clutch lever to the grip and crack the seal on the clutch resevoir cover and leave over night to allow any air that might still be in the line to bleed out the top. Do this over 2 or 3 nights.
  8. Hey Gene, you know I'm an old blow hard. I can come over and provide all the wind you need to have your party. And with enough beer, I'm sure I can produce some rain too.
  9. David, if you are not able to get in touch with them PM me with their address and I will run over and check on things. It's been business as usual around here. No power losses, and no damage that I have seen or heard about. Seriously, I had a small branch from previous bush trimming out at the edge of our road and it's still in the same place. No debris at all in my yard. There were some yards around town with small branches down, but no trees.
  10. More than likely they didn't want to do it since in some states that's the "Legal" way to do it. Meaning the passing lamps go off when the High Beam is turned on. I could care less, I will take the chance with the Police before I have my wife hear some cager say "I didn't see him".
  11. Thanks for the update. Them Hurricanes are nothing to trifle with. Glad they are safe, hopefully they get power back soon.
  12. Thanks for being concerned. We didn't get a lot of rain, but we did get some good wind. Cherry Point clocked sustained winds of 58MPH. We live a half a mile from Cherry Point. It would seem that most of the winds were at tree top level, not ground level so not much damage came from this storm. Your concern now needs to turn towards Krome Rose and whether or not she weathers the storm and makes it through the day. Hurricane Wayne formed over land in Eastern North Carolina early this morning, it seems that sometime during the night a slightly inebriated woman sat in front of my computer and used MY ebay account to dwindle MY bank account. Beatings will commence at NOON!!!
  13. You need to get those passing lamps completely off the HL circuit. As you saw when the fuse blows you lose all lights. Not a good situation at night. Find and use an aux or ignition powered wire to power the relay and run a fused link off the battery through the relay and to the passing lamps.
  14. It's not uncommon for tires to leak some air. I have on occasion had tires that just wouldn't properly seal around the bead and they leaked 6-8 lbs a week. Usually it's the softer sidewall tires that do it. At least for me that is. If that is the type of leak, it might be hard to detect with the soapy water method. Ride On should have sealed it though.
  15. Here is what he was talking about it's the collar item number 13 if I am not mistaken. Sorry it's not bigger.
  16. Thank you for the update. You tell your father that he has a huge extended family that is praying for him to get well soon. It is a terrible thing that has happened, and I am so glad that he is doing better. Don't forget to take care of yourself too. All too many times we get so wrapped up in our loved ones problems, we forget to take care of ourselves. Just know that we all care and pray for all of you. Take care, Wayne
  17. Hopefully we won't get too much rain. I know we need it, but if Ike heads this way the rain from Hanna will have saturated the ground and Ike will uproot a lot of trees. If Ike heads this way the only good thing will be that he has to travel over waters stirred up by Hanna. The water should be cooler and take some of the energy out of the storm. At least that's what I'm praying for. Most hurricanes that follow close behind others lose intensity because of the cooler waters. I'm pretty positive that we will be without power. Heck if a squirrel farts on a power line we lose power around here.
  18. I agree sounds like brickstones are going.
  19. getting back to the bee thing..Mini has a picture of me with yellow bee powder on my face where it hit me with my shield up. And I believe the old harley guy has a vivid memory of me fishing down my shirt at a stop light for said bee, which was released with a slight concussion. Brandy
  20. We are so sorry to hear this, we will keep Cullen and his family in our prayers.
  21. Whoa I didn't think I would have to do a testosterone check before posting. Wait hold on, let me check. Yep still got'em. Next time I'll send all my posts through you to edit them for me. Got a problem with it?
  22. Junk Food!! Ahhhh I love it. I'm a Junk Food Junkie!!!! Little Debbies, HoHo's, Chips Ahoy cookies. The most important food group.
  23. Prayers sent for you and your family.
  24. :rotfl:
  25. Ok to set the stage. Krome Rose and myself were in Food Lion picking up some fat bombs when I went down an aisle with a young couple in it. It was obvious they were deeply in love, arm in arm snuggling. You get the picture. It was also obvious they just started living together by the following conversation. Ok now the young lady stops and says "I need to get some sugar for the coffee I bought today" To which the young man answers "But we don't have a coffee maker" Not to be put off, she responds with "I'm pretty sure you can make it in the microwave" I don't know if he just didn't want to hurt her feelings, or if he really didn't know himself, but he said, "I believe you might be right" I giggled to myself and walked on by.
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