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Everything posted by mother

  1. Eye hope you have a relaxing day. enjoy:draming: Cheers, Scott:beer:
  2. 1rooster's idea is awesome and thank you for sharing. i copied randy's idea and it works awesome anywhere i go. i can pull into my garage and use one finger on the trunkbox and rotate the bike around so i can ride straight out.
  3. i have had them on my 86 for a few years now, easy to install and they sound great, not quiet and not loud. picked them up on ebay for 10 bucks then found out two of my cousins had their brand new RK in their garage and i could have had them for free. i would check around and ask harley owners if they have a pair kickin around.
  4. it looks like you took her out for dinner would you like flies with that.
  5. i agree with Friesman, get your butt over to ER. dont play around with your eyesight. take care and hope all works out. Scott
  6. that was the first time i ever seen the southern game of pick up truck catchin. hope the weather stays good for you two, enjoy cheers, Scott
  7. our condolences go out to you and your family. Scott and Sherry
  8. prayers sent, and hope he recovers well. Scott and Sherry
  9. Don, i had this happen last night also, around 7pm. when i pulled up the venture sign in page, that would come up as usual to sign in. then i entered name and password, hit enter and then the page with unable to redirect came up. i tried again maybe an hour later and same thing came up. then i started having venturesite withdrawl. i did get on later last night with no problem, whew!
  10. mine did the same scenario. jumper out the sidestand switch and see if that works. that was my problem. installed a brand new switch and all back to normal. cheers, Scott
  11. we all hate to hear when things like this happen. take it easy, thank goodness you are okay. give Joyce a big hug from us. Scott and Sherry
  12. we have them up here in Canada too. glad you and Linda are okay. give her a big hug from me. cheers, Scott:beer:
  13. we will be praying for her also. hang in there, that is one special lady you have. family is so important, you can't give em enough hugs and kisses. Scott and Sherry
  14. prayers go out to Ponch and his family Scott and Sherry
  15. i have both the 550 and the 660. i prefer to use the 660 on the bike as it has a bigger screen and is easier to see. cheers, Scott
  16. congrats on the new ride. first gens are the fast ones:whistling: enjoy:biker: cheers, Scott
  17. there is a small phillips screw on the side of the lower slider that you take out to drain the forks. the hex that you are attempting to take out is if you want to take the forks apart to replace the fork seals. then you would need to take the fork top caps off, remove the spring, then you need a special tool (you can make your own) to go down almost to the bottom of the inside of the fork. the tool goes into a socket, and you then take the hex key in the bottom of the fork (the one that you are trying to loosen) and then it can be unbolted and the bottom slider can be removed. do a search and check for fork seal replacement, some good articles here on the site. you can make your own tool, i did, the long one that goes down the fork tube. hope this helps. cheers, Scott
  18. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li6KVbyJPtI]YouTube - new type motorcycle trike[/ame]
  19. did no one tell you the first rule of motorcycling is the natural position of a motorcycle is laying down. so that is why we take motorcycle riding course, to learn how to keep it upright trouble is the darn things want to lay down for a snooze once and a while. i commend you for giving it a go, and dont give up. hope that leg heals well, take care. cheers, Scott and Sherry
  20. mother

    I am ready

    i hope you tightened the locence plate bolts, you seem to forget doing that. also did you check the blinker fluid cheers, Scott:beer:
  21. hope all heals well and fast, riding season is here. all the best for you, we continue our prayers for you:thumbsup2: hope to see you soon. cheers, Scott and Sherry
  22. nice find Gary, glad you are enjoying it. p.s. don't show it to Sherry or you will lose it for sure. cheers, Scott
  23. we have been running the saltwater pool chlorinator for 5 years now and love it. i used to spend 150 a year in chlorine, now i buy three bags of pool salt 10 bucks a bag and i am good for the season. the system is automated, i dont check the chemical level as much as i did with chlorine. my girls love the saltwater, say their skin is solfter and their hair is soft when they get out. with chlorine they would always have a shower after a swim. cheers, Scott
  24. there is only a one of a kind Charlie that i know. if people had trouble identifying you, ya shoulda changed your last name to Beer:beer:
  25. thank you for the chuckle. a friend of mine said he got a pickup truck for his wife. i said to him "nice trade"
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