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Everything posted by mother

  1. i tried to use mine and asked how much gas can i get for this all the attendant did was pass wind!
  2. happy birthday young lady:cool10: hope you had a NaughT day:think: i will have a "Bahama Mama|" drink to celebrate your birthday:beer: big hugs and kisses:bighug: see you when we get back.
  3. hey Don lots of new procedures with positive results. my cousin, next door neighbour, and a good friend have gone through this in the past year with great results. . extra prayers going out to you Sherry and Scott
  4. great job, now sherry wants you to come over and do ours too.
  5. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7ZmfYB0iOs&feature=related]YouTube - The Coolest SMART Ever![/ame]
  6. now go to You Tube and look up "Smartuki" and see what some guys are doing to the smart cars.
  7. i had blueberry waffles for breakfast and blueberry bagel for lunch now i am feeling blue #1 but thank you Charlie for letting us know!
  8. so what do you think?
  9. mother

    I can not

    you should put velcro on the garage door and get the boyfriend to wear a wool sweater. hey Brooke, where did the new boyfriend go? when my daughters came home with a new boyfriend i would hand the new young fellow a t-shirt with a target on the front and on the back. i am 6 ft 4 and 280 lbs. no questions were asked.
  11. Scott and Sherry
  12. Merry Christmas to you too.
  13. wrong direction
  14. prayers still coming your way. Scott and Sherry
  15. heal well, take it easy and try and be good. Scott and Sherry
  16. take it easy and heal well. are you now using your gremlin bell to ring for service well i guess you can surf the web to plan for next years adventure too. cheers, Scott
  17. i have an electric version of the bikes in the video. they are different to drive. i also have an electric 1/8 dirt bike. cheers, Scott
  18. and it is still celebrated in Newfoundland.
  19. my granddaughter, Ava at 2 months old
  20. prayers sent be strong.
  21. congradulations.
  22. too much turkey and boiled cabbage gives me bad gas.
  23. http://thekneeslider.com/images/millyardv10.jpg how about one of these. okay, an FJR with ABS.
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