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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. I guess it would depend on how much money you want to spend and just how picky you are about the picture. I recommend Best Buy and if you are picky about the quality picture then get the best you can afford to buy. Don't settle for a 1080i go for the 1080p. If you decide to go for a Blueray DVD later then you will want the 1080p. If you go with LCD then look for one with a high contrast ratio. That is what determines how black your blacks are. Plasmas are great but they use more energy, are hotter, and reflect lights in the room. Unless you are trying to keep up with the Jones then you can buy off brands and pay for the extra warranty. I think you will get more bang for your buck that way. We bought an Insignia that had a 1 year MFGR warranty and we purchased an extended 4 year warranty that doesn't go into effect until the MFGR warranty expires. By the end of 5 years if there are problems then there will be better less expensive LCD's available.
  2. It shore is purdy!!
  3. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
  4. Great pictures as usual Bobbie.
  5. I had one of her taking a picture of me, but it was too dark due to the windows behind her.
  6. Is that what he was doing? I thought he was proposing again.
  7. Didn't take too many so it won't take long. Too busy eating the good food. http://s227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/VB%20Meet%20and%20Eat/
  8. Interesting color combination, I like it. Very nice. Guess you are going to have to change your handle to "Bumble Bee":rotfl: Seriously I like the colors. Good Job.
  9. Steve, on the lines of lyrics dyslexia. Have you seen this one? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BApmRF7U09E]YouTube - Have You Ever Seen Lorraine?[/ame]
  10. Good one Gene.:rotfl:
  11. :rotfl: You sure you don't have Lyric Dyslexia? I always thought it was Bad Moon on the Rise!! Some of my best rides were alone with no destination planned. Just get up in the morning, point the bike in a direction and go until I get hungry or need gas. Then work my way back home. I love finding new and out of the way places.
  12. Dang Brad that sucks big time. Sorry to hear that. Hope things get worked out for you guys.
  13. I agree the Vance and Hines did sound the best. I'm guessing you still need to get the HD brackets made, unless they make them for the RSV now.
  14. That's great to hear Dan. Lock those ghosts up and enjoy life again. Welcome Back!
  15. Wish I had checked this morning I would have rode over that way. It was a beautiful day for riding. Except for the crazy cagers and that Black Friday sales.
  16. I am sorry that people in this world are so stupid at to trample someone to death or elbow a young girl in the face. Krome Rose was telling me just a few minutes ago about a fist fight in our local Wal Mart over electronics. I am glad I was able to convince Krome Rose to take her cage to work today. It was a beautiful day in the mid 60's and she really wanted to ride. I felt it wouldn't be safe with all the shoppers out there only thinking about the next sale and not looking for Motorcycles. As bad as these people need to be prosecuted, the retail stores need to have some blame laid on them. This opening early the day after Thanksgiving and giving unheard of sales causes this mentality.
  17. Anything that is not chrome!!!
  18. I believe he has come down with a "Touch of the Holidays" or maybe he dipped into the Holiday Spirits a little early or maybe he watched "A Christmas Carol" recently.
  19. I wouldn't spend any more than $400,000.00 on this. Well that's what that other lady did. She wiped out her husbands retirement out, and also mortgaged her home to the hilt. She is still waiting on her ship to come in.
  20. Congrats to the newlyweds they make a great looking couple. Now Arthur, what's up with the duds? You're starting to look like one of them upity types. :rotfl: Looking Good Buddy. Congrats, you've got a beautiful family.
  21. The question I have for you Beer30 is: Are you coordinated enough to catch a beer over your shoulder while following Muffinman down the highway?
  22. Outstanding News. Glad everything is ok. Thanks for keeping us informed. The Power of Prayer, what can I say?
  23. The Aux DC Jack is located on the left faring under the handle bars. It is used like a cig lighter to power DC equipment. The Aux DC terminal is under the seat and is just a AUX switched power source you can tap into for things like heated gloves. Although I wouldn't recommend it for that.
  24. Here you go Bobbie. THIS, THAT, and The OTHER. This is a pretty cool trick. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tScm-eZInBE&feature=related]YouTube - This'n'That - easy to learn at WTFmagic.com[/ame]
  25. Pretty cool, this guy is a master at counting cards, the fake shuffle, and the hidden break. He even mentions one of the moves he uses during his presentation. I love these in your face type of tricks. I have read up on this guy and he can actually thumb through a deck of card and you tell him to stop and he can tell you exactly how many cards are on the top. Have you seen the card trick "This, That, and the Other" yet? If not I will post the link when I get home. It's pretty cool too, not near as long but it can baffle you.
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