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Everything posted by mother

  1. mother


    why do i keep checking this thread
  2. Dunlop e 3 rear Avon on the front As venturous said, best handling combination that I have ever had
  3. mother


    i think i saw a butterfWHY
  4. another cell phone holder in the kitchen
  5. great news Don, thank you for sharing. sometimes we fall down, but we should always look up. i dont know why it is called marriage, it should be called a test. there are many bumps in the travels together, 30 years for us and boy i have a few bumps on my head. you are two beautiful people with great big hearts. Scott and Sherry
  6. i found a grill cheese sandwich with a few bites out of it in the vcr, damn kids
  7. another use
  8. mother


  9. oh no that means that Carl, Rocket and i are the only Canadian 1st genners left oh well, see you later p.s.(congrats Wiz)
  10. mother


    at least some of us know about the 5 why's
  11. new model
  12. now that is nice,
  13. mother


    Why is it called a toilet, when the inventors name was Crapper.
  14. mother


    the 5 Whys is a powerful tool for engineers or technically savvy individuals to help get to the true causes of problems,
  15. mother


    No, why?
  16. mother


    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMMUve9nd4E]Delilah - Tom Jones - YouTube[/ame]
  17. sorry Ben, i kidnapped Bob and Becky and we enjoyed lots of laughs and homemade moose soup.
  18. nothing like laying in bed , looking at the stars/ hey, where did my house go?
  19. and it was nice to spend it with family too!
  20. i have had 12 lazer procedures in the last 12 weeks, man it hurts, kinda like a hot solder iron on the end of a jackhammer for 5 to 10 minutes, or until i pass out. if it helps, then it is worth it. i go in again tomorrow and hopefully this will be the last one for a while. the first few days after, everything is black, then black and grey, then foggy. about 5 days later wow, i can kinda see out my left eye again. it has been a learning experience thats for sure i.e. reach in the drawer in the bathroom, is that toothpaste, heat linament, or preperation H. i have good neighbours, when i walk past my house they turn me around and send me home. they have also cleared the snow so i can get out for my walks. hopefully i will be able to get back on the bike this year and looking forward to seeing everyone again. cheers, Scott
  21. Sherry made me a "to do list" so i added "a hot blonde" and that was the end of the list. visiting hours are 1pm to 6 pm
  22. You can beat it. Prayers will continue until we hear the good news Scott
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