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Everything posted by SaltyDawg

  1. KromeRose couldn't wait to give me my Fathers Day gift first thing this morning. I loved it. Then she gave me this, it's a FrogSkin for my kick stand. I think it looks pretty darn good, and I love it too. Thanks Honey. http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/beec1180.jpg http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/d186ce3f.jpg
  2. Just so youz guyz know, they now ship from regional warehouses in most instances. If the regional warehouse doesn't have them then they may take longer. New owners, new management = better service. Not that they ever took more than 4 days to get a set to me from Arizona before.
  3. Did y'all go to Deadwood without me? Lucy you got some Splainin to do!! and when I say Lucy I mean muffinman, I would never cross you Mini. :rotfl:
  4. I do that ever now and then.
  5. Update, on the way home I hit the rev limiter at 44mph indicated on speedo and 6500 RPM exactly. In first gear.
  6. I have a barons mini tach on my bike and it hit the rev limiter at 6500 or there about. Most times I hit it in first gear really getting on it. Never pay any mind to the speed because the speedo is off anyway and the GPS can't keep up with me. 6250 or 6500 it's hard to say with the tach because you can get there so fast.
  7. On which post is the power to the relay? Is it the power from the battery, or from the switch? If both are there I would check the ground first, then if that does not fix it I would check the switch and relay. If you have power to all both relay terminals and the ground is good then it would have to be the relay.
  8. I find the smaller rectangular ones better, they take up less mirror space and still give you the blind spot coverage. They are great in the summer, but in the winter with temps below 32 they tend to fall off.
  9. I like the look of that, but I would advise buying the sturdier brackets from diamond r because the weight of those things will crack the OEM brackets. When that happens you are going to have that light, the bracket, along with the deflector come off and be tethered by the wires and it will wreak havoc on your front fender and quite possibly your radiator. They crack just from the plastic deflector on them, adding that weight will only make it happen faster. Not guaranteeing that the Diamond R won't crack, but it's a heck of a lot sturdier.
  10. I have to agree as much as I hate to. I hate those things, to me they are annoying as all get out, but they do get you noticed. I'm seriously thinking of breaking down and putting them on our bikes. I have way to many morons pull out in front of me and I ride 100 miles round trip every day to work. On cold and/or rainy days it is worse because no one thinks anybody would ride on days like that. Well I'm one of the few around here that does ride rain or shin, hot or cold.
  11. Don't know whether or not it was mentioned or whether you would want to do it, but a quick fix to get more airflow is to take the fork deflectors off. You can also pull the clear lower deflectors at the bottom of the fairing. That will allow wind to flow over your legs and get blown up onto your body. I have the short clearview on and love it. You will not need a vent if you go with the short one. Plenty of airflow around it. Keep your original windshield though for winter/cooler weather riding.
  12. Same exact thing happened to my first 99, I mean exactly the same thing. Do yourself a favor and put some graphite where the metal plate touches on the rods. Since doing that I never had a problem like that again.
  13. SaltyDawg

    Swat Video

    And they waste 75% of their time looking at silly youtube videos.:rotfl:
  14. Everyday is ride to work day for me. Rain/shine/hot/cold/tropical storm it doesn't matter. Even rode with snow on the road/ground. Yesterday threatened rain all day, today it did rain.
  15. I highly doubt that the cable would make any difference at all. I had almost the exact same problem and I even contacted Buddy Rich about it. What ended up being the problem was the zumo 550 wasn't seating in the mount properly to get the connection good and tight. I cleaned the connections and applied dialectric grease and the problem went away for a while. It comes back now and then but I have removed the security screw so I can reach up and release the radio from the cradle, tweak it a little and reseat it while I am talking over the phone. Most times this fixes the problem and folks hear me perfectly.
  16. I got to say even though the pics are out of focus it looks like there is a pretty good spark gap and that may just be causing some problems. The color doesn't look bad, at least what I can make out. When you are having the problem have you checked to see if any of the cylinders are cooler than the others? I'm still inclined to think it's a coil. Let us know how changing the plugs did.
  17. Hey Beer I told you them beans will do more than just keep you warm on that scoot!!
  18. Yes the Works shock has adjustments for damping and rebound as well as preload if needed. I will try and find my paperwork that came with it and post it. It's possible I still have it in the trunk with the spanner wrench.
  19. Well that SUX!! When we bought our house there were 19 pine trees on the property and I either cut or had them all cut down within 6 months. That still didn't stop the trees on the adjoining property from hitting our house 4 times in the last 14 years.
  20. My thoughts exactly I will change the plugs when I do an oil change this weekend just in case. I am going to order a coil and have it on the bike in case this happens again. Not going to just shotgun one right away. I seem to remember it bogging down once before but only for a few seconds. That was a couple months ago.
  21. Read this, it's for the Buddy Rich cable, but is show's you what you are asking for. If you are planning on using the blue tooth this cable should work for you too I would think. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15370
  22. Be sure to buy a PROFESSIONAL snap ring pliers set not the cheap ones. You won't regret it.
  23. spray the switch with electronics cleaner.
  24. Ok my 2 cents here. Just this morning while riding to work at 50MPH all of a sudden my bike felt like it was running out of fuel. Quick look to the fuel gage and she was half full (or half empty depending on your disposition) so it wasn't that. Slowed down and she felt fine but accelled up to 40 and it started to bog down again. Hmmmmm this is new to me. I have a 99 also. Played with her for a few miles, gunning it and going through the gears still runs rough at speed. Stopped to check it out, first thing I checked was the exhaust coming out of the pipes. Nothing bad but the right side felt cooler than the left. Then I felt the two cylinders on the right side and the front one was warm while the rear one was hot. Same for the pipes. I could hold the front pipe bare handed and could barly touch the shield on the rear pipe. Ok so now I know which cylinder isn't firing, but what is the problem. I shut the bike off for a few minutes and reassessed the situation and my need for getting to work. Since I had a very important meeting I decided to continue on to work, another 20 miles. Cranked it up and headed on to work but something was different. The bike was running fine. The only time I had a problem was when I really got on her to pass some slow cars and she revved up great but as I pulled out it sputtered for a second and then caught again. Got to work and all cylinders were hot. I doubt I have a fuel problem since I run seafoam through several times a month (I go through 2 tanks of gas a week), I don't think a spark plug would act that way so I am thinking it's the coil.
  25. No the Works is not the same body and internals. Totally different, in a side by side comparison between the two the Yamaha shock looks like a WWII Jeep and the Works looks like a HUMMER. Big, Beefy, and impressive to look at, hold, and ride on. I have not heard of any Works shocks failing, and if they did you can have them rebuilt for about $100.00. Can't do that with an OEM.
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