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Everything posted by hubbsfd

  1. I too use RideOn. I've been using it for the past two years and I feel the same benefits you describe. Great product.
  2. My father-in-law has a 08 Stratoliner and I agree he has some really sharp lenses. I doubt you will find lenses to fit the RSV from a Stratoliner. If you do tell us as I'm sure others like the looks of them too.
  3. hubbsfd


    Sorry to hear about the break. I bought a new chrome trim piece for my 2008 RSV. My original got a few minor scratches and I'm totally anal so I paid $165 for a new one. Nothing wrong with my original but a couple small scratches no borken tabs. Not sure if your interested in it. Send PM and we can discuss.
  4. I bought them from Custom Dynamics. They are not plug and play because on the RSV with the Yamaha passing lights you will need to make a couple wire connections within the lamp housing. Easy to do though. The actual LED unit is a sealed unit and fits within the lamp housing just as the bulb does. Very easy install.
  5. The kit I bought has a female plug that fits the male plug you remove from the headlight bulb housing when you remove the bulb. Then you put the new bulb and housing into the lamp hole. You do connect a separate little plug to actuate the high low xeon function. Yep, that's what I read about separate power. I elected to not worry about the bulb powering up during startup. I have several friends with these bulbs that have been running them for a couple years without separate power. I'll carry my original bulb for backup. Easy to switch back to regular bulb if ballast went bad or bulb.
  6. Anybody got a spare Garmin GXM 40 XM antenna they want to sell?
  7. You make me think here. My HID pkg just plugs straight into the stock headlight lamp plug witch runs through the ignition switch. I wired my passing lights direct to the battery so no added draw through the ignition. I've seen others speak of wiring the HID direct to the battery. Am I putting a tremendous load on the ignition switch with my HID setup? Once the light is powered up the energy draw drops but the initial start up is what I'm wondering.
  8. Way better!!! I love it. I ordered the kit that had the adapter for the Yamaha RSV headlamp plug. Took me 15 mins. for the main headlamp. The LEDs for the passing lamps I got from Custom Dynamics. Took maybe 20 mins. The lighting uses less draw over all. Love the updated look too. Appreciate y'all giving me a pass on this one. To quote Will Rogers..... "We are all ignorant just on different subjects".
  9. I didn't do an extensive search for this topic but I've never seen this documented. The first time I ever split the fairing I disconnected that little brass sleeve at the end of the headlight adjustment knob on my 2008 RSV without realizing it. I've been driving for more than a year with the headlamp lower than it should have been not realizing that I had lost my adjustment. I found it as I was doing my HID install. I felt pretty stupid when I figured it out. So this has made a big difference for my night vision. Between the HID the 162 Gen II LED passing lamps and the proper adjustment..... I'm much happier. So if you have an adjustment knob on your model year and you have ever split the fairing check to see if the knob has tension as you turn it counter clockwise. That would the direction to raise the lamp thus you should feel tension. If it turns too freely it is not connected. Just thought I'd share my stupidity in case I'm not all alone.
  10. Or you can wrap it in Rescue Tape". Best stuff I've ever seen. Gotta Google it. It does everything it says it does. IronMike turned me on to it.
  11. I decided to give one more thing a try. I ordered a small low voltage trigger SS relay. $7.50. I'll try it soon I get it. It will take a 3v trigger. Almost anything should make that one work. Again, I'm trying this just in case that power line that comes to life in the stereo head unit harness reading 10v but actually only powers the little LED in the stereo controller unit. Hope this works but manual on/off is working too. I just hate giving up on a thing.
  12. Condor: I see a bunch of front R1 calipers on eBay but I don't know what year will fit my 2008 RSV? Can you advise me?
  13. I did see those relays in my research but I was afraid they were a bit too delicate for a cycle application. I decided to tie the remote power to an accessory switch I had already run to the front long time ago. I can power the amps on and off manually with that switch. That will work for me just fine I think. I tested every lead coming from the head unit. Either they are constant hot or low voltage. Oh well at least I can shut them down if I don't want them on.
  14. Just tested that theory. I put an acc hot to the trigger souce and the relay came to life sending 12 v to the remote power wire. The 10 v on coming out of the head unit won't trigger the relay. Dang it now what.
  15. Yes that is my work around. I tie the remote power wire to a known 12v souce powered when the ACC is on (always on battery tender). But that means the amps both are powered up even when the head unit is off. You may be right about the 10 v from the head unit not even being enough to trigger a relay for some odd reason.
  16. So I have it all hooked up. Everything is as expected with power at 10 v coming from the head unit on 85, ground on 86, 87 has power to trigger amps and 30 is my 12 v input. Leads are hot except for 87. No power going down the line to the amps. What could be wrong here?
  17. Hey Mike: Yes you did! Your very kind my friend. That Rescue tape is cool. I might just have to get me a bunch of that stuff. Thanks again mate.
  18. Like this Mike? http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.vertexauto.com/UserData/Images/Large/526.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.vertexauto.com/ShowItem/526%2520Rear%2520Window%2520Defroster%2520Relay.aspx&h=491&w=600&sz=25&tbnid=p0qoXPSByZAzBM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=110&zoom=1&usg=__l9lYk2dbMlHkyeCOyaAekp4qI8Q=&docid=HNZCu1Jr2bPUtM&sa=X&ei=jsYHUoyULujhygHZn4DgDw&ved=0CIQBEPUBMAc&dur=7253#imgdii=p0qoXPSByZAzBM%3A%3BHEfeSeP-Xm5-nM%3Bp0qoXPSByZAzBM%3A
  19. Okay so I've talked to Radio Shack and AutoZone and nobody has a clue what to look for. I suggest a relay and they yeah but what relay. They understand what I need but don't know how to cross reference a part to tell me what will work. Unless I know what specific part I need they don't know what to give me off their shelves. Any ideas?
  20. I just finished installing a Clarion XC1410 with 4 Infinity Reference 4002cfx 300w speakers and a Kenwood KSC-SW11 amped sub-woofer. Pics attached to see finished install. I’d be glad to discuss the work but overall it’s not hard mainly repetitive and keeping track of what goes where. Here’s my question. I run the remote power from the head unit power output source which is only live when the head unit is on. That should trigger the amp and sub to power up. The reason it doesn't is the amps require a 12 volt signal and the head unit is only pushing out 10 volts. I have a work around but would still like to have my power to the amps triggered when the head unit comes on. How might I do this? Tie the amps to a device with its own source of power that triggers when it senses the 10 v signal maybe? What’s that device called and where do I buy it? As always y’all will come to my rescue I am confident. [ATTACH][ATTACH]79134[/ATTACH][/ATTACH]
  21. Plus more again for the Baggershield. Love the versatility.
  22. CSDexter: That would be very cool if you end up doing some testing! I'd love to remove the equalizer and the signal stabilizer for an updated self canceling/emergency flash flasher unit. I'll keep an eye out for an OEM flasher unit for you too.
  23. I'm not an expert but everything I've seen replacing a flasher causes us to loose auto cancel feature. It would be nice to have a new flasher that still has the auto cancel but I can't find one.
  24. hubbsfd

    mo bound

    I am also in mid-fiftys. Graduated in 1975. Did you attend high school in Jeff City? Sounds like you've done pretty good with your bike resurrection efforts.
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