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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. It was my understanding that the 5 bucks was if you dropped the bike, not laid it down to avoid an accident. Glad you and the bike are ok.
  2. It wasn't unusual to find them that size in the Everglades when I was growing up, but in North Carolina they are usually 3-4 ft long. This one is close to 8 ft and that's about as big as they get. I am still amazed at it's head. Oh yeah, they do taste pretty good. I think they taste more like a Curlew (chuckaluskee chicken) than a real chicken.
  3. The MP3 file you saw is actually on the Zumo 550. If you have a SD card in the Zumo then you should see it as another Drive. Like your CD/DVD drive would be D: the Zumo SD card would be E:, F:, G: a letter like that. You can make a MP3 folder or just load the songs to the SD card, the Zumo should read it either way and put them in the right order.
  4. It was hard to spot, but I did. Pretty good camo. Those poles are short, not to mention one looks like it is bending.
  5. This little beauty was found a couple weeks ago on Camp Lejeune when they were clearing some land. It is an Eastern Diamondback Rattle Snake. They are rare around these parts and extremely rare this size. Look at the size of it's head. It was relocated to a remote area of the base. Somewhere near Beer30's No that is not me in the picture, it's one of the base rangers. Needless to say people need to watch where they step when hiking and camping.
  6. A little late to the post, but my 2 cents worth is don't get it. I put their saddle bags on Krome Roses Volusia and it was a MAJOR PITA. Instructions sucked, called manufacture and they couldn't even speak English so they were no help. They actually put a janitor on the phone to talk to me and translate for them. Go figure.
  7. Will keep them in our prayers. We thank them for defending this Great Country of ours.
  8. In case you didn't know it George, I have high blood pressure, and am over weight. So that makes me the perfect candidate for a heart attack. Jokes like this can do a man in. To be honest I never even considered what you wrote as anything but a joke. Anybody who has seen you two together knows that NOTHING can come between you two. Soul Mates doesn't even begin to describe what you two are.
  9. Wow, can he be any more insensitive? I don't want to start any problems, but tell him to back off and ride your own ride.
  10. I have had my 99 for over 2 years without that bolt in it. Never had any problems, have put 52,000 miles on it.
  11. I have read the article and been watching the press on this thing. Every year we hear the same thing and nothing comes of it. I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, but what better "April Fools Joke" than to claim something like this and it really does not exist. Seems to me if they know enough to actually know it's for real then somebody at Symantic would have the fix already. I liken this to the "Hurricane Forecasters" when they claim 15 named storms with 6 of them Major Hurricanes and then when it's all said and done it's no where near that number. This is one of those cases where I hope I'm right. Who knows? I guess we will find out April 1st.
  12. Congrats. Yeah it's amazing how much you spend on those things. The wife and I stopped over 2 years ago and with the money saved we have been able to go on trips, spend the entire week in MB for bike week, the Asheville meet, and various meet and eats. We only smoked about a pack a day each. I can't even begin to imagine how much it costs people who smoke 2 or more packs a day. Again Congrats on your success. Stay with it.
  13. I have one of those too, Krome Rose got it for me at Christmas. You are right they do have a good customer service, yet maybe they need a better quality control department. Mine also had the rattling viewfinder and I had to get a new one sent to me. There were no problems getting a new one sent to me. For such a small camera they have decent video.
  14. The fork lights are nice but darn expensive. I already have pretty much the same thing for the brake light. Real nice and sure gets noticed.
  15. Every motorcycle shop I have been to says to never put any kind of tire dressing on them, for the same reason they say you should scuff the tire in good right after mounting.
  16. My tires don't stay on long enough to get cracks. I go through about 2 sets in a year. Not so sure I like the idea of a tire getting cracks in it. Especially a new one.
  17. I honestly have never heard of that happening to a 2nd Gen. Don't know what to say.
  18. Pics look great Margaret sorry we couldn't attend. With the cold weather it would have been hard on my knee. Looking forward to the next one, and our monthly Deadwood adventure.
  19. You know you would think so. I highly doubt MB is concerned with honoring other states inspection requirements. If that were the case wouldn't they have to honor their own states inspections and laws? From what I have been able to find South Carolina has "No acoustical criteria" for their inspections. Good observation though.
  20. Actually the HD Dealers association were the ones who originally started the Spring festival some 68 years ago, the rest of the festivities around MB grew from that. http://www.chdda.com/events/beachrally.html I'm wondering how long it will be before the larger sponsors will follow them to New Bern. Word around town is they are expecting around 5,000 people for that weekend. Not to mention it's the same weekend the Cherry Point Air Show will be going on. So if anybody plans on coming that weekend, you might want to reserve a room. If you haven't been to an Air Show at night and you are planning on attending the New Bern bike fest you might want to check it out Friday night. It's pretty impressive seeing the planes flying with flares and stuff on their wings. http://www.cherrypointairshow.com/
  21. Or you could just buy this and be done with it. http://www.cyclegadgets.com/Products/product.asp?Item=ASG It can also be used to trigger the relay for passing lights.
  22. Well allow me to Retort: I highly doubt he rips off people during 2 weeks out of the year. MB has disenfranchised HIS customer base by passing all of those ordinances. They are not going to come into the city limits to have work done by him if they have to trailer their bikes there. So regardless of bike week, the rules are year round and in case you haven't had the pleasure of reading them, they are in fact pretty restrictive and are clearly designed to deter motorcycles within the city limits. Would you go into a city where you knew you had a pretty good chance of being pulled over by the police just for the vehicle you are riding? I doubt a stock HD would pass the DB level they are requiring at idle. Heck my RSV comes within 8 DB of it as it is. My wife's stock VS900 pipes were over their limit.
  23. That's really nice. Mind if I ask what it set you back? I have considered converting to 3 wheels in the future. Thanks.
  24. Sounds to me like Road King pipes that were not drilled out correctly is what you currently have on your bike. The Road King pipes have that cup you are talking about, but if I remember correctly they both have the same cup in them. It has been a long time since I had them on my bike. The ones in the vid do sound good though.
  25. All I know is that the City of New Bern is overjoyed with the rally coming. Sure there will be some grumpy folks, but the influx of money into this area is much needed and New Bern is far enough away from any major tourist area to not cause problems on that side. They can only hope that it grows to the likes of previous Myrtle Beach rallies. It may take a few years and I hope that they give it a chance before looking someplace else. Keep in mind that this is only 2 days not 10. There will still be stuff going on in the Myrtle Beach area. BTW contrary to what Horry County claimed their commissioners voted to reduce the amount of vendor permits while raising the price at the same time.
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