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Everything posted by 1sttenor

  1. From a former GW rider I agree.......my 06 is the most comfortable bike I've ever ridden. It's even better when you replace the front rubber with the MT90-16!
  2. So sorry for you misfortune. You'd think a bike as big as these people would see. Anyway, I'll be praying for you.
  3. I'm like Salty Dog. About every 120 or so, I stop, get gas, a coke, something, just get things moving again. I've been known to go farther, if really in a hurry, but I'm rarely in a hurry when on the scoot. I get on it to SLOW DOWN, my job is plenty stressful. Smell the roses when you can, tomorrow they just be briars.
  4. I put a digital voltmeter on the scoot, 06 RSV, last week. Today I rode it for the first time. Notes: ignition on, but on running 12.3v, idling with a Pilot LED brake/running light bar under the trunk and the passing lights on 13.5 volts. At 55 MPH in O/D, cruise on, CB on and radio on, 13.8 to 13.9 volts. Note: I turned everything off I could at one point still 13.9 volts. I'll check with the trailer on later in the spring.
  5. The Only one that's worked for me is rolling the right hand forward a few degrees! I've been doing some checking. I did a full tank at 74 (indicated) with the cruise activated on the interstate and got 38.7. I did a full tank in rolling hills/twisties at 50-60 and got 44. I couldn't believe it! Both were 1-up. NMHO, the throttle position has much more to do with fuel economy on the RSV than the roads ridden or conditions!
  6. Thanks to all. It seems pretty universal, Frogg Toggs. I ordered suits for both my wife and I this morning! MAYBE, it'll start warming up soon! Can't wait to hit the pavement.
  7. Hey All, I've decided it's finally time to replace my 20 year old rain suit. My wife and I are finally in a position where we can do a cross-country this year and I need to get new rain suits. Anyone got a rain suit that they're really pleased with. I don't want to spend $200-300 and not like it after the first gully-washer. Thanks Can't wait for spring!
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