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Everything posted by usedcyclesales
'05 Tour Deluxe. Is there an exhaust mod that can be done to this bike?? The reason I ask is it is loud and makes a BAP BAP sound I know it's not the stock sound seems to be more prevalent on the left and when I looked in the pipe It all looks normal no drilled holes etc... Here's a link to hear it once the idle is up it's of course not as prevelant but listen to when it first starts once warmed up and at normal idle that's what it sounds like. [ame] [/ame]
I wasn't out to offend any one , just venting. A very good friend of mine works there. I was a Manager for 2 different furniture retailers and he worked for me for 10 years. He couldn't tell you what a finishing nail is or an opened end wrench, but he has SALES experience and believe me in all retail that's more important, a good sales man will tell some one " don't know the answer to that, but give me a minute and I'll FIND OUT" All I got was never heard of it try that department....Oh and to make matters worse I told my son this morning I posted this . He and his friend were with me and his buddy asked for some LOC-TITE and they said they didn't carry it...........but of course he found some.:rotf::rotf:
Bought my son a new laptop for Christmas, it has windows 8. When I asked him if he liked it and if I would, the first thing he said was that "Dad you'll get frustrated learning how to use it" so I'm sticking with 7 But he says it's much much better and EASIER to use . But he's 22 and in college and uses a lot more programs than probably any one of you or definetley, me, would ever dream of,:rotf::rotf:and I'm to old for that "read the instructions" thing :rotf: It's like video games if it doesn't ,shoot drive or fly I can't play it!!!!!!!!
Ever since the BIG BOYS have come to my town it sucks . First SUPER Walmart then Lowes and ACE HARDWARE was forced out now I can't get a damn thing . I started in hardware Djh told me about a P CLAMP for the Harley pipe mod so I asked for a P CLAMP they sent me to plumbing because 2 guys in hardware did't know what I was talking about, went to plumbing first 2 guys DUH what's a P CLAMP ?? then an old guy over heard me and said maybe in electrical so all the way back across the store and GUESS WHAT THEY NEVER HEARD OF A P CLAMP so then he said (the old guy ) lets go to hardware , well that's where I started, he dug around and finally found one . So I get home and phone the ACE that's about 12 miles away and ask for some one who knows bolts, I ask him for a specific size and he says he just didn't have one that big , so then I ask how about a P CLAMP??? and he says "sure what size ya need?":confused24::rotf::rotf:
MARVEL MYSTERY OIL WORKS BETTER!!!!! 2 16z bottles for $5 Advanced auto
Check out this link Article about Cearwater Beach You might want to hit on your way back it's about 45 minutes from 75 I live 20 minutes from there. On your way back you can swing right off 75 towards St. Petersburg and go over the Sunshine Sky Way Bridge over to St Pete beach then on up ALT. 19 to St.Johns Pass then Clearwater. http://www.johnspass.com/index.php/about/ http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_rn=3&gs_ri=psy-ab&cp=8&gs_id=w&xhr=t&q=Skyway+Bridge&es_nrs=true&pf=p&tbo=d&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&oq=Skyway+B&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.eWU&fp=12948d4393918b3c&biw=1536&bih=764 http://www.usatoday.com/videos/travel/destinations/2013/02/16/1924743/
From what I've heard it would take out an area the size of the state of Maryland.
According to ALL the news reports except the one here ALL the damage was caused by the SONIC BOOM literally shattering windows in a wide area everything else is RUMOR......This I believe. When the Space shuttle landed here in Florida we could here the SONIC BOOM here in Tampa which is over 200 miles from Cape Canaveral. The reason being is that they timed the shuttle to break the sound barrier while it was still high enough not to cause sound damage like the meteor did. The one passing by tonight is about half the size of a football field and 12 stories in Height it's called DA14 it will actually be closer than some of those TV and communication satellites It's a damn shame we couldn't steer that thing some where near IRAN or maybe North Korea's Presidential Palace.
The one thing I can recommend is make sure you have an extra bottle of Gator aide or power aide on hand I live in Tampa area and that time of year the weather will be HOT and 100% humidity if you drink Gator aide you will feel much much more comfortable, Don't just drink water. It's been quite some time since I've been there, really nothing special being I live in Tampa area, and beaches here are rated much higher than there. But YOU SURE CAN PARTY THERE, Which way are you coming down?? you either go east coast or west coast of Florida. If I were you I would come down via St. Augustine take A1A it's right on the water to Daytona then to Miami Beach. Other than Miami Beach ALL hotels are gonna be cheap here that time of year.
New Fairing for 2008 RSTD
usedcyclesales replied to troutman's topic in Royal Star and Royal Star Tour Deluxe Tech Talk
I really don't mean to be rude but that fairing looks like every other harley fairing, where as, why not just buy a venture??? Or is it the harley look that your going for??? -
6.95 at NAPA and Auto Zone and Walmart and Advance Auto stores will all match the price, BUT I use MARVEL MYSTERY OIL ,does the same thing been using it FOREVER and it's cheaper than the home brew at Advance right now $5 for 2 16 OZ. Bottles .31 per oz. :cool10:
Carbs Still????
usedcyclesales replied to usedcyclesales's topic in Royal Star and Royal Star Tour Deluxe Tech Talk
Don't need photo but in my case the idle goes up then down so could just be a bad spring i know this bike sat for a very long time so I'm gonna tear it apart again and grease it up good button her up and give it a go. The difference with mine is originally the idle stayed high first time i sprayed WD it went high then low then high then low I tore it apart looking for vacuum leak sprayed the carbs put sea foam in them and let it sit over night . Ran good for a while then idled back up but not nearly as high then down so maybe bad spring. The bike was garaged in Panama City Florida but salt air even if it's garaged effects everything THANKS:fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo -
Thought i fixed the problem but idle still creeps up and goes down, not as bad but still there. Vacuum leak?? QUESTION: If i take everything off the carbs (Tank and disconnect all hoses) and I have a way to feed them gas, shouldn't they run normal since there will be no vacuum loss or will there... I took everything apart checked all the hose air intake and buttoned her up really good and at first I thought I had it fixed but same thing again idle started going up and then down making me think it';s one of the carbs, I refuse to take it to a shop They want $89 to check and MAYBE tell me whats wrong. I did the vacuum check with carb spray to see if there was a leak and the idle did increase the problem is when I do that it's very hard to tell EXACTLY where it is you really can't spray an inch wide spot just an area and when I took everything off it all looked fine......SO HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I totally agree, i used to belong to the ROADSTAR forum and there where two guys on there that new the 1600 and the 1700 inside out and I mean I don't care what you asked they knew everything, but, they both were motorcycle mechanics and that's what they did for a living . In defense of everyone here I myself have found 2 different sets of specs on the 1st GEN one states 28mm carbs and the other claims they have 32mm carbs. The specs on the 2nd GEN tend to all agree on the size of carbs and the HP also the weight difference of 120Lbs wet. I've googled yahooed and done all the searches I care to do. I'll just leave at ones bigger than the other and newer. Thanks for all the info.................:confused24:
So are you saying HP is the SAME??? Here's a link that show a 2007 specs and CARBS ARE 32MM the same I'm not super smart when it comes to motors but I really want to know EXACTLY how this was done and now I've got another QUESTION when you say DE TUNED what exactly does that mean?? I've heard that term before but don't know how that's done either http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/yamaha_royal_star_venture_2007.php
I've asked this question on another web sight and I've yet to get an answer . according to specifications , a 1996,97,98 Royal star engine has 73 HP and The 1999 Venture has the SAME ENGINE, Bore and stroke , carburetors and compression ratio and HP is 98 according to specs. How was that achieved?? I've found articles about the increase in HP but none that state how it was done?? Oh and one other question ,what was the purpose of the the added bracket on upper front of engine to the frame?? (other than to make it harder for me to change spark plugs LOLOL)???
One other thing where's the extra horse power come from? Same carbs, same bore and stroke. I really don't know, and can't find the difference other than they say in 1999 up the venture has 98HP and the older ones 74HP
I understand what your saying, and maybe I should have said quicker, the 97 is much lighter, the 05 is stock the 97 has cobra exhaust and carbs rejetted that's it. And I swear this to you I've been trying to sell it and last Saturday a Guy who just test rode a 07 tour deluxe and then came and rode my 97 . First words out of his mouth was "it seems a bit faster than the 07. Ther's 100+ lb difference and the saddle bags are off. Even at that I'll stand by my statement 0-60 97 all the way after that I couldn't tell you , hard to tell any differnce but the better ride 05 has that hands down...... http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/yamaha_royal_star_tour_deluxe_2005.php http://www.bikez.com/motorcycles/yamaha_xvz_1300_royal_star_tour_classic_1997.php
I just had the tank off my bike and in my opinion the air flow set up on the venture is the poorest I've ever seen. First it's blocked by the lower fairing then it takes a major turn UP , then down at an angle into a REALLY LARGE open essentially box shaped area then has to go down into the carbs, I'm no expert but it really isn't logical to me . I think they would have been better off with a design similar to the VMAX. I've got a 97 Tour classic and a 2005 Tour deluxe the 97 blows the 05 away as far as speed an handling, the 05 is better for the long haul and much softer ride. I guess that's what they call 6 of one half dozen of the other. BUT I DO LOVE THE WAY THEY LOOK NICE JOB!!!!!!!!!!
CARBS I think??
usedcyclesales replied to usedcyclesales's topic in Royal Star and Royal Star Tour Deluxe Tech Talk
Well I did all that and seems to be running much better , but not quite there yet and that could be the carbs being dirty I sprayed the hell out of them with carb cleaner and i took everything but the carbs apart and made sure all hoses and air passages were clean and connected THAT DID MAKE A DIFFERENCE so I figure I'm 3/4s of the way there. I'll run a few tanks with sea foam and see what happens...... Thanks! -
:rotf::rotf::rotf:I GOTTA SAY THAT"S A GOOD ONE!!!!
CARBS I think??
usedcyclesales replied to usedcyclesales's topic in Royal Star and Royal Star Tour Deluxe Tech Talk
hey Steve , you've helped me in the past. I really can't get at the part you're talking about withou removing fuel lines according to the manual and the air box above the carbs I just took the bike for a spin and after running sea foam through ( and letting sit over night ) she' starts and then when it warms up idles up to the point where you don't have to use the throttle through second gear. So, I guess I'm just going to take it all aprt down to the carbs and check everything........thanks