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Everything posted by mother

  1. i am also very sorry to hear of this loss. the laws should be changed in my opinion, to vehicle manslaughter when this type of accident happens. drivers need to pay more attention while making a left turn and let them know that they will be charged with a criminal offence if they make a left turn and take someones life. it seems to keep happening and nothing is being done to reduce this. when i started riding i was warned that this is a common thing that happens to motorcyclist. well, i have been licenced to ride a bike for 35 years and a few years ago, a driver made a left turn coming from the opposite direction in front of me. i am fortunate that i am still alive, got banged up, scrapes and have a bad hip now. she got a ticket that she fought and got dismissed. she should have been charged, in my opinion with attempted vehicle manslaughter. this is also a reminder to all our members to keep alert while entering intersections prayers go out to the family and all the people that this man has touched their hearts.
  2. she went on a little trip south for a couple of weeks and will be back on the 17th.
  3. she only likes good lookin guys. (we will have to get her new glasses.) p.s. she never called me either and i was not doing anything.
  4. both my daughters have grown up riding on the back of my bike or my wifes bike and love it. they were around 5 when they first went for a ride and did not want me to take them home. my little one now 19, has come with me on some weekend rides. leave friday home sunday my 22 year old has the itch to get her licence and i am sure she will follow through with it. she has ridden my wifes bike around the block and has the knack for it. she just graduated with honours and started working, so i dont know if she will get her bike licence this year.
  5. tell Taters we are thinking of her. heal well young lady! Scott and Sherry
  6. now that is one hot machine
  7. mother

    Nice little run

  8. thanks Don they are superb, what a bunch of great ideas.
  9. my daughter informed my wife and i that we are going to be grandparents, as she is 3 months pregnant. does that make me a "Grand Mother" now?
  10. i used to deliver the daily newspaper to Tim Horton when i was younger. he was a very nice guy. cute wife too. Tim Horton started a coffee franchise in Canada and it took off big time. USA equivalent to Dunkin Donuts. i run a pair of Road Kings on my 86 and love the sound. never been stopped. it is a stock muffler so i should not have any trouble.
  11. mother


    i say, get the whip out.
  12. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you bad boy, i keep telling you that those type of pics are not allowed here. :rotfl::rotfl:
  13. i have a hitch i borrowed from Evan and i took it off my 86 a week or two ago. what part are you having trouble with? cheers, Scott:ice_thy-vi101212101
  14. i found the perfect addition for your 24 speed, a motorcycle noise maker. they don't make it in chrome though. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31l%2BHKJT8DL._SL500_AA230_.jpg
  15. keep up the good work. pretty soon you will have to run around in the shower to get wet. cheers, Scott
  16. yup we have done the Dragon, it was okay
  17. i sure hope you win.
  18. thank you for your responses and p.m.'s. they now have a place to park the truck and trailer. this thread can now be deleted.
  19. i have two cousins going to Daytona bike week later this month and are trailering their bikes down south. they are looking for a safe place to park a pickup truck and enclosed trailer for a couple of weeks. they will be heading down I-75. can anyone out there in the southern States help them with a place to park? cheers, Scott
  20. hi Clay i have been running with a homemade electric jacket for the wife for the last two or three years now. my wife likes the jacket because her arms used to get cold. i would recommend the jacket instead of a vest. i run an 86VR and have never had any issues with the battery/.charging system. cheers, Scott p.s. : the Barnett clutch is awesome.
  21. we miss you on here too. keep your chin up, we all want you back on that bike soon. cheers, Scott and Sherry
  22. glad to hear you are home. take it easy, heal well cheers, Scott and Sherry
  23. you take care of yourself, and check back in when you are up to it. Scott and Sherry
  24. prayers sent for you Annie. see you back on here soon. Scott and Sherry
  25. hi Gary this is a Canadian store i deal with. they are just north of hwy 401 and hwy 400 in Toronto. http://radioworld.ca/index.php?cPath=90&filter_id=46
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