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About icemonster

  • Birthday 07/25/1957

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  • Location
    oostkamp, Belgium


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  • Bike Year and Model
    xvz 1300
  1. hi guys, thnx for the replay on the brakes do..... i think i forgot the upper line, am going to do it first thing tommorow. cya, Ice
  2. Hi all, put the battery back in, 1 push on the starter button............very nice sound... i think i am in love..... just hope tommorow see will not let me down.....and if so, i will get her a brand new powerfull battery. have to check the rear brakes do, changed the oil but they still feel a bit spongee. going to finish her up and if i got some time left, i take her out for a spin. cya later guys...
  3. not sutch a bad idea...... i am gone go for the starter test whit jumper cables and see where it takes me. let you guys now tomorrow. nightynight guys, Ice
  4. i now, but the acid cost is 8€, a new battery 125€. if i loose, at least i gived a change, and won't be sorry later if i didnt. its more easyer to by than to fix things, i like to fix things. thats why i am a mechanic for more than 30 years now. Ice
  5. thnx for the warm welcome guys, i inspected the battery today and it was not leaking. cleaned it firmly whit distilled water and filled it back up whit acid for batterys. put it on the charger for 1 hour, slow charge, and after one hour i checked the voltage whitout the charger and see is holding nearly 13Volt. checked back after 1 hour and had 12,7Volt. i think its looking good and put her back on the charger for tonight. tommorow morning i will let her stand alone for the day and will see what it give me in the evening. i will let you now what i have than. cya, Ice
  6. i now it is a bit late to reply on this post, but i did it whit a 18mm socket. the thing is, the outher diam. is to big, so i took it to work and schaved of 2/10 mm on a special work bench. (can find the exact name) works fine for mi. Ice
  7. PS; i want to pay the membership fee, but have no pay -pal; is there any other way??? thnx, Ice
  8. the smoke came from the jumping cables where the clamp and cable are connected. i think it is the starter. bad grounding or something. i just have it for a few weeks and could not ride it because of bad whether issu. tommorow after work i look in to it and report back. thnx M8's Ice:fingers-crossed-emo
  9. thnx M8, it started before i repaired the exhaust pipes. i did tryded every day and let it run until the temps when up. i have changed the cooling fluid, cleaned out the radiator, changed the gaskets on the exhaust, and cleaned all the chroom. when i fild up the battery whit distilled water, the problems begain. i now i have to change the battery, but still....
  10. Hi guys, i have a 1300 from 1990 and when i try to start it, it won't turn over. i have checkt the battery and need to by replaced (broken). when i try to jump start it whit an external battery the cables come very hot and smoking, but still the starter will only turn once or twice and very havy and slow. any ideas before i go shopping? thnx, Ice
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