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Everything posted by mother

  1. welcome aboard glad you joined this silly bunch, the best 12 bucks you ever invested. congradulations on the new ride, enjoy. hope to meet up with you. cheers , Scott
  2. warden will have to restrict you to a "spork"
  3. glad to hear our votes helped what an experience and honour for her
  4. wow you have got it all covered nice job VE3SCO
  5. great lookin children being a grandparent is the best job
  6. sorry i missed the barbeque i still have original stator in mine with over 200,000 on it years ago i went to hid headlight, 35 watt draw instead of 55/60 watt original. HID is the way to go, wow factor doing night time driving. the HID system is an simple install, plug and play, ground wire install and hot to battery. then the white light on dash stays on. to remedy this, there are three jumper wires to install on reserve light relay behind headlight and two coils in the instrument guages that need to be jumpered. i can help you with that. get the stator in and go HID this is where i bought my HID system, fast delivery: http://canadiancruisercustomizing.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=3 cheers, Scott
  7. and don't forget the dairy queen patch
  8. and he can count to 21
  9. great to see you are back riding again
  10. and i thought the 12 bucks was to see the pond monster at Don's
  11. next month Swifty is taking a scooter for a test run.
  12. good news is i have taken one apart bad news is the mirror glass is glued on and while trying to remove the mirror, the glass shattered, and the corners that had glue on them stayed there
  13. i could never see you or me owning one. i am not being offensive to anyone, just not my style. when you are ready to get an fjr to do some real riding, let me know and maybe we can get a deal on two.
  14. center stand operator
  15. Happy Birthday Don Sherry and Scott
  16. mother

    Rc Heli's

    have a look at this if you want to make a cheap plane http://www.spadtothebone.com/SPAD/ i have a couple of micro copters for indoor fun also have an outdoor electric copter
  17. our prayers go out to your family at this time Scott and Sherry
  18. if you know someone who welds, take the centerstand off and have 1/2 inch taken out of each leg on the center stand and weld the feet back on. this makes it easy to set the bike on the centerstand. i used to drive the rear tire onto a piece of wood, then put the center stand down. cheers, Scott
  19. i am looking for all the rubber brake lines for a 86 mkII. if you have upgraded to new braided lines if i could borrow your old ones and i can return them to you if you want. i have a vendor within walking distance of my house who does custom brake lines and i want to give him a try. he needs a sample set to make the new ones. let me know if you can help or pm me. thanks , Scott
  20. go to you tube and there are videos of how to update your garmin maps for free. i just downloaded the software for free and now have to go and remove the old map from my garmin and try to upload the new map software. From Freebird: Sorry...I have deleted this link due to possible legal consequences. With all that is going on right now and with the Justice Department just shutting down one of the largest file sharing sites in the world, I can't take the chance of hosting this video here. Sorry Mother, hope you understand.
  21. mother

    Rc Heli's

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROq0IvgmVBw]Bert Kammerer - Align T-Rex 700E - YouTube[/ame]
  22. we will pray for her also. Scott and Sherry
  23. so glad to hear the only thing hurtin is his wallet. God bless him
  24. Hi Peggy i know the feeling too:crying: my daughter, her husband and our granddaughter moved 1 week before Christmas to Halifax Nova Scotia. he is with the Navy and that is where he was transferred to. They are now 20 hour drive away from us. Glad that yours are fairly close and hope you get to still see them often. cheers, Scott
  25. now that is great news. how about name her Pinky enjoy cheers, Scott and Sherry
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