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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. What you hear is normal, in fact the whine sound that bothers some is normal for straight cut gears like the RSV has. I doubt you have anything to worry about.
  2. Progressive does not make a 2nd Gen shock. The only aftermarket shock is made on a when ordered custom basis and that's Works Performance.
  3. Oh YEAH!!! Well some of us are what you might call PORTLY!!!!
  4. If you buy an older model 2nd Gen you should expect to replace the rear shock. Depending on how deep your pockets are would determine which shock you go with. If you go stock, keep in mind if you intend on keeping the bike you will end up replacing the stock one again, quite possibly several times. Sometimes you can get them on ebay for a couple hundred dollars from someone who triked their bike or replace with a works performance. Problem is, you have no way of knowing if it's good or not until you mount it. The great redesign only put a hose on to redirect the input for the breather hole to a higher place to hopefully get less dirt in. I'm of the mind that it's the design of the shock not the breather hole. They didn't change the internal workings and the shock is really not rated for that size bike with the loads we put on them. The works performance shock is more expensive up front, but it is built for you, to your specs. They take into account your weight, your passengers weight, whether or not you tow, and what kind of riding you do. Is it mountain, flatland, or a lot of curves. How much towing you do or intend to do. I have had one on my bike for 2 years and have not had a single bit of trouble. My first RSV spent a week in the shop the 2nd day I had it getting the shock replaced. I replaced 2 more in 37,000 miles. I have 45,000 miles on my works performance with no problems what so ever. As an added bonus, you can get the works performance rebuilt for around $100.00 give or take a few dollars. The stock ones can't be rebuilt. Hope this helps you decide.
  5. I have one and I just bought flat elastic fabric band 1/4 inch wide that you get in the fabric department of Wal Mart and replaced the shoe string they have holding the sides together. It works great for me. Stretches good and keeps the vest snug against me no matter what I am wearing.
  6. A clunking noise during shifting is pretty normal for these bikes. I have had 2 and they both do it. It's pretty common on the RSV as well as the bigger HD's. Sitting with the engine running and in neutral if you pull the clutch in and shift into 1st gear you will get a clunk with possibly some slight movement of the bike. Shifting into 2nd will produce a clunk also, it's less pronounced through the rest of the gears but it is there.(I think it's because there is less strain on the drivetrain) Again this has been a normal thing with pretty much every RSV I have been around. I hear it all the time when riding in groups. You will also start to notice a clanking sound coming from the front area of the engine while it's running and in neutral and if you pull the clutch in it goes away. Again a normal occurrence on the RSV. If it really concerns you then take it in and have it looked at or like mentioned above, get with another RSV rider and listen to theirs. It's good to notice things that are out of the ordinary, something that just showed up and hasn't been there before. These are BIG bikes with lots of things on them. They make noises all the time.
  7. If the peg is spinning then you really do have to HONK on the bolt to tighten it. I used a hex key on a ratchet wrench to tighten the ones on my wifes bike. The only reason to worry about the switch blade causing problems while riding is if you have them as pegs or your highway pegs are really low. My wifes bike has them as pegs on her Volusia which I have lowered 2 1/2 inches. She actually has the Flame Switch Blades.
  8. Is it the peg spinning? Or the switchblade part? If it's just the switchblade part there is another small hex set screw on the bottom I think that keeps that from spinning. I can't remember where it's at, either on the bottom or the inside towards the mount, but i know that happened to Krome Roses when I was riding it down the road. Not very safe since it is her foot peg not highway pegs. I ended up having to tie wrap it up and buying a new set screw. If it's the peg then I would think you have the wrong peg adapters, and it's not allowing you to tighten all the way.
  9. You want the hole saw to be as close to the outside as possible to cut the cone out, there is still a back plate behind that. Assuming you are talking about RSV pipes. I am not sure about RSTD pipes, I haven't paid too much attention to them. The backplate will be easier to remove with a cold chisel than hole saw because of the tapered ends of the RSV pipe. I burned up two hole saws trying to cut the inside backplate out.
  10. I doubt the end caps would help get rid of the sound. It's caused from the sound echoing off the inside walls. The fiberglass absorbs the echo.
  11. Simple Green Automotive is not as strong as regular Simple Green. That stuff needs to be diluted. That's why I recommended Simple Green Automotive it doesn't need to be diluted. I would recommend a good coat of Honda spray polish afterward.
  12. check the bolt that holds the shifter on. If that is loose then it will bind and be hard to shift also. The 3000 mile oil thing is well hard for me to swallow. The consistency of the oil doesn't break down that much in just 3,000 miles. I regularly run 5,000 to 8,000 miles on my oil with no shifting problems. If I changed oil every 3,000 miles I would be doing it once a month and that is just not going to happen.
  13. Good News. Glad to hear. Keeping him in our prayers
  14. Sorry to hear you are heading over. Hopefully the money will make up for the lost time. If you guys need anything at all, don't hesitate to call. We need to do deadwood a time or two before you split. Take care.
  15. I would use Simple Green Automotive solution. It cuts grease like no other. I just cleaned my engine and it looks like new. It's not supposed to harm painted surfaces or chrome. I wouldn't use Formula 409 that's for sure.
  16. Watch out when the weather gets bad. I know I have been less than brilliant and rode through some VERY BAD Lightning Storms before. I will be pulling over and letting the weather pass from now on. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,517985,00.html Motorcyclist Killed by Lightning While Riding Back From Charity Event Sunday, April 26, 2009 LAWRENCE, Kan. — A 45-year-old Lawrence man was killed when he was hit by lightning as he was riding his motorcycle as storms swept through northeast Kansas. Jefferson County Sheriff Jeff Herrig says the man was with six other motorcyclists who are members of the Bikers Against Child Abuse group. He was hit by lightning about 5 p.m. Saturday on U.S. 24 between Perry and Granville. A man riding next to the victim was treated and released at a Topeka hospital. The other five members of the group were not injured. Herrig says the motorcyclists were returning home after visiting some children they had helped in the past in their work against child abuse. He calls the man's death a "tragic, sad thing."
  17. Were you able to listen to the youtube video of my RSV? When I first got this bike it had the drilled hole mod done. Didn't like it at all, in fact I was lucky enough to still have my pipes from my first RSV and I put them on. They are the ones I did the fibrosleeve mod to and I love it. A much deeper rich sound. By putting the fiberglass matting in the pipe it gets rid of the TAT TAT TAT sound you get by drilling. It absorbs the tinny echo in the pipes. Click on the video and go to the Youtube page to watch it. For some reason it's coming over a little wispy on this site, but sounds right at the Youtube site. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqs_BqNnGGw]YouTube - RSV Fibrosleeve MOD[/ame]
  18. Check out this link, there is a video of my RSV with the Fibrosleeve mod done. You can hear for yourself and see if this is what you want. It sounds much better than the drilled holes and is a heck of a lot less expensive than new pipes. Near the end of the thread is instructions on how to do it. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33069
  19. Well today we went to the Carolina Motorcycle Rally in Jacksonville, NC and well let me backtrack a bit. Everyone needs to know when to keep their mouths shut, me well I guess I haven't learned that lesson yet. Well maybe I did today. Earlier this week KR asked me if she could buy some more pin stripe decals for her Volusia. I said that I thought it was GAUDY enough already............Yeah I know, not too bright, but I wasn't feeling too good at the time and it just jumped right on out there. Back to the story. Today at the Motorcycle Rally we just happened to park right smack dab in front of a Custom Pin Striping booth. Man what luck. Long story short, Krome Rose now has a REAL Pin Striping job done on her bike. As much as I like to complain, it looks pretty darn good for the price. She asked me on the way home "How's your money look on my bike" again Lesson Learned!! I'm posting the pics, everything on the bike except the Krome Rose and Roses on the rear fender was done today for, are you ready for this? Drum Roll Please. $115.00 I guess I got away cheap for that slip of the mouth. I have a recording of her saying she was never getting rid of the bike and was FINISHED putting accessories on it. If I could only be for certain. The guy did the rose on the take on his own. She/We didn't ask for it, he just did it. The Pic of Krome Rose is when she saw the Rose on the tank the first time. It was worth the money to see her so happy.
  20. Ok here is where I got mine from. In fact I have the Stingerz Cruiser level 3 package with 138 LED's. I also bought the Black Magic remote for them. Looks really good. www.customdynamics.com Click on Cycle Products and then Stingerz.
  21. I am assuming you mean these at Diamond R. http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/yamahaproducts.php
  22. Dang Aurthur, you mean to say Brandy isn't the only one this has happened to? We we went to the Va Beach Meet and Eat and stopped at that Ski Shop to get Brandy a pair of Ski Pants for the ride home one of the girls there stole her information and popped us for $1,000.00 the day before we were to leave on Vacation. Lucky I was paying attention and caught it, went to the bank and they were able to see where it was done at as well as give me their contact info. Ours hadn't hit, I just noticed a BIG chunk of the money not available, the company stopped billing me for one of the charges and then returned the rest of the money once we got a police report and had the detective contact them. Folks have said $350.00 isn't much, well in my book it's a lot. Most of these folks will only spend less than $500.00 at at time because then the police won't make too much effort to track them down. Ours just happened to have been for $490 and $495 dollars, but they were done within 24 hours so the police combined them into one and started an investigation. Come to find out the address to where the stuff was delivered was had just popped up on their "Watch List" so they got more against the people now. Good luck, make sure you have the bank check the charges that haven't posted to your account also.
  23. Congrats, and congrats to all who serve or have family members who serve.
  24. Yes that's what I use. Actually I believe you will have to use the open end and turn it over to get enough room to loosen the nut. As for the MC jack, well to be honest I'm sure you could do it that way, but you will have to use blocks of wood to keep the jack off the parts of the engine that go below the frame. I highly recommend the Carbon One adapter, it's easy and once you get the jack in the right spot it is very stable.
  25. Great pics Bobbie, that sure was some pretty country ya'll rode through. Sorry we missed it.
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