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Everything posted by scooter45

  1. Member of Calvary Riders #1070 Redwood Falls MN
  2. scooter45


    Ryno one wheeled motorcycle, not a bagger or touring bike but it is different http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2014/01/21/taking-spin-on-rynos-one-wheeled-self-balancing-electric-microcycle/?intcmp=features [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wTfQiGFAKE]Ryno motors - self-balancing, one wheel, electric scooter - YouTube[/ame]
  3. http://projectrushmore.harley-davidson.com/?locale=en_US&bmLocale=en_US&source_cd=SEM_Int_Retention_MY14%20Rushmore_Project%2BRushmore&_cr=ppc|Google|Retention|{harley%2Brushmore}&version=desktop Anybody looking at the new Harley
  4. I got a 2009 in 2010 for $16000
  5. March 2013 Cycle World best used bike Venture!
  6. I would not say it is right, but I have heard of this many times with back patches, We live in a fallen world. That is part of why I would not wear just any Colors. 1%er's live by different rules then the rest of us.
  7. I know CMA is working on changing the way a person becomes a member, making it more of a a commentment to be a member. If these people are dealing drugs I would think they are not part of a local chapter. To be a active member in CMA you need to be at 6 monthly meetings a year donate to CMA on a regular base, Atended a state or national event. Plus report minstry done quarterly.
  8. I think I would need more info on this, was the 69 year old a member of CMA? or a 1% club was he wearing colors? I have been with some 1%ers and there club house with CMA and all have a deep respect for CMA.
  9. Yes, benn in CMA for years
  10. I was glad to to see Paul Jr win, he is a class act, the other clowns should not be on the show the way they act.
  11. Opinions, I'am open looking more at roadstars more around, less money, my wife would like a harley I think it a clothes thing! Yamaha seams to be a better bike for the money.
  12. Looking at a second bike to take to the lake and short trips ect. Roadstar or Roadliner, I think over the winter there maybe some good deals,
  13. Would we get a goldwing with a Venture name on it.
  14. Maybe Yamaha is look at Ural to see when they need to update the the Venture! We will only wait 50 years for a update Venture.
  15. There should be some great deals on new 2009, 2010, 2011,2012 Ventures. I do like my 2009 but I liked my 2003 also if you can get a new one for about $15,000
  16. worked when I went home for lunch
  17. Can anyone get to the Star website today?
  18. Can anyone get to Star Website today?
  19. A locksmith can change it so all keys will work with on key, My Venture had new locks on the bags 3 key for on bike, The own had been a locksmitch at on time, had them done in 1/2 hour
  20. Just think is there anyother vehicle made in 2012 that has a tape deck or that you can get with that option
  21. Does anyone know anything about these helmets? http://torchelmets.com/helmets/carbon-t-58
  22. I got the fairing back on hope to ride today!
  23. scooter45


    Just got the fairing back from Mountainman Art, Can't wait to put back on the bike
  24. Can anyone use these, I have 2 extra sets of keys now that I don't need how after rekeying the locks on the saddlebags. Key #A7766 A7933
  25. scooter45


    Droped locks off at dealer, They called back today they where able to rekey to one key for everything:322:
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