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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. You have a couple of choices. You can go with risers made by Baron or GenMar they will bring you bars up and back about 1 1/2 inches which fixed that very problem for me. Or you can go with the Flanders bars which give you an even better pullback but you will more than likely have to change your cables resulting in a costlier fix. If you are interested in the flanders conversion then contact RickH at http://www.buckeyeperformance.com and see what the current costs are for the items. The risers can be bought online from $65.00 to $85.00 depending on how hard you look. If you don't have a backrest that will help also, it supports your lower back and causes you to sit up straighter. I have heard of one person who was going to use the risers along with the flanders bars but don't know the outcome.
  2. Yeah Ian, I thought of that after I posted it. In fact there were two young girls in the car who along with the rider were killed instantly. The rider was found in the back seat of the car. He didn't have his license very long, something like a couple of weeks. First bike ever and was traveling over 150 MPH.
  3. This is what the future holds for them.
  4. Every now and again it comes on HBO. It was originally released in VHS and only recently converted to DVD. The entire movie is like that. A spoof of "ALL" westerns from the early days to the spaghetti westerns. Patrick Wayne makes an appearance in the end, Andy Griffith is a Gay Cattle Baron. Pure slapstick funny stuff. Nothing gross at all. At the end of the second clip where "Rex" says "I know" that's the running theme of the movie. He goes from town to town to clean them up and they are all the same so he know's pretty much everything that is going to happen, only this one he steps out of the norm and he gets a curve ball thrown at him.
  5. Got to say my all time favorite is Rustlers Rhapsody with Tom Berenger. Down Periscope is a close second. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIKHwVN-lLY]YouTube - Tough Bar[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OaA3LZHbQs]YouTube - Tom Berenger - clip from "Rustler's Rhapsody."[/ame]
  6. Doesn't look too comfortable. Where is the cup holder? Radio? I'm not getting it. Am I missing something? Is this supposed to be a Motorcycle?
  7. WoW glad you took it off when you did that looks nasty. I too am a Commander guy. Won't put anything on except them unless circumstances like you were in arise. I won't put an Avon on, not because they are a bad tire or anything, I just didn't like the feel of the ride I got on them. Couldn't wait to get them off.
  8. I have been going for several years and spending the week there and while there are those with the "LOUD" pipes they mostly ran during the hours where the noise ordnance was not in effect. On top of that they stayed out of residential neighborhoods and didn't rev their engines after the NO went into effect. In fact the past several years they were a much better crowd than those from 5 or 6 years ago. Every restaurant manager I spoke to said they "LOVE" the Harley BW it was Atlantic Bike Week that 70% of the city closed it's doors because those guys were the ones not paying for meals, doing burnouts, drag racing down the streets, and pretty much breaking every law in MB. Now MB COC couldn't single out "ONE" event because that would be "Politically Incorrect" so they shut it all down. Little do they realize that there are a whole lot of bikers who owned or owned time shares in MB. They will take their business elsewhere.
  9. Sure am glad I didn't buy that time share this past May. I would of had to sue the MB Chamber to make my payments. The only reason I considered buying a TS was for the MBBW. Oh well it's their loss.
  10. SaltyDawg

    Knife Test

    While it is totally a fake he actually stuck the base of the knife into the table.
  11. If you get traffic you will get the weather. You can also just order the weather without traffic. They rebooted mine today and have kept the trouble ticket open to bump my problems to a higher tech level. So far it is working fine, but tomorrow morning will tell the tale. That's when it usually dumps. Got no idea what's happening. The guy I talked to today said he was sending a signal to "Reboot" my radio. I never noticed it happen, but then again I wasn't listening to it or watching it. I am getting real tired of listening to Johnboy and Billy on my way to work. Nothing like a bunch of cackling hens that like to hear themselves talk to get the blood boiling.
  12. SaltyDawg

    Knife Test

    :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that: I notice the same thing.
  13. Several folks have the GXM-30 for the Zumo 550 and get good reception and no problems. Me on the other hand, well I have been having nothing but trouble. I just bought one last Saturday and got XM radio and the best of Sirius along with NavWeather. Saturday XM Radio worked great no weather, same for Sunday. Monday I got in touch with XM Weather and they worked with me to get it all working. Really cool stuff. For the record it gets GREAT reception just sitting on my tank. Anyway on Tuesday morning I pulled the bike out of the garage and as soon as the first weather update came down "PooF" my radio services quit working, so I got in touch with XM and they resent the signal as I was riding home. No Joy, never updated. Yesterday afternoon I got up with XM Weather again and they sent another update signal, again no joy. I told them that the young lady who helped me on Monday disconneced my services and then restarted them. He did that and I got everything again. Now this morning I went out to the bike, put the Zumo on backed the bike out of the garage and started it. No XM Radio, nothing, NADA, Zilch!!! It dumped programing overnight but the weather/traffic worked fine. In reading the Zumo forums some folks have had close to the same things happening to them and were able to get them resolved through XM Weather. I don't know if it's the radio, but I am thinking it is. Mine was a refurbished one I bought off of ebay. Gonna call Garmin about it in a little while.
  14. Just wanted to let everyone know about a really good set of chaps, well at least I think so. Over the Christmas Holidays I ordered a set of chaps from http://www.coloradochaps.com/motorcycle_chaps.html I ordered the Heavy Duty 1000 denier cordura nylon with fleece lining and the knee/shin pads. I was waiting for a cold day to test them and get a good idea of what they feel like. First and foremost I really like these chaps. It was 33 when I left my house and 30 when I got to work and today was the first day I rode with the knee pads in. I can say that it was the first day of riding in weather below 40 that my knees didn't hurt, in fact when I took them off my knees and shins were actually very warm to the touch. Another plus for me was that they loop over your belt so you don't have another belt around your waist digging into your back. They ride higher on your legs covering more of your upper thigh and they don't weigh you down. They are very light about 1/4 the weight of comparable leather chaps. Last year I didn't wear chaps below 45 degrees, I wore a snowmobile suite to keep warm, today the chaps kept me warm. BTW it's a 50 mile ride to work so there was plenty of time to get cold. I highly recommend these chaps even though they are a bit pricey. I intend to get a pair of the light weight ones for summer. Gonna pack my old heavy leather chaps away for good. Oh yeah they are custom made for you, just send them your thigh size and inseam and they will get them out to you. They had mine in the mail in 3 days.
  15. Good luck. We have a little over 5 years left on our mortgage and our 2 bedroom house is free and clear. We downsized and it makes life easier and tougher at the same time. Easier to keep clean, tougher because you can't find peace when you need it. LOL not talking about the wife, but this darn ZOO we live in. (Krome Rose works in a pet store, nothing more needs to be said on that one) Just ask the Muffins they know, we charge them .50 to enter the zoo when they come over.
  16. Two years ago last August and I can honestly say I don't miss it. For the first few weeks I missed that after dinner smoke, but now I can't stand the smell.
  17. Thanks for the replies. I just got the issue resolved. Three times on the phone, first two cut off after 15 minutes or so. Third time the lady stayed on and tried resending the updates about 6 or 7 times. She knew of the GXM-30's quirky problems and was going to stay on until it worked. I'm pretty sure the other two people just hung up on me. Anyway when she just sent the NavWeather it would not work and I had nothing under Data Services, she said that was not right and she knows that it is supposed to work with the GXM's because she has done it before. She finally sent the traffic/weather update and it popped into the data services then about 12 min later it popped up on the XM page. She asked if I needed or wanted the traffic and I said no to both so she resent the NavWeather update only and it went back to no data services. Finally she just sent the traffic/weather update, got me back up and said that since they couldn't get the NavWeather working properly unless sending the traffic and that I really didn't want or need that they were only going to charge me the $3.99 for the NavWeather. Now whether or not that happens remains to be seen. Oh BTW she told me the Weather/Traffic updates are sent every 9-12 min and the XM audio updates are sent every 13-15 minutes. Really nice young lady and we talked motorcycles for about 40-45 min while trying to resolve the issue. Thanks again.
  18. Ok so here is my problem. I just got my GXM-30 on Saturday. I promptly signed up for XM radio and XM weather. XM Radio was on before I got back to the bike from my PC and I am still waiting on the XM weather. I called the number the XM operator gave me this morning (because they don't work on the weekends) and they gave me yet another number to call. Called them and they said they would send an activation signal down and to leave the radio on for 20 minutes. Well I left it on for 30 minutes and still no weather. I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it could take up to 12 hours before the activation signal makes its way to the radio. Anybody have that happen to them? If I turn the key off and go to battery power the XM radio of course will not work but when I turn the key on if I am on the page menu/xm where you see the XM button in the upper left I will briefly see an XM weather button pop up. Hitting it makes no difference and it goes away after 1 or 2 seconds even if it's not hit. I don't know if that is just natural function of the Zumo/GXM even without the XM weather subscription or if there is something evil lurking in my system. I also go to the menu/tools/subscriptions/XM radio page and it shows my Radio ID and the fact that I am subscribed to XM radio with 217 channels, but the data subscription says none. Thanks in advance. BTW as a side note, I rode in today with the XM radio and the Sirius radio on, both on the same channel and the ENTIRE ride I had XM signal strength of 3 bars and Sirius has at best 2 bars and for most of the ride 1 or no signal. It was actually nice and comforting to get the XM programing back. Now that they have Sirius channels I see no reason to have Sirius at all since their equipment seems to be inferior.
  19. I bought one at the venturers.org store and the other was on the bike when I bought it but I am pretty sure it's a pro pad flag pole. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=42&Category_ID=7&manufacturer_ID=410&product_ID=18625 I am not sure of the diameter of the trunk rack, the link above is for a 7/8 inch bar. I believe the RSV is 1/2 inch but don't quote me on that.
  20. My 99's are original and I have 88,000 miles on it as of today. Now that I have said that they will break on the way home.
  21. I can't see where going to the flanders bar would cause that unless something is not right with the cabling. Did you change all of the cables?
  22. Personally I prefer them on the trunk rack. I think it looks good and no undue stress on the antennas/mounts. It's obvious that some have had luck with small flags on the antennas, and I can see how a 4X6 would not put much stress on the them. I just like a slightly bigger flag. I have the US flag on a longer pole so it sits higher than my POW/MIA flag. I intend to get a US Marines Flag for the other side of the US flag in the near future.
  23. SaltyDawg

    Venture Video

    Good job, thanks for sharing. I love country like that.
  24. Me Likes!!!
  25. Tried to upload pics earlier, guess Krome Rose decided to close the browser before they uploaded and I had a chance to submit. Better yet here is a link to my photobucket. http://s227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/Deadwood%20Part%202/?action=view&current=DSCF4771.jpg Here is the Quarter Horse Race. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJWFuOixd5o]YouTube - DSCF4785[/ame]
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