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Everything posted by mother

  1. http://www.3wheelers.com/badsey.html http://www.3wheelers.com/badbulbikejr.jpg
  2. actually not too bad to get in, a little awkward getting out. i wound her up and had some fun, i goes ike stink i was suprised that the ride was very smooth the front end feels wide, the clutch has a light feel i drive stick, so the gear shift was precise and shifted well it is not a bike, but it put a grin on my face
  3. my neighbours, but i took it out for a good run.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=926850124087589&set=a.507857392653533.1073741825.100002878302383&type=3
  5. aha, there is the culprit
  6. i thought you were going to send the two pieces back to Carl the way it is. two pieces is better than one i thought. ah ah ah. i know nothing and yes we were getting crazy gaps on two of the cylinders exhaust valves only. front left and back right cylinder good suggestion to check compression. we did a check and there is shim in the bucket. once we get valve took then we can remove shim to see what thickness is in there. the shim buckets are above the casting and when the cam lobe hits the shim, the bucket seemed to be pressed down and did return back up. with such a gap, the exhaust valve will not open very much. to be continued.
  7. i noticed it too, thought i was seeing things again
  8. a definite must do. so easy to do and you end up with wow , what awesome brakes. cheers, Scott
  9. was it about blinker fluid?
  10. i have one also with more than two sets of shims. when ya heading down this way?
  11. i bought a second gen which is a 4 brush, from pinwall for 50 bucks
  12. definetly the Canadian ambassador
  13. ouch
  14. and she can even make you a sandwich while workin on it.
  15. wondering where you disappeared. stop in if you are down this way. cheers, Scott
  16. Why was Ward racing while impaired. A race car driver never exits his vehicle unless on fire. Nobody in their right mind would purposely run someone over. Especially an experienced professional race car driver. If mandatory drug testing was in place, Ward would not have been on the track. Now both families lives have changed.
  17. Yup, this couple has been spotted many places including north of the border.
  18. Wow Eck. You heal well. Glad you are gonna be okay.
  19. Here is hoping that you get better. Prayers coming your way.
  20. An I missed it
  21. have fun guys an gals. more nuts than us, can i show up on a tricycle?
  22. Passport needed. Debit and credit cards accepted almost everywhere. Marine city is a great place to cross Michigan into Ontario. Niagara falls is a must see. Are you crossing back into the USA at Kingston or Buffalo? Cheers Scott .
  23. Have a great day
  24. That electrical draw is from the reserve headlight relay. If low beam burns out it switches to high beam.
  25. take some pics. hope all goes smooth. cheers, Scott
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