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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. Yes they do. Someone makes a spacer block that can be used that brings them out several inches and allows for just loosening the bolts so the lights drop forward a little to allow removal of the faring. If you don't have the spacer you have to remove the light bar.
  2. Just to clarify things, I said that a 15A fuse will cover the bulbs if they are in fact 55W. I would never recommend putting a larger fuse in to troubleshoot a shorted wire. With that being said, the Yamaha light bar circuit WILL handle a 15A fuse and the 55W bulbs. Many, many people have upgraded to 55W H3 bulbs.
  3. Had mine for 2 years and 49,000 miles without a problem. It is intentionally done like that so you can make one handed adjustments while sitting on the bike. I adjust mine for the different jackets I might be wearing at the time. I also make an adjustment while on a long ride just to get a different feel in the saddle. You will have no problems with the adjustment screw unless you have it all the way up and then it might vibrate out, but if it's that high you wouldn't need it in there anyway.
  4. Have you by any chance increased the idle? It's pretty easy, there is an idle adjust on the right side just under the tank. Clockwise increases the idle and of course the other way will decrease it. It couldn't hurt to change the plugs either. You can get to the front ones by removing the dogbones on the side of the engine. Since it runs fine otherwise, I'm inclined to think the idle adjustment is off. Glad you like the bike, most of us think they are great bikes.
  5. Everything mentioned above is good advise. The only thing I can add is that if you are splitting the signal going into the AUX connector that might be the problem. I had pretty much the same problem when I split the AUX to go to the ZUMO and to a MP3 player. It's also possible that you have a bad cable that you are running from the Zumo to the AUX connector. Hopefully you will find the problem with one of these responses.
  6. Yeah a 15 amp fuse shouldn't cause any problems and that will cover the bulbs if they are 55W.
  7. There should be a ACCESS connector on the left faring under the handle bar. That is stock. If it has the cig lighter in it, it's aftermarket. It would depend on whether or not you used the same watt bulbs. If you went from 35W to 55 W then yes that caused the fuse to blow. If they are 35W then it could just have been time for the fuse to blow, or there could be a short in the circuit I would run the main wire directly off the battery with the fuse holder under the seat. Run the main power wire through an automotive relay that is controlled off a switched power source under the fairing. WD 40 on electrical parts should always be followed by electronic parts cleaner to remove the residue. WD40 will short things out. It might displace water but it will also conduct electricity. But in answer to your question, I highly doubt using WD40 last year would cause this problem now. The switch could be shorting to ground though.
  8. Just make sure the bike is balanced more towards the rear when on the lift and put something under the rear tire before you pull the front. Take the brake calipers off for sure or you will spend forever getting the tire back on. Also there are two spacers between the forks and the wheel. Make sure you remove them before you take the tire down to get mounted. First time I didn't pay attention to them and had one fall out at the MC shop, didn't find out until I tried to put the wheel back on. Had to go back to the shop, 20 miles away and was lucky it had fallen out on their tire changer. LESSON LEARNED THE HARD WAY!! They are sort of a pain also when putting the wheel back on they tend to want to fall out when you try and get the tire up in the forks. It's best to have a second set of hands for that part. None ever seem to be around when I am working on my bike.
  9. Thanks Kevin, that's what I wanted to hear.
  10. Thanks for the info. Cyclegadgets isn't the easiest place to navigate around. I found it in the search but it wouldn't give me any information on the product. I finally found the product page. Had to get there by a google search. http://www.cyclegadgets.com/Products/ram/ram.asp?prod=RAM-AB2 Does the iPod touch have the audio jack on the top like the iPhone? And how do you get a mini phono connection to the iPod? Again I couldn't get any good information on the product. I just found an application for the iPhone that allows me to access my mucic on PC from anywhere I have connectivity. So far it works pretty good and it would be cool to have my entire library available while riding down the road. Thanks
  11. It will depend on where you fill up to. Punching holes in the filler tank will get you about a half gallon more fuel although I wouldn't recommend filling up that way if you are going to park the bike. I always fill up to the top, but make sure that I go about 10 miles or more before stopping for the day.
  12. With all the advancements in industry these days I see no reason why you couldn't ride with a handicap like missing a leg or arm. Automatic transmissions are great and steering with one arm isn't that hard, the only real time you need it is at slow speeds. Higher speeds you lean to turn the bike. I see an older gentleman a couple times a month riding with this system on his bike. Believe me, with my gout problems I have seriously considered purchasing one myself. Check it out. There are others out there but this one seems pretty good. http://www.trikealternative.com/ghostwheels.shtml They also have this: http://www.trikealternative.com/retractatrike.shtml I'll say this much for them. They sure are proud of those suckers. Maybe I better consider a Hack!!
  13. I am willing to bet your short is on one of the running/turn signal lights where the wires come out and into the light bar. That is a VERY sharp area of the light fixture and it will slice through the wire. That's where mine happened both times. I ended up running an external wire from where the turn signal slips into the bar bypassing the bar itself. Haven't had a problem since and that was 18 months ago.
  14. Could you link to the water proof mount you were talking about?
  15. Just don't wire the darn thing into the headlight circuit. Reason being is that if you blow the fuse for the Head Lights, and if you use a Yamaha light bar chances are you will eventually. You will LOSE ALL of your front lighting. Not good at night or in the rain. Believe me I have had both happen.
  16. If you are looking for inexpensive then go with an MP3 player. You can pick them up just about anywhere for less than $30.00. Unless you have an extensive song collection you really don't need more than 2 Gig. I have 288 songs on a 2 Gig card and have just went over the 1 Gig mark. So figure close to 500 songs on a 2G player. That's a lot of ripping or downloading of songs. Just my 2Cents worth.
  17. Or you could replace them with these. They feel much better than the stock ones, plus they are PURDY! http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=42&Category_ID=10&manufacturer_ID=66&product_ID=18721 http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=42&Category_ID=10&manufacturer_ID=66&product_ID=2000 I will agree with the levers being the culprit though. I haven't had that problem since switching to the new levers.
  18. If it's not a rush to get it to him, I can drop it off in July at the Asheville meet. Otherwise I can box it up and send it to him. It would be nice if he can do something for us. Although the Works shock works great for me.
  19. What part of NC is he in? If I am not mistaken I still have my shock in the garage at home. At work right now, but will check when I get home. If I can remember.
  20. I heard the same thing, but nothing official. My local WalMart still had 10 bottles as well as 4 of the kits last time I checked. In the Mr. Clean system there is a filter that inserts in the bottom. When you select the filter it diverts the water through it and then sprays a fine mist out of the nozzell, this water is virtually free of all minerals that are in the water which lead to water spots when the water evaporates.
  21. I am assuming you didn't buy it new. The RSV shocks are notorious for groaning after a few thousand miles. I wouldn't put it past the dealer to use the hyde fluid to quite the shock down to sell it. If they replaced the schrader valve, you can bet there was a reason for it. They probably messed it up trying to get the hyde fluid into it. What you need to do is see if the shock will hold air now. That will give you a good indication as to whether or not the shock is shot.
  22. I have never had any problems with spraying water on the speakers. I am assuming that they mean a direct stream. I would avoid that for fear of damaging the speaker, but they like everything else on the bike are waterproof. The only thing you need to worry about is any after market electronics you might put on like XM radio or a GPS. As for washing, I use the Mr. Clean car washing system. It does a great job and spraying with the de-mineralizer it dries almost spotless. I used to spend 3 hours washing, drying, and polishing the bike. Now I spend 20 minutes and it's just as clean. My only recommendation is to do it in the shade or keep the bike wet until you spray with the de-mineralizer.
  23. Taking out the valve stem and squirting some hydraulic fluid along with fork oil was one remedy for the noisy shock syndrome. More than likely the previous owner did that. If that is what is in fact what was leaking out then the shock won't hold air.
  24. I don't think those are pop up caps. Fitment says for HD
  25. Guess not. I sure would be interested in one.
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