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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. I'm There Buddy!! I am always up for a meet and eat.
  2. No problem. I find it hard to drop $4-600.00 on pipes that I might like. This is an easy mod and cheap to boot. Sound may not be to every ones liking, but it suits me fine. I'm sure I will have to repack before too long. So far I have about 5,000 miles on it and it still sounds good. BTW the video was done when I first did the mod with 1/2 inch packing. It was still a little too loud for me so I went with the 1 inch and got a much mellower sound.
  3. I know you already removed the baffle, but to anyone else I will advise having a set of stock pipes on standby in case you don't like the mod or for when you need to get an inspection. To do this you first need to remove the rear baffle, it’s easiest to just get a half inch cold chisel and a hammer and just cut the rear cone and back plate out. Bend over the excess around the edges of the backplate, don’t bend completely flat as this will be used later to hold the mod in. Use a plunger handle or 3 foot section of a broom handle to stick into the rear baffle and just start bending and twisting the baffle all around until it breaks free. I will advise that you don’t push in while doing this because if the metal finally gives and it goes into the second chamber it is not real easy to work the baffle into position to remove it out the way it went in. Believe me I know from experience. What you will need for this mod is a pair of wire cutters, masonry wire mesh, tape measure or 12 inch ruler, and 1-inch muffler batting MATT. DO NOT USE THE LOOSE STUFF!! Make sure it’s 1-inch. The half inch stuff is a waste of time. Been there done that. If you are around a big city it might not be hard to find otherwise you may need to order it off the Internet. To head off the question, NO common fiberglass boat matting is not the same thing. Use caution when working with fiberglass!! I highly recommend long sleeves, gloves, goggles, and at least a dust mask. After removing the cone and rear baffle, measure from the back plate where the baffle was attached to where you bent the excess over, cut the wire to this length. The wire mesh is sort of diamond shaped and you will want to have the longer sides going front to back in the pipe. It’s kind of a guess on how much you need to cut to go inside the pipes. If I remember correctly it was 10 inches for me and then I had to cut them down the center in order to get them inserted into the pipes. It’s a hit or miss thing. Good thing is that the wire mesh is cheap. You will want to bend the wire mesh to meet the radius of the pipe. Cut the fiberglass packing to size. Front to back is I believe 5 inches and 10 inches. Place the fiberglass matt inside the pipe and then use one of the bent wire mesh pieces and slide into the pipe on one side and wedge behind the backplate excess NOT the cone, you bent over earlier. This is where the mesh needs to be long enough to touch the back and then be wedged behind the bent over piece to keep it from coming out. Do the same to the other side of the pipe. Edit: The mesh is to hold the fiberglass packing against the walls of the pipe, so you should put the packing in and then the mesh inside of that to hold it firm. It looks odd from the rear at first, but get a few rides on it and the fiberglass will darken up and you won't be able to see it. What this mod does is absorbs the echo going down the pipe that gives the TaT TaT TaT sound. WARNING. Do not start the bike inside your garage. Move it out in the driveway to crank and be ready to ride it down the road right away. Reason being is that any loose fiberglass will be blown out the back and all over the place. Take it down the road and open her up a little to blow it out. You will notice a slight odor which is natural for the first couple of times you ride the bike. Use caution when working with fiberglass!! Here is the link to where I found this mod and although it’s for an Intruder with my changes it works well with the RSV. I first did the mod to Krome Roses bike and she loved it. I am not a loud pipe person, but I liked it too so that’s why I tried it on the RSV. The dimensions are wrong for the RSV. http://www.motorcycle-journal.com/forum/marauder-m50-secret-hideaway/32124-m50-fiberglass-rebaffle-low-merged.html
  4. It's hard for them to admit that they just blew your money on something they didn't need. Especially if you warned them before hand.
  5. Ok here is the video of what it sounds like with the Mod I did. If interested I can do a quick write up. Total cost is about $20.00 if you have a hammer and cold chisel. Remember this is done to Stock pipes. Once done you can't go back. I bought a pair off a member before I did the mod in case I didn't like it. So far it's been good. I can still hear other bikes over mine including Beer30's 4-2-4's. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqs_BqNnGGw]YouTube - RSV Fibrosleeve MOD[/ame]
  6. The wife bought one early last year and has worn it maybe 2 times. Claims she likes it, but never wears it. Go Figure. I honestly think it bothers her, she just won't admit it.
  7. Yeah Steve it's marked on the inside of the fuse box cover. It's under the right lower faring. It's also in the maint book if you have one.
  8. They do feel good on the backside and foot placement is in a much more comfortable place, especially if you have bad knees. Of which I do.
  9. Depends on what sound you are looking for. I have drilled out the cones in the back and removed the rear baffle. Now in doing this it gives a real "tap tap" sound, but I have been able to offset that with using a mod called fibrosleeve and my pipes have a nice rumble to them. Not overbearing but can be heard by cages. I have a video of it if I can find it, so you can hear the sounds. I'll post it tonight if I can remember.
  10. No disrespect intended to anyone but I personally wouldn't use a service that allows "anybody" to edit it's content as a true source of information. How many motorcycles have carb heaters? Has carb icing become such a problem that we need to worry about it? The carb heaters are an un-needed power drain on the bike and are in fact "ON" when the temps drop below 63 regardless of whether the bike is in gear/motion or whatever. I have had a digital voltage meter on my bike through the winter and have seen the drain on the system while riding down the road. With the sorry amount of available power that these RSV's have I'm willing to take my chances to get the 5 amps back that these things are eating up. That allows me to have my electric gloves, socks, and grip warmers and not put an unnecessary drain on the charging system. For the life of me I can't think of what Yamaha was thinking. I'm sure their target market for the RSV was not people like me who ride in everything except snow regardless of the temp.
  11. You can just pull the fuse for them. It's located in the lower right faring. Much easier than pulling the tank and disconnecting connectors.
  12. New plugs, Seafoam in gas tank, and a carb sync after running through a tank with seafoam in it. The bike more than likely has varnish built up in the carbs. Don't concern yourself with the carb heaters, I disconnected mine and ride in temps down to 12 degrees with no problems. In fact if you plan on using any heated equipment I would suggest pulling the fuse.
  13. Since you still have a warranty I would have them look at it. I have a 99 and it has been doing the same thing since I got it 2 years ago. As long as I can tell Neutral it doesn't bother me. But if there is a fix out there I would be interested in knowing it too. Like I said, it doesn't bother me so I haven't really looked into it.
  14. Yeah I just heard this morning on the local news about them moving to New Bern, NC. Makes my day since we live about 12 miles from the fair grounds where they are going to have the rally. I sure hope it works out for NB because it will bring a lot of money into the area. And the residents are looking forward to the influx of money. Not bad timing either since the Outer Banks Bike Week will be going three weeks prior to this one. We haven't been to that one, but just might this year since the Carolina Harley Rally is moving up the street from us. http://www.motorcyclemonster.com/events/Outer-Banks-Bike-Week--2009-04-23-Harbinger-NC.html
  15. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that: :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  16. Sounds like a great idea.
  17. WoW just got through all those pics. Sure looked like fun. Some interesting contraptions at the bike show. Great pics. Now I need to go rest my eyes. Is it nap time?
  18. That has been my concern as well, but I know of several people who have used the buckeye stator and had no problems at all. One thing people can do to get about 60w back is to pull the fuse on the carb heaters. I did that last winter and have had no problems running heated gloves, socks, and grips. As a final note. I have gotten several things from Rick over the years and he is in fact a stand up guy and will treat you right. If I were to upgrade my stator, there is no doubt I would go with Buckeye Performance. If he says 55 amps I have no reason to believe different. BTW I do believe Rick was the first to get the Stator upgrade and he did it because members here and at the other venture site asked him to do so.
  19. I run only the Commanders. When I first got this bike it had Avon Venoms on it and I couldn't wait to get them off. The Commanders give a good comfortable ride and really stick to the road when it's wet out. I average about 18,000 on the rear and close to 30,000 on the front. I just put my 3rd set on early January. Now you have to understand that everyone will get different wear mileage, depending on style of riding and the roads you ride. 95% of my riding is flat roads since I live on the East Coast of North Carolina. Tires will wear more in the mountains and hills. They now make the smaller front tire that many here rave about. Me personally, while it does make a difference in handling I don't feel it makes enough of a difference to me to warrant putting another one on. Next time I'll go back to the original size. I ordered mine from South West Moto and they were delivered in about 3 days. Great company to deal with.
  20. Congrats!!
  21. I wouldn't worry too much, they are just trying to get a piece of that stimulus pie. I'm not giving up my account.
  22. Works Performance shock!!
  23. It's not chocolate that kills dogs and cats it's the caffeine in it, but it takes a LOT of chocolate to kill a big dog. Basically anything with caffeine in it is dangerous to animals. A strong pick-me-up for us could be lethal for a small dog or cat. Not that this mulch had actual chocolate in it. I'm sure some chemical in it is what killed these poor animals.
  24. Get up with Beer30 I think he has made a few. I know he has purchased the poles and not the mounts.
  25. I went through this with XM, The price you are paying sounds like you are getting XM with NavTraffic. The stand alone weather application costs the same as the NavTraffic and gives you the exact same stuff. The stand alone is for those who have no need for NavTraffic. The NavTraffic package includes the weather application as part of the bundle. I am paying the same price and although my subscriptions say NavTraffic, Weather they assure me it's just the NavTraffic with weather bundled in.
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